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JENNIFER TOOK HER time heading to the bar, sensing his heated gaze upon her and wanting to give him a worthy show. Her posture was smooth and assured, her hips moving with teasing provocation, her hair swinging subtly with each step.

On the outside she screamed control, but on the inside... She was on fire for him. The blood pumping through her system was heated beyond comprehension.

She wanted them alone. Now. But racing to the bar was hardly going to scream sex appeal and the very idea brought a laugh to her lips.

‘Good night?’ Darren said, not missing her little eruption.

‘The best,’ she said, placing her clutch on the bar and sliding onto a stool.

‘Glad to hear it.’ He gave her a knowing grin but left it there, his professionalism overriding as he asked, ‘So what can I get you?’

‘Both bills, please.’

‘Sure.’ He raised a cocktail shaker to the side of his head and started rattling it with gusto. ‘Give me one min.’

‘No problem.’

She propped her elbows on the bar, her head resting on her hands as she watched him work. She likened herself to the contents of the metal contraption being so expertly worked in his hands—shaken and about to be devoured. She smiled blissfully, the idea suiting her just fine.

It amused her that he’d wanted her name. It was a sweet gesture—too sweet. She didn’t want sweet. Sweet only led to complications—the kind that brought feelings, even relationships. And there was no place in her life for any of that. Her career came first. Her career and her family. She had no time for more. Not yet.

No matter how hot, how sexy, how interesting...

She twirled her hair around one finger. No, she needed him to be all about the sex—definitely just the sex. Someone like him would be too dangerous, too much of a distraction, to have around for long.

But as for the here and now... A little shiver ran through her as she conjured up those eyes, that smile, the dimple.

She glanced over her shoulder. He was on his phone but he was watching her, just as she’d known he would be, the carnal blaze of his eyes heating her from across the room.

‘Here you go.’

Darren’s voice pulled her back to the bar and his outstretched hand, containing a silver tray with two bills. She slipped her card on top, trusting him implicitly to have it right. ‘Just pop it on there.’

‘No problem.’

His eyes flicked behind her as he moved to the till and she realised her impromptu date had moved. She could sense his approach radiating down her back, her fine hairs prickling in anticipation beneath the delicate fabric of her dress, and she strung the sensation out, waiting for Darren to return her card and wish her goodnight before she turned.

‘I hope you don’t mind...’ she said, looking up, and her words went the way of her brain, combusting on the pull of his eyes, that smile, that dimple...

He raised a bemused brow. ‘Mind...?’

She smiled through the desire. ‘I settled your tab too.’

He looked surprised. ‘You did?’

‘I did.’ His reaction amused her. ‘Do you always look this surprised when a woman pays her own way?’

‘I can’t say I’m used to it.’

She rolled her eyes. ‘Well, welcome to the modern world.’

He laughed, the sound husky and amplifying her already spiking libido.

‘Point made,’ he said, placing his hand in the small of her back and stirring up a truckload of nerves. ‘Shall we go?’

She grinned up at him. ‘Unless you want this modern woman to throw you over her shoulder and carry you out, I suggest we do just that.’

His laugh deepened and the desire to kiss him, to feel that excited resonance against her mouth had her on fire.

Soon, Jennifer!

She forced her legs to work and they headed to the lift, noticing that this time the attendant chose to avoid looking at her all together. What a nice change.

Even nicer still, the hand on her back started to wander, his fingers moving to caress rather than hold, his heat penetrating the thin veil of her dress and making her tremble.

He bent his head, his mouth hovering close to her ear, ‘Are you cold?’

She fixed her gaze straight ahead, fear that she would set upon him and give the attendant an eyeful making the glass doors suddenly riveting. ‘No.’

But two can play at that game, she told herself, sidestepping in front of him, just enough so that she could conceal her hand as it made contact with the front of his thigh.

He gave a sharp intake of breath, his thigh tensing beneath her splayed fingers and making her smile in satisfaction. Payback!

He was a delight to explore. The strong rigidity of muscle flexed as she stroked upwards, circling from his outer thigh to the inner—

His hand shot to her arm, his fingers gently gripping her in what she assumed to be a silent message to behave.

No chance.

As the lift descended she teased and coaxed until his hold eased enough for her to reach her target—his very tip. Lightly she brushed up and over. He hissed against her ear and her belly coiled with exquisite heat.

She traced around him, revelling in his growing reaction, coveting his size, his girth, his length...

