Читать книгу Promiscuous - R. Moreen Clarke - Страница 8



A thin bead of sweat trickled down the side of her forehead as she basked in the plastic lounge chair on the white sandy beach. Her dark brown hair was loosely pushed up under an orange straw-woven hat. A modest orange bikini covered her small but perky breasts and contrasted perfectly with the cinnamon tones of her skin. The Florida heat added its own highlight to this perfect picture by creating a glowing sheen to her skin in the form of tiny beads of sweat. Connie Jefferson was oblivious to the enticing package she made that day on Juno Beach, but someone watching her from a distance was not.

Listening to her internal clock, she opened her eyes and reached into her beach bag for her watch. It was three o’clock. Another Sunday afternoon spent alone. She sighed and tossed the watch back in the bag. There was no real need to race home; she could stay at least another hour. Turning over on her stomach, she rested her face on her forearms and closed her eyes, allowing the sun to do its job on her well-formed back, shoulders, and shapely legs.

Thoughts of Marshall drifted unchecked across her mind. She wondered what he was doing and with whom he was doing it. Pangs of unexpected jealousy and dislike arose sharply toward the unknown woman he was probably making love to at this moment. Two years had passed since their afternoon on the lake and he’d never mentioned it. What had she expected? Not as much as a phone call, a note, a card, or something to acknowledge the fact that they had shared an intensely intimate and passionate afternoon together. How about “I’m sorry about the misunderstanding”? There had been no misunderstanding. He’d given her exactly what she craved at that moment. Maybe he could have said, “I’m sorry for slipping between your thighs and leaving you wanting more, for creating a void no man could fill.” Agitated by her thoughts, Connie turned her face to the other side and brushed away an errant tear. She acknowledged the mixed feelings he evoked in her. She hated Marshall James. Hated him for being everything she ever wanted and knew she would never have, and she loved him for giving her one unforgettable moment in time.

Two years ago in the summer of 2003, Connie took a weekend trip to the Isle of St. John in North Florida with a group of friends. The retreat was hosted by a former employer and close friend. Connie was originally supposed to attend the party with her beau, who unfortunately broke up with her a few weeks before the trip. Her friend Tina assured her the cabin would be filled with several other single guests and it would do her good to be around people and not home sulking. Reluctantly Connie agreed to go alone. She’d always looked forward to any opportunity to stay at the cabin and decided to make the best of her time out at the lake.

The trip was actually a success, because Connie did forget all about her heartbreak that hot, long weekend, but she replaced it with a memory that would stay with her forever, when fate tossed her a curveball in the form of a well-meaning, gorgeous, compassionate, and sexy Marshall James.

It was the first time she’d been out to the cabin at the same time as Marsh. They’d met on earlier occasions at the Millers’, but never really spent any appreciable amount of time in each other’s company. Marshall was also a close friend of the hosts, and often acted in the capacity of second host, making sure all the guests were taken care of and had everything they needed. At six feet two inches tall, with a dark bittersweet chocolate complexion and well-formed muscular body, Marsh was rarely without female companionship. He was a successful real estate developer, and his financial stability rounded out the already appetizing package. Women fawned over him and competed for his attention on a regular basis.

He’d arrived at the cabin with a stunning dark-haired beauty. She was tall and slim with voluptuous enhanced breasts and a smooth mocha complexion. While the women snickered and whispered behind her back, referring to her as a Black Barbie doll, the men suddenly developed a newfound respect for Marshall. They were hoping to live vicariously through a few stories with him. But Marshall was a gentleman above all else, and kiss-and-tell boasting was not his style.

It was the gentleman and host in him that noticed how out of sorts Connie was, early on that weekend. Although they had not spoken more than a few words at previous meetings, he went out of his way to lift her spirits. He’d offered to take her canoeing. She agreed, because it was an opportunity to get away from the throng of guests milling around the cabin. They were out on the water about twenty minutes when she told him of her recent breakup. She felt comfortable talking with him and gave him her thoughts on why the relationship failed, and expressed her disappointment at being unsuccessful with men. He assured her it was not her fault; she simply hadn’t met the right man yet. She was staring reflectively out at the water, mulling over his statement, when they were hit with a sudden fierce rain shower.

As often happens in the “Sunshine State” of Florida, there had been no warning signs. One minute the sky was clear, and the next they were hit with a deluge.

By the time they reached the shore, they were both drenched. After assisting her from the canoe, Marsh grabbed her hand and they ran toward the cabin. As they reached the steps, he realized that if they rushed inside, they would track water all through the cabin.

He pulled her around to the shed behind the cabin, certain he could find towels inside. When they reached the shed, they both darted inside out of the pelting rain. Marsh searched until he found the pile of spare towels. He handed one to her and draped the second over his shoulders. They looked at each other and burst out laughing at their predicament.

Connie dried her hair and face with the towel he’d given her. Her eyes were filled with mirth, and twinkled up at him in the dim light of the shed. He thought she looked absolutely inviting. As his gaze traveled down her body, he noticed her wet cotton shirt was plastered against her firm round breasts. He felt a familiar stirring in his groin, and with the sole intention of trying to be a gentleman, he removed the larger towel from his shoulders and wrapped it around her shoulders.

He knew she was unaware her breasts and erect nipples were clearly visible to him through the thin cotton blouse she wore. Holding on to the ends of the towel, he pulled it snuggly around her shoulders and up under her chin.

She reached up to take the ends of the towel in her hand, and her hands touched his. His intention changed as the sensation of her warm hands on his lit a fire in the pit of his stomach. With the ends of the towel still in his grasp, he pulled her closer to him. She looked up to see him staring at her intently. It was clear what was on his mind. Alone in the shed, she knew it would be impossible to resist him.

Embarrassed by the naked desire she saw in his eyes, she tried to lighten the mood. “Hey” was all she was able to get out before he leaned down and kissed her. His lips were warm, soft and yet demanding at the same time. Tingling sensations raced through her body. Somehow she secretly knew it would be like this with Marsh. She willingly gave in to the desires raging inside and opened her mouth under the gentle pressure of his. The passion of their kiss deepened.

Connie began to feel weak in the knees as the tingling sensations traveled lower and settled in the depth of her feminine core. She offered no resistance as he walked her backward to a cot in the far corner of the shed. He lay down on the cot and pulled her down next to him. Overcome by her own physical desires, she was powerless to resist him. She nestled in the crook of his arm, and returned his kisses with equal ardor. His hand, which had been caressing her midriff, was moving up under the rising mound of her breast. Arching her back, she longed for the feel of his hands on her. She was not disappointed. His warm hand cupped her breast and he began massaging the sensitive bud of her nipple with his thumb. She could feel the moistness starting between her legs as the full length of his erect manhood was etched along her thigh.

They rode along with the waves of unbridled passion engulfing them. Marsh deftly began to unbutton her blouse. At the same time she reached over to unbuckle his jeans. An urgent need for physical connection spurred their actions. He eased her out of her blouse and unsnapped the front-hook bra she was wearing. Her breasts sprang free. He paused for a moment to behold the physical beauty of this woman in his arms, and then dipped his head to latch onto her nipple with his mouth.

She moaned aloud in pleasure as he teased the rigid peaks with his tongue. The sensations cascading through her body were driving her crazy with desire for him. Reaching inside his unzipped pants, she slipped her hand inside his briefs and touched the hard, yet velvety smooth, skin of his organ. A sharp intake of breath from Marsh let her know the pleasure he derived from her touch.

His attention turned back to her mouth. Her lips were trembling with anticipation as he began kissing her deeply again. His free hand now slipped inside the elastic waistband of her shorts. He found the pleasure spot he was seeking and began massaging her lightly. Waves of ecstasy cascaded through her body at his touch as he brought her to a fierce climax.

He released her and stood up to remove his jeans. Staring down at her, he hesitated for a brief moment, having second thoughts about what he was going to do next. The hesitation disappeared as she reached up for him. He climbed back on the cot and slid between her open and welcoming legs. She arched her back and raised her hips to accept him as he drove deep into the warm moist comfort of her body. Her fingers gripped the sinewy muscles of his biceps as the ensuing sensations overwhelmed them both. Their bodies met in a fierce union of passion and desire. Minutes later they lay spent in each other’s arms.

Reality and clarity returned more quickly for Marshall than for Connie. Concerned he’d allowed his passion to overrule his head and taken advantage of her in a vulnerable state, he asked, “Are you okay?”

Against the warmth of his chest, she murmured, “Yes.”

Instead of easing his concern, it was suddenly elevated. Connie was nestled in his arms like she belonged there. He, too, felt at peace having her there. But he knew she was still vulnerable from her last relationship. He also remembered he had not come to the cabin alone that weekend. He’d brought along a date, who was probably wondering where he was.

