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Chapter 4

“Can I help you, sir?” The lovely lady glanced up from the counter as Jon hustled into the boardinghouse. Jon slowed dramatically on his way to check-in, taken aback by the beauty of the friendly lady behind the counter. She was tall, just a few inches shorter than Jon, with dark flowing hair and a classically beautiful face adorned by gorgeous brown eyes framed by carefully manicured eyebrows. Her pink calico dress fit snuggly, accentuating her trim, curvy figure. Her smile seemed to warm up the entire room. Jon tried to collect himself and say something, but she beat him to the punch.

“I’m Maggie Callahan. Welcome to El Cabrera, Mr.…?”

“Oh…uh, Stoudenmire, Jon Stoudenmire.” A red-faced Jon went on. “Forgive me for fumbling, ma’am, it’s just that I wasn’t expecting to see a…uh…”

“A woman at the desk. Is that what you’re trying to say?” the smiling owner replied.

“Yes ma’am, especially one as lovely as you, Miss Callahan,” Jon said politely as he tipped his hat.

“Why thank you, Mr. Stoudenmire. How nice. Now, can I get you a room?”

“Yes, of course. I need a room on the second floor and at the end of the hall if at all possible.”

She turned; her lovely hand gently slid a key out of the rack. “Room 201 at the end of the hall as you requested.” She paused for a moment and looked down at Jon’s Colts. “I’ve worked long and hard to build my business, Mr. Stoudenmire. I don’t need any trouble here,” she said firmly as she dropped the key into Jon’s hand.

“I understand, Miss Callahan, I surely do. I’m not lookin’ for trouble from anybody.”

She raised her chin and smiled politely at the anxious gunman. “And that will be five dollars, please.”

Jon nervously poked around in his pocket, pulled out a five dollar gold piece and set it on the counter. His weathered, handsome face broke into a smile as he gathered up his belongings and headed up the narrow staircase to his room. He stepped inside, tossed his things on the bed in the corner of the room and glanced out the window at the street below. Busy little town, he thought as he wheeled around and hurried out.

As he passed the desk on his way out the front door, he tipped his hat politely to the stunning Miss Callahan; she smiled warmly. Jon quickly untied Babe from the hitching post and walked her down to the livery stable to get her some oats and well-deserved grooming. As Jon approached the stable, he could see a shadowy figure showing a horse just inside the front entrance.

“Evenin’,” Jon said loud enough so the man could hear. The aging stable hand looked around, somewhat startled by the unexpected voice.

“Evenin’. What can I do for ya?”

“Can you work another one into your schedule?”

“Sure can, Mister. That’s one of the prettiest palominos I’ve ever seen.” He laid the horse’s hoof on the ground and walked over to greet Jon.

“Thank ya kindly!” Jon said as they shook. “And if ya don’t mind, sir, I need a little advice.”

“Fire away! My wife tells me I’m good at giving advice.”

Jon grinned. “Ya got a bathhouse here in town? I’m needin’ a haircut and a bath real bad.”

“Sure ‘nough do. There’s a barber shop around the corner and he’s got a few tubs in the back.” The hand walked over and took the reins from Jon and led Babe into the stable.

“We had a long ride today. She got plenty hot out there—she might need a little extra time.”

“No problem, Mister. I’ll give her all the time she needs. Now, why don’t you quit fussin’ about your horse and get on outta here and relax a little bit? I promise I’ll take real good care of her.” His mouth curled up in a friendly grin.

Jon turned and headed for the bathhouse. His legs were stiff from the many hours of riding along those narrow mountain passes. It felt good to walk and stretch for a minute.

Several people seemed to recognize Jon from the earlier gunplay at the Dead End as he walked down the dusty street. Soon he was in front of the bath-house. He looked up at the well worn sign: “Harper’s Barbershop.” As Jon jumped up on the boardwalk and hurried in, he noticed another sign advertising “Shave, haircut, and bath, four bits.”

Return of the Gun

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