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Page 5, line 23, for ousted read ousting.

8, line 3, for was read were.

12, line 17, for his read its.

24, line 19, for friend read friends.

43, line 18, read Hahnemann for Hahnneman.

55, line 6, for misdemeanour read misdemeanor.

″ 85, last line but one, transpose the , and the ;.

″ 96, line 7, read witnesses, can be excluded the

″ 103, line 15, for Brown’s read Browne’s.

″ 105, line 10, for words read works.

″ 115, line 5, for opinion read opinions.

″ 119, last line but one, read opinion of another etc.

138, line 1, read occupies for occupying.

″ 173, line 12, read within.

″ 175, line 4, read chemical.

″ 177, last line, read venditor.

The Law and Medical Men

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