“Connie,” he started. She looked up at him and saw the concern in his eyes. She misinterpreted the look on his face as regret. Reality came crashing back. What had she done? In those wanton, lustful moments she had wanted to feel loved and desired. She’d lost her head and just made love to someone else’s man. It was something she never thought she would do. How could she face the woman now, knowing what she’d done?

“Oh, I’m…Oh boy…,” she said, suddenly feeling very naked, emotionally and physically. She sat up and reached for her bra and blouse. She snapped the hooks on the bra, but her trembling fingers had difficulty closing the buttons on the wet blouse. Marsh watched in silence as a tear trickled down her cheek. He zipped his pants and knelt in front of her and closed his hands over her trembling ones. She stopped attempting to button the blouse and allowed him to do it for her. Her tears continued to fall silently, wetting his hands. He leaned over and kissed her trembling lips.

“This was not your fault,” he said. “I shouldn’t have taken advantage of you, of your feelings. I’m sorry. I’d never hurt you for anything in the world, Connie. Believe me, I wouldn’t,” he finished earnestly, and pulled her into his arms.

“I know you wouldn’t, Marsh,” she said, and wiped the tears off her cheeks. Steeling herself, she continued, “Neither one of us was thinking beyond the moment. I can’t pretend to be sorry for what we shared, but what about your girlfriend?”

“She’s not my girlfriend. I’ve only been seeing her for a couple of weeks. I mean, I know it was still kind of disrespectful. Damn,” he said. “I’m not saying I’m sorry it happened either. I think you’re a little vulnerable right now and I should have taken this into consideration before coming on to you, but you were so…” He’d known Connie as an acquaintance and he always admired her, but right now he was feeling more than a little confused by the turn of events. His mind was battling with his heart to understand how these feelings snuck up on him. There were many things buzzing around his head he felt he had no right to voice. Instead, he stood up and turned back to look out the door. “I think it stopped raining. I’ll go back to the cabin first. You can follow me in a few minutes. I don’t want us to walk in there together, feeling or looking guilty.”

Connie thought she understood what he was trying to say so ineloquently. Much to her disappointment, it was all about sex. A hot, lustful moment of unbridled passion and she gave in to it without a second thought. A quickie. It would be foolish for her to even think there was, would, or could be more between her and Marshall James. “Okay,” she agreed, determined to be as nonchalant about the whole incident as she thought he was. She watched him leave the shed. A few minutes later she felt composed enough to head back to the cabin. She spent the rest of the weekend avoiding direct contact with him and his insignificant other.

After the interlude of the weekend Connie was sure Marsh would call. Just to say hello or something. Three months of anxiously checking her voicemail finally convinced her he was not going to call. Six months of silence convinced her he had forgotten all about her and their moment. His feelings about their time together finally became crystal clear to Connie; it had meant nothing to him. Over time they’d run into each other socially and the tension disappeared as a comfortable friendship grew between them. Yet their intimate encounter was never discussed.

The sky darkened overhead and a chill wind blew across her spine. The beach had emptied, except for a few hardy souls. It was time to go. Connie arose and began gathering up her beach chair, towel, and bags. She pulled a T-shirt from her bag and slipped it over her head. As she put on her sandals, a book slipped from the top of her bag. Hefting the bag back onto her shoulder and setting down the beach chair, she reached for the book.

“Allow me,” a gentleman said from behind her. He stepped in quickly and retrieved the book. He brushed off the sand it collected and handed it to her. A warm smile crossed his face and he extended his hand to introduce himself. “Hi, my name is Victor. Can I help you to your car?”

Connie took in his clean-shaven face and head. His skin was the color of toasted macadamia nuts and his smile was warm and friendly. Six feet tall, slight of build with a baby smooth, hairless chest, he was an attractive man. Maybe the fates were smiling on her after all. She handed him the plastic lounge chair and replied, “Thanks, my name is Connie.”

Victor called Connie several times the following week. They agreed to meet for dinner on Friday. Connie hadn’t been out on a date in a few months and was eagerly anticipating his arrival. She found him charismatic and a good conversationalist. He seemed well-informed on many topics.

For the evening she’d chosen a simple peach floral sundress with matching peach sandals and purse. After speaking with Victor throughout the week, she felt comfortable enough to allow him to pick her up at her home. Connie lived in a small two-bedroom villa not far from the beach. Her grandmother had passed two years earlier and left the villa to her. It needed a little work, but Connie was quite handy and creative. She’d turned it into a little haven filled with plants and a collage of pictures.

