Читать книгу Wage Earning and Education - R. R. Lutz - Страница 5



Table of Contents

Diagram Page
1. Boys and girls under 18 years of age in office work 103
2. Men and women 18 years of age and over in clerical and administrative work in offices 104
3. Per cent of women earning each class of weekly wages in each of six occupations 119
4. Per cent of salesmen and of men clerical workers in stores, receiving each class of weekly wage 121
5. Per cent of male workers in non-clerical positions in six industries earning $18 per week and over 122
6. Per cent that the average number of women employed during the year is of the highest number employed in each of six industries 123
7. Distribution of 8,337 clothing workers by sex in the principal occupations in the garment industry 134
8. Percentage of women in men's and women's clothing and seven other important women employing industries receiving under $8, $8 to $12, and $12 and over per week 136
9. Percentage of men in men's and women's clothing and seven other manufacturing industries receiving under $18, $18 to $25, and $25 and over per week 138
10. Average number of unemployed among each 100 workers, men's clothing, women's clothing, and fifteen other specified industries 141
11. Percentages of unemployment in each of nine building industries 180
12. Number of men in each 100 in printing and five other industries earning each class of weekly wage 196
13. Number of women in each 100 in printing and six other industries earning each class of weekly wage 198

Wage Earning and Education

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