She filled her hand and squeezed. He bucked within her palm, a cough erupting from his throat, and her smile grew as the lift came to a gentle stop.

Before them the doors opened, and she released him with a playful tap, stepping forward to exit with the attendant. He followed close behind.

The private hallway was deserted. Sounds of the busy city reached them from outside, but the windowless entranceway blocked it all from view.

‘Have a good evening,’ the attendant said, stepping back inside the lift and pressing the button.

She watched the doors close and the lift start its ascent, waiting for the attendant’s eyes to be out of sight so she could—


Startled, she found herself being spun into him, her eyes and mind barely registering his hold before he was propelling her back against the cold marble wall, his lips coming down to crush her own. He pinned one hand to the wall above her head; his other running up and down her side in brutal exploration.

Heat exploded within her, the ache between her legs flaring with such force she wanted to cry out as she kissed him back, her hands thrusting through his hair, her tongue delving into him, fighting with his own as she desperately sought more.

But he tore his mouth away, pressing his forehead against hers, his ragged breaths sweeping down her front. ‘You are a tease.’

‘You started it.’

She yanked him back to her. He obeyed for a split second, his tongue flicking teasingly into her mouth, and then he was breaking away to travel down her neck, his teeth nipping and grazing with dizzying effect.

‘God, yes!’ she cried, head arching back, hands invading his jacket as she strove to feel every bit of him. The hard muscles of his chest twitched and flexed as she explored—smoothing, clawing, pulling at his shirt.

The hand at her side reached the hem of her dress and he shoved it upwards, his fingers gripping the underside of her thigh as he lifted it, forcing her to wrap her leg around him.

He raised his head to gaze down at her, his hand tracing the band of her stocking, tension working in his jaw. ‘You’re dangerous.’

‘You like?’ she said, trying to focus through the haze.


He twanged the suspender and she gave a heated shrug, shoving a hand through his hair. ‘It’s a power thing.’

He growled, the sound animalistic, lighter fuel to her raging heat as his mouth reclaimed hers and both hands took hold of her thighs to lift her entirely against him. The cool air swept over her damp panties, followed sharply by his rock-hard cock, its trouser-clad presence driving against her. She bucked with delight, her mouth breaking free to let go a frenzied moan.

‘I’m losing my mind,’ he said into her collarbone, feasting on her skin as he thrust her upwards, bringing the valley of her chest to his face, his hot breath and slick tongue creating an insane combination that had her breasts pleading for him.

But suddenly he froze.


She looked down at him, her body writhing, her lungs struggling for air. And then she felt it—the phone in his jacket vibrating into her thigh.

‘It’ll be my driver,’ he said, his voice gravel-like and rumbling through her.

‘Of course,’ she breathed, fighting for control over the insane rush and thriving off it all the same.

Shaky, she lowered her legs and he helped her, waiting until she was safely on her feet before shrugging his jacket into place and fishing out his mobile.

He stepped back, tapping at the screen and raising it to his ear, his other hand trying to put some order back into his hair. The sight made her smile. She’d done that to him. He’d let her. They’d both lost all control and the realisation was exhilarating.

She worked to straighten out her clothing, her hair, her racing body. All the while telling herself she should be grateful for the interruption, that indecent exposure wouldn’t go down well for either of them.

But the thrill of it. Of him. In public—here and now... It appealed too much.

‘On our way.’ He spoke into his phone and then cut it off, slipping it back into his pocket and turning that sexy, fuck-me-now smile on her as he offered his arm. ‘You good to go?’

She nodded and hooked her arm in his. ‘Let’s be quick about it.’

He gave a laugh and together they strode down the hallway and out of the building.

Directly outside, on the congested street, squeezed into a parking space she could scarcely believe it fitted into, sat a pristine black limo, its driver waiting at its rear. He straightened as he set eyes on them, and she knew for certain that this was the driver he had spoken to.

If any doubt had remained over what Darren had told her then it would’ve been wiped out now. Yes, he was definitely CEO material. A very successful CEO at that. She was considered successful herself, but even she didn’t possess the wealth that brought with it this kind of service. Or maybe she did...she just didn’t get to see any of it...

‘Evening, Mr Wright,’ the driver said as they approached, his eyes dropping briefly to her as he gave a respectful dip of his head.


She smiled up at him. The name fitted him well—he certainly felt like her Mr Right.

But then he could be called Mr Tickle and she’d probably think it just fine right about now.

‘Colin,’ her Mr Wright said, ‘this is Miss...’ He faltered and looked down at her.

She realised he was at a loss, thanks to her enforced air of mystery, and gave a laugh. It all seemed rather ridiculous now. As if they needed any mystery to add to the fire already searing between them!

‘Miss Hayes,’ she said, beaming at his driver. ‘But, honestly, you can just call me Jennifer.’

His arm froze in hers and his eyes narrowed, a look she couldn’t identify sweeping across his face. Something about it panicked her. But then it was gone, his eyes were calming, and he looked back to his driver.

Had she imagined it?

It was dark...the street lighting wasn’t great...

‘This is Miss Hayes,’ he said.

Hadn’t she just told him that?

‘And she needs a lift home.’

What the fuck?

‘Home?’ She couldn’t keep the surprise out of her voice.

Just then the heavens opened—great big dollops of water raining down on them just as she would have said more. They hunched forward against the onslaught as the driver swung open the rear door and told them to get in. He would get the address from them when they were safely inside.

Pulling her with him, he forced her to fold into the back seat of the car. Her brain was rambling, trying to come up with a reason—any reason that didn’t imply an end to the evening’s affairs.

He wouldn’t have the audacity to lead her on and then... No, it wasn’t possible. He must be suggesting they both go to her place. But that wasn’t happening. That was her domain.

She waited for him to close the door before she sidled up to him, her fingers toying with the top button of his shirt as she hooked her head beneath his chin.

‘It’s a nice idea to go to mine, but if it’s all the same I’d much rather go to yours.’

He didn’t say anything and she gazed up at him. He was staring at a point over her head, and the taut lines of his face sent the hairs prickling at the back of her neck.

‘Is something wrong?’

His eyes flicked to her and away again. ‘I’m not sure this is a good idea.’

‘You can’t be serious,’ she said, her hand stilling, her eyes falling to his mouth and the grim line now forming there.

She hadn’t imagined his need. It had mirrored her own. If he was having a last-minute change of heart out of respect for her feelings, and all that sentimental crap, then she would see to it that he forgot it.

She let her hand trace down his front and felt his body turn rigid.

Outside, traffic sped past, delaying the driver’s attempt to round the vehicle and get inside. She had time...

Lifting her head, she used her nose to brush the hair from behind his ear. The scent of his dampened hair product was fresh and masculine, tantalising her as she pressed a kiss to his skin, her tongue flicking out to taste. His jaw clenched and his arm at her back tightened, neither gripping her to him nor moving away.

‘I want you,’ she whispered into his ear, and his breath hitched.

His waning resolve urged her on. She nuzzled him as her hand slid down his front, over his torso, the buckle of his belt, his zipper, to his left thigh, where she knew the length of his cock lay. She felt it swell obediently into her palm as a curse ripped from his throat.

Victorious, she used her teeth on his lobe. ‘See...you want this too.’

She gripped him hard and he inhaled sharply, a hiss forming through his teeth.

She traced the edge of his ear with her tongue as her hand started to move over him, around him. ‘Just tell me you don’t and I’ll stop.’

‘Jennifer...’ He groaned her name as he pressed back into his seat, his lower body riding upwards to increase the pressure of her hand.

‘That’s it, baby,’ she cooed. ‘Feels good, doesn’t it?’

‘Fuck, yeah,’ he rasped, and she felt her carnal prowess take a bow, the power going straight to her head, liquid heat pooling between her legs.

The front door yanked open—shit!

They both sat bolt upright, like a pair of teenagers caught in the act, faces flushed, eyes wide.

The driver clambered in and glanced over his shoulder, his expression one of pure professionalism, as though they hadn’t a hair out of place...or several—

‘Where to, sir?’


The driver’s brows lifted. ‘Your home, sir?’

‘That’s what I said.’

Then he hit a button that had the privacy glass sliding up.

Was that stuff really private?

She was about to ask when he took hold of her hips and swung her over his lap, the speed of the move sending a surprised gasp from her lips that swiftly turned to a moan as she found herself over the very hardness of him, her knees straddling him, her dress thrust up to her hips. He raked a hand through her hair and yanked her mouth down to his own, his tongue pillaging, his hands rough upon her thigh and her hair.

Hooking her hands around his neck, she clung to him, desperate to keep their mouths connected while her body started to ride his clothed hardness in mindless abandon.

