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Your Pets …


Great Danes are social beings that enjoy company, and that company can include other family pets. There are numerous stories about Great Danes happily living with pets of all sizes, including smaller dogs, cats, horses both big and miniature, rabbits, wallabies, and more. If you already have pets in your house, you will need to be certain to introduce your new family member in a safe, secure fashion.

How a specific dog reacts to other animals will depend a lot on how he was brought up. If he was exposed to creatures of varying size and species, he should not find other pets unusual. He may even see them as members of the pack or as friends. However, if he has experienced only humans, then he may be suspicious, worried, or frightened, or feel threatened by other animals. He may see smaller creatures as toys, which could lead to a bad situation. As with any creature, the earlier in his life you can arrange such an introduction, the better.

Just because a Great Dane is a dog does not mean he will automatically be accepted by other dogs. Being a hound by nature, and a pack animal at heart, Great Danes are mostly gentle souls. