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I believe there are times that seeing things from a different perspective helps illuminate what was not understood before. It appears God’s soldiers are becoming weary in the constant warfare against our bodies and are battling with our faith. Our once stable foundation has begun to crumble under our feet. Physical sickness, disease, ill-health has weakened our resolve and we question if healing really belongs to God’s soldiers.

In this book, I will endeavor to use different aspects of faith to encourage the downtrodden to rise above whatever storm or fiery dart of Satan trying to engulf them. Whether we are facing sin, sickness, grief, financial difficulty, etc., it is the same principle of faith to disable the fiery darts.

If the faith walk was a walk in the park, God would not have emphasized that only he that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son (Revelation 21:7). We are at war with a supernatural enemy bent on our destruction. Only supernatural weapons will defeat him.

I revealed in my first book Storms Are Faith’s Workout the importance of comprehending that storms are to be expected if we are to live by faith. Storms happen as surely as the sun rises and sets each day. Yet, many of God’s soldiers are ill prepared for the storms that assail us almost daily. Unless we comprehend what Christ’s death on the cross has given us, we will keep being overcome by the storms, obstacles, and strategies the devil hurls at us.

As we look around, we see some people overcoming whatever storm is flung at them, while others are being overcome by the storm. The severity of the storm is not the question, the question is why do some overcome, and others go under?

The Bible is quite explicit that God is not a respecter of persons (Romans (9:6). So, what makes the difference? Do others possess something different? I believe it’s because many Christians do not know how to use the faith God has given them. It’s like the person who has a typewriter, but has never learned to type. We can’t blame the typewriter for our inefficiency and incompetence in our inability to type. Likewise, we can’t blame God for our inefficiency and incompetence in our ability to be men and women of supernatural faith.

God has dealt to each of us a measure of faith (Romans 12:3). God desires that we truly represent Christ by overcoming daily. God’s soldiers are supposed to be children of faith. We should see healings and miracles take place. A natural faith will not succeed or triumph. We must understand for faith to work, it has to be on the supernatural level. It must rise from the natural to the supernatural. It must rise from the physical to the spiritual.

Christian, when we were born again, the measure of faith we received was and still is enough to overcome everything we will ever face. That measure of faith is able to move mountains out of our life. It is able to heal. It is able to get our bills paid. It is able to give us the victory in whatever storm, obstacle, strategy of Satan comes our way.

This book is meant to enlighten God’s soldiers about supernatural faith and its power to quench the fiery darts of Satan. No matter what we may have to confront on our journey of faith, supernatural faith will disable it.

Although we should come away with the knowledge to disable or quench all the fiery darts of Satan, we should attain an understanding of how to overcome the fiery darts that are aimed at our physical body. A proper knowledge will defeat unbelief.

My book, Satan’s Strategy to Torment Through Physical Ambush: Educating God’s Soldiers of Satan’s Plot to Shatter Faith Through Sickness and Disease, was written to enlighten God’s soldiers to the satanic stronghold that has developed against the Body of Christ.

Prayerfully, in these pages supernatural faith to quench all fiery darts, as well as disabling the darts of sickness and disease will be revealed. It has become apparent that many are losing the battle to fight demonic attacks in our bodies. When that happens, we lose many other battles.

In the book mentioned above, I revealed Satan’s strategy to physically ambush God’s soldiers. If you have not read it, I recommend it as a foundation for this book. The devil knows that we seem to be the weakest when we are fighting sickness and disability in our own bodies. We become self-centered and often become oblivious to what is going on around us. This is made evident on the battle field during any war. Once a soldier is injured, he/she can lose focus on the battle because of the severity of the injury.

It can be difficult to focus on the needs of others while we are tending to our pain, sickness, disease, grief, difficulties, troubles, etc. That’s why we must comprehend that Satan is working overtime to get God’s soldiers mindful of our own problems, our own storms, our own mountains, our own obstacles, our own bodily affliction, etc.

Healing is the children’s bread. Jesus made that truth clear in his discourse with the woman from Canaan. He made evident that healing belongs to God’s soldiers (his children). As long as we know that God is NOT calling us home, it is his will for us to be in health.

I stated in my book, Satan’s Strategy to Torment Through Physical Ambush, the only time we may have to endure a sickness or disease is because God has permitted a thorn in our flesh to keep us humble. However, I also revealed that a thorn in the flesh, allowed by God, will manifest the power of God in our life. This is seen in the lives of the Apostle Paul, Joni Eareckson Tada, as well as others such as Nicholas James Vujicic an Australian Christian evangelist who was born without arms and legs. Each life exhibits or exhibited the power of God in a mighty way. Despite the infirmity, they reveal what a vessel yielded to God can do.

In other words, if our infirmity continuously keeps us from doing what God has called us to do, it is NOT a thorn in our flesh. It is a strategy of Satan to keep us incapacitated, debilitated, weakened, out of action, etc. and must be disabled through faith. We must learn to quench the fiery darts through supernatural faith.

If you have picked up this book, you are seeking the wherewith to overcome the battle raging in your body. Whether you are trying to overcome sin, sickness, disease, etc., this book is meant to reinforce the truth that supernatural faith resides in you through the Holy Spirit. That faith or power is able to quench all the fiery darts assailed against you, and enable you to receive spiritual and physical healing!

Supernatural Faith Disables

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