Vaguely she was aware of his hands shifting, his fingers hooking beneath the dress at her shoulders and shoving it down, imprisoning her arms to her sides.

He broke away, forcing her back so that he could look at her.

Her breasts bloomed under his burning gaze, her nipples straining beneath the light padding of her bra. He brought his hands up to her shoulders, his touch now gentle and prolonged as he slid them beneath the straps, taking them down to meet the ruched fabric of her dress before returning to smooth over her shoulders and down her front.

She bit back a whimper of anticipation as he met with her bra and then he slipped his hands inside, his heated palms brushing fleetingly against her taut and swollen peaks before they dipped to cup her, the brief contact an erotic torture as they begged for more.

‘So beautiful...’ he said softly, his hands weighing her in his palms as his thumbs stroked upwards, their pads meeting with her pleading buds and rolling over them.

Pleasure shot through her, and she threw her head back as a moan tore from her throat.

‘You like that?’

‘Yes!’ she cried. The heavenly combination of his hands on her body and his hardness at her clit had her rocking wildly, and she could feel the tell-tale tension mounting.

‘I need to see you.’

With those gruff words he took hold of the band of her bra and tugged hard, forcing her breasts to spill out. He groaned, his head coming forward as he closed his mouth around one stiff peak, sucking it back into the cavern of his mouth, teasing it and then releasing it to let his teeth nip, his tongue lap. He did the same with the other, one hand coming up to join in the attention, his fingers pinching and rolling, his palm groping.

Outside, a car horn sounded as another torrential wave of rain pounded at the roof. The worldly sounds were a reminder of where they were, but it only served to take her higher, every bit of her becoming a tense powerhouse about to crack.

‘I’m gonna come...’ she moaned. ‘I can’t take... I can’t...’

His answer was to nip harder, to drive her hips against him, to encourage her further, higher than she could ever remember being with any man. And then she was crying out. Her body was going into spasm as wave after wave consumed her. She heard him groan as he buried his head in her chest, holding her against him, taking each rock of her body until she was spent.

With cheeks flushed, she made herself straighten, conscious of time passing. ‘How long do we have?’

‘About twenty minutes.’

He traced a hand down her back and she shuddered at his lustful gaze. ‘Perfect.’

‘Is that so...?’

She made an affirmative noise as she bowed to press a kiss to the bridge of his nose, his lips, across his jawbone... Reaching his neck, she flicked her tongue out and revelled in the salty essence of him, knowing he was overheating at her hands.

‘And why would that be?’

His voice cracked on the last word as she cupped him, her fingers testing the rigid length of him. She was desperate to expose him to her hands, her gaze, her mouth...

‘It’s time enough for me to return the favour,’ she said, placing her hands on his thighs and slipping from his lap, coming to nestle on her knees between his feet on the floor.

The car took a bend and she steadied herself using his legs, her fingers biting into his flesh.

‘Easy,’ he said, taking hold of her arm and using his free hand to gain purchase on the trim of the car.

She smiled up at him. Christ, he was so hot.

She wanted to imprint the sight of him in her mind, all dishevelled and feverish. The feeling of excitement at having him at her mercy, the heat of his grip on her bare arm, the cool air of the car keeping her exposed nipples pert and alert. Her clit had barely recovered and the throb was back with a vengeance.

She dropped her eyes to his belt, to his zipper, the fastening taut as his hardness pressed against it. Her mouth salivated as she smoothed her hands along his thighs until they reached the object of her fascination.

‘You are truly beautiful,’ he said, the hand at her arm dropping to cup her breast, his fingers and thumb caressing her sensitised skin.

The knowledge that he was enjoying the sight of her semi-nakedness was just as thrilling as his touch. She bit her lip against the resurging tension. It was his turn.

Forcing herself to concentrate, she fed the leather of his belt through the loops. The metal from its buckle jangled as she parted it, the sound oddly thrilling, making her fingers quiver as she undid his button. Then, taking hold of his zip tab, she paused to look at him from beneath her lashes.

‘You can tell me to stop, if you want?’

She was purposely teasing him, needing to have the memory of his earlier hesitation forgotten, obliterated by his total surrender.

And she had it.

He looked to her with almost pained ferocity, his expression dark and erotically charged as he thrust one hand into her hair. ‘Fuck, no.’

She gave him a wicked grin, his impassioned response going to her head as she slid the zipper down. ‘That’s better.’

Mr One-Night Stand

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