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‘If there are consequences of what has just happened, you will tell me.’


He’d put stern emphasis on those last words, and he could still see Serena’s face paling beneath his hard gaze. Nikos had spoken in an uncompromising tone, but with his past snapping at his heels he’d been unable to think rationally, furious that passion had got the better of him, making him break his cardinal rule of always being in control. He couldn’t blame her for running from him that night. He’d been furious at her—but mostly at himself.

Since the day she’d left he’d yearned for her, wanted her in his arms at night, but he’d kept firm to the resolute silence which existed between them. As weeks had turned to months he’d hoped his fears of consequences of their night on the beach were unfounded.

Now, three months after that heated night, she was back. His heart slammed harder in his chest at the implications of her visit. She might have left it too long to tell him, and she almost certainly had ulterior motives, but there was only one reason she was back and he had to face the fact.

She was carrying his child.

From One Night to Wife

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