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Glossary of Terms

Arvo—Slang for afternoon.

CWA—Acronym for Country Women’s Association; a group of rural women who get together to improve life for women, children and families in rural Australia. Known for their fabulous baking and craft skills.

Dag—A teasing term for someone who is not cool; also the term used for the bits of manure that stick to the long wool around a sheep’s bottom.

Dill—Slang for idiot.

Dizzy-whizzy—When an adult spins a child around by their arms.

Larrikin—The life of the party; someone who is always having fun, a bit rowdy. Usually a young person.

Metho—Shortened term for menthylated spirits; a cleaning product.

P-plates—Holders of a provisional driver’s license (driver’s permit) must display small squares with a P on their windshields and back windows to identify them as new drivers.

Ridgy-didge—Slang for something genuine, the real deal.

Road-train—Semi-trailer truck with two or three trailers.

TAB—Acronym for Totalizator Agency Board; a Betting Shop.

Ute—Shortened version of utility vehicle used by farmers; similar to a pickup truck.

Yabby—Small freshwater crayfish, sometimes found in dams on farms.


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