Читать книгу Our First Half-Century: A Review of Queensland Progress Based Upon Official Information - Queensland - Страница 12

PUBLIC FINANCE (1859-1884).


Table of Contents

Importance of Sound Finance.—A Great Colony Starts upon a Bank Overdraft.—First Year's Revenue.—Land Sales as Revenue.—Deficits in First Decade.—Transfer of Loan Moneys to Revenue to Balance Accounts.—Heavy Public Works Expenditure.—Crisis of 1866.—Inconvertible Paper Currency Proposals.—Flotation of Treasury Bills. —Higher Customs Duties.—Wiping Out a Deficit by Issue of Debentures.—Transfer of Surplus to Surplus Revenue Account to Recoup Loan Fund.—Incidental Protection. —Railway Land Reserves.—Proceeds Used as Ordinary Revenue.—Three-million Loan.—Condition of Affairs at Close of First Quarter-Century.—Phenomenal Progress; Prospects Bright 33-38


Our First Half-Century: A Review of Queensland Progress Based Upon Official Information

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