Victor arrived punctually at seven-thirty in a small sports car. He was attired as though he’d stepped off the cover of GQ—Florida style in a muted striped shirt, linen shorts, and a pullover sweater draped loosely across his shoulders.

When Connie answered the door and invited him inside, he presented her with a tiny gift-wrapped box. Genuinely surprised, she asked, “What’s this?”

“Just a small gesture to say I’m glad we met,” he replied.

She sat down on the couch and opened the box. Inside was a miniature bouquet of three tiny roses with a silver-plated bow around the stem. The crystal in the rose blossoms reflected a prism of colors from the light in the room. Connie was speechless. She’d never received such an exquisite and unique gift on a first date.

“Victor, you shouldn’t have. This is gorgeous,” she exclaimed with delight.

They dined at a local seafood restaurant. Victor would prove to be a perfect gentleman as he opened the car door for her and pulled her chair out for her in the restaurant. He asked what food she liked and made suggestions from the menu of what he thought she would enjoy. Connie was pleased by the lengths Victor went to ensure she had a good time. He was personable and even funny at times. He asked polite questions about Connie, but didn’t pry too deeply.

Connie, on the other hand, didn’t feel she’d learned very much about Victor. He’d mentioned siblings in passing and that his parents lived in the Northeast. He’d moved to Florida only a few years ago and said he hadn’t made a lot of friends during that time. He stated he was a bit of a loner.

After they took a drive out to the beach and strolled along the boardwalk by the ocean, Connie was surprised when Victor took her hand as they walked. She looked down at their hands clasped together and smiled.

“What’s so funny?” Victor asked, and raised her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it.

“Oh, nothing really,” she replied. “I was just surprised, that’s all.”

“Surprised that I would hold your hand? You’re a very beautiful woman, Connie. Any man would be a fool not to want to touch you,” he replied, and stopped walking for a moment to face her.

She blushed and turned away toward the railing. As she looked out at the rippling ocean waves, she said, “That’s a really nice thing to say, Victor.”

“It’s the truth, plain and simple, Connie. I’ve only had the opportunity to know you for a week and already I can see how special you are.” He leaned on the rail next to her.

Connie faced him. She studied his face and thought about this evening. He’d been wonderful to her all evening. It had to be fate that brought him to the beach last week.

Victor watched the play of emotions on Connie’s face. Her dark brown eyes sparkled in the moonlight. Impulsively he leaned forward and kissed her gently on the lips.

Connie’s eyes registered surprise at first. Then she relaxed into the simple kiss for a moment before breaking away.

Victor eased up behind her and placed his hands on either side of hers. He leaned into her ear and whispered, “You’re special, Connie.”

Connie relaxed against his solid chest and sighed. She felt good. For the first time in a long time, she felt comfortable with someone.

Victor cupped her chin with his palm and turned her mouth upward. He kissed her again, this time with a little more coaxing. His tongue flicked her lips lightly, until she opened her mouth slightly. He slipped his tongue into the warmth of her mouth and he heard her moan with pleasure.

Connie’s body started tingling when his mouth touched her more intimately. She felt his hand on her abdomen as he turned her in his arms. When his tongue slipped inside her mouth, a hunger surfaced inside her being. She tasted the essence of him and enjoyed the increasing passion of his kiss. She wrapped her arms around his waist as he pulled her close against the length of his body. His arousal did not escape her. Her body ached in response to the feel of his manhood against her thigh.

Suddenly she broke off the kiss and looked away. What was she thinking? She’d only known this man a week and she was wantonly engaging with him in a public place.

“Connie?” he queried. “Did I do something wrong? I apologize for coming on to you like that.” Victor quickly tried to regroup.

Connie looked up at him. He looked so sincere, like a soulful puppy who’d trampled on your white carpet with muddy feet. She realized she was being a bit overly prudish. After all, there was no one around for miles, and Victor had done nothing she hadn’t encouraged him to do.

“No, Victor. You didn’t do anything wrong at all. It’s just me being a bit silly.” She smiled in an apologetic manner.

“Hey, do you want to walk on the beach?” Victor asked, brightly trying to recapture the mood.

“Sure, I’d love to,” she agreed, and started toward the steps to the beach. At the bottom step she stopped to remove her sandals.

Victor took a moment to remove his loafers before capturing her hand and racing her toward the rolling waves.

They stopped just short of the wave as it lapped ashore. Their toes dug into the sand and the water washed over their feet.

