Читать книгу The Law and Medical Men - R. Vashon Rogers - Страница 7
ОглавлениеPage 5, line 23, for ousted read ousting.
″ 8, line 3, for was read were.
″ 12, line 17, for his read its.
″ 24, line 19, for friend read friends.
″ 43, line 18, read Hahnemann for Hahnneman.
″ 55, line 6, for misdemeanour read misdemeanor.
″ 85, last line but one, transpose the , and the ;.
″ 96, line 7, read witnesses, can be excluded the
″ 103, line 15, for Brown’s read Browne’s.
″ 105, line 10, for words read works.
″ 115, line 5, for opinion read opinions.
″ 119, last line but one, read opinion of another etc.
″ 138, line 1, read occupies for occupying.
″ 173, line 12, read within.
″ 175, line 4, read chemical.
″ 177, last line, read venditor.