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For some thousands of years, the World has been the battle ground to decide which religious viewpoint, is to become the main player in the “God” stakes, but, none of the three main contenders - Judaism, Christianity, or Islam - can really substantiate any claims that they, alone, can speak with authority, of God’s precepts.

That they have the right to speak of their representational view-points and Pathways is, of course, undoubted, but the thousands of deaths that have been caused, and are still being caused - by this conflict of authenticity - emphasizes the difficulties, when exclusivity of belief is required.

Choices of the correct pathway to reach God are, of course, Man’s decision to make, or not, as he sees fit, and, it has to be agreed, that one of them, or, a combination of all, or, of some of them, may be the right choice for an individual to make.

However, it seems to me that a different, neutral, approach is required, and it is hoped that the following will assist this process.

Pathway Choices

1. Religions.

It should be kept in mind, that Man-made Religions may, or may not, be approved by God, and it must be acknowledged that the multiplicity of religious beliefs – each purporting to be the true version of God’s requirements - should only be considered as Man’s best efforts, to justify his religion of choice.

An amalgam of the three main mono-Theistic beliefs – Judaism, Christianity and Islam - may be closer to the ideal religious answer. However, consider the following :

2. Science.

The Universe was formed in accordance with the Laws of Physics, that were provided by God – to form our Solar system. This included the evolvement of energy into various element mixes, which then coalesced into the substances, necessary for the Universe, planets, etc. etc. to be created.

Perhaps a simpler universally accepted pathway, acknowledging these Laws, as the foundation of the Universe, and including the ‘Golden Rule’ or a similar creed, to be laid down as Mankind’s preferred behaviour, might be acceptable to all. Consider the following:


1 Absolute proof that God exists is shown by the fact that the Laws of Physics had to already be in existence, prior to, and, to enable, the “Big Bang” to occur, as a subsequent event. Who do you think created these Laws?Incidentally, as the generation of sound requires an atmosphere, that was non-existent at that time – this creative activity should really be known as the “Big Flash” not the Big Bang.

2 It may also be of interest that this “Big Flash”, conforms to v. 3 of Chap 1. of Genesis – the first book of Moses, in the Old Biblical Testament – “and God said - Let there be Light and there was Light”.I suggest - a very Big Flash of Light – but, no sound!

3 It also, follows, that it is , very reasonable, to say, that as inexplicable Life energy, has existed since time immemorial, and inexplicable “cures or happenings” still occur from time to time, that these are continuing confirm-ation that God exists.


 A world set up so that Human beings could emerge is known as an Anthropic Universe, and, as our World seems to be fine-tuned for our existence, it suggests that the evolvement of the Human Race was predestined.

 As the mind is an energy processor – the illusion of physicality starts at birth and ends at death – but the energy content – Soul or Inner Self --- is not lost - only transformed.

 An opinion on the existence of the Soul, or Inner Self, is often difficult for everyone to accept, except to say, that Mankind, if pressed, might agree that it could exist as a mental concept, but, often, there is a reluctance to accept that it is a divinely inspired entity. This is, probably, because Man’s ego doesn’t want to accept that, really, he is not in charge of his lifetime achievements.

 Consider this : Physical Man is Energy Man - who is controlled by Mental Man - who is advised by Ego Man and Spiritual Man (Inner Self).

 Now apart from counselling, when allowed, during quiet occasions, the Inner Self’s purpose is to assist Mankind, in the realisation of his spiritual self, on his journey to his final destination.

A Philosophy for Today’s Changing World

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