Connie danced along the water and couldn’t remember having felt so carefree in a very long time. They walked along the beach, hand in hand, and waded in and out of the water for almost a mile.

Victor finally sat down on the sand next to a formation of rocks and well back from the waterline. He pulled Connie down to the beach floor with him. She settled down between his legs and rested her back against his chest. With her head resting on his shoulder, she gazed at the overwhelming expanse of ocean in front of them. The sea air was intoxicating and the sound of the waves rolling ashore was erotically enticing in its own way.

“Connie, do you know how much I want to make love to you right now?” Victor whispered against the soft skin of her neck.

“Yes, Victor, I think I do,” she whispered back as her body cried out for fulfillment she hadn’t experienced in a long time. She scooted back farther between his thighs until she could feel his hardened dick against her ass.

“Are you sure?” he asked as he slipped his hand inside the bodice of her sundress and cupped her bare breast.

A small cry of pleasure escaped her lips as his hand touched her breast. He kissed her lightly on her shoulders as he methodically pushed down one strap of her dress and then the other, exposing her breasts. Cradled between his legs, Connie allowed Victor to pleasure her slowly and sensually. When the cool night air blew across her breasts, she shivered only slightly before he cupped both breasts in his hands and tweaked her rigid nipples playfully and expertly.

The heat in her body was building at a rapid pace and her pussy was throbbing in anticipation. She started to move out of the circle of his arm, but he held her tightly. “Not yet,” he whispered, and circled his tongue around her ear and sucked on her earlobe. He slipped one hand down the inside of her dress and massaged her taut abdomen.

Connie whimpered pleasurably under his skillful assault on her senses. His other hand slipped under the skirt of her dress and sought the moist warmth between her thighs.

She cried aloud as he pushed aside her silken panties and touched her aching clit. Her body jerked as he rubbed the protruding sensitive bulb, but his hand on her abdomen kept her firmly in place. Trapped between his legs, her body jerked violently as he worked her clit until she climaxed uncontrollably. When he felt her cum flush over his hand, he released his grip on her abdomen.

Connie moaned aloud as he lay her back down in the sand. He took only a moment to slip out of his trousers and into position between her legs. He donned a condom and quickly eased into her aching pussy.

She arched her back and raised her ass up off the sand to assist his entry into the moist, hot depths of her body. All she could think of was how thick and hard his dick was as she shuddered and accepted the satisfying length of him.

Victor stroked long and slowly while he enjoyed the feel of her tight pussy grabbing and sucking his dick back inside her secret depths. Her eager willingness only heightened his excitement. He cupped one breast in his hand and sucked the small buttonlike brown tit. Her breasts weren’t large, but the teat fit perfectly in his mouth. He sucked intently and swirled his tongue around the rigid tip. When he felt her body tense and a rush of hot fluid encased his dick, he knew she’d come again. He groaned aloud as his excitement reached a feverish peak and released his cum deep inside her pussy.

He rolled off her and lay back on the sandy beach. He laughed aloud and then turned to look at her, where she lay next to him. “I never go this far on a first date,” he confessed.

Connie returned his smile. “Neither do I.” She suddenly realized her dress was filled with sand, as well as her hair. “Oh, my goodness! How are we going to get to the car without being seen?”

“Don’t worry. I think the restaurant is closed now anyway. No one will even notice us,” he assured her, and began to shake the sand out of his clothes.

She shook as much sand as she could from her dress and smoothed it back down where it had wrinkles from being bunched up in the sand. They both looked quite rumpled and it would be obvious to anyone what they had been doing.

“That’s what they make dry cleaners for. Our clothes will be fine. Come on,” he said, and they started back down the beach to the boardwalk.

They didn’t talk much on the ride back to Connie’s home. As Victor walked her to the door, he paused for a moment on the sidewalk.

“Any regrets?” he asked seriously.

“None,” she said, and smiled sincerely. She’d had a wonderful evening. She hadn’t anticipated they would go as far as they did, but at the moment she didn’t regret it.

“I had an amazing night with you, Connie. May I call you tomorrow? I’d love to see you again,” he asked.

“I’d love to see you again, Victor,” she replied, and hoped he was as sincere as he sounded. He was almost too good to be true.

He kissed her lightly on the lips and then waited for her to put her key in the door. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” he said, and walked toward his car.

“Good night, Victor. Thanks for a wonderful evening,” she called toward his retreating back. She stepped into the foyer and leaned back against the door. A small laugh slipped through her lips and she giggled happily as she headed toward her bedroom for a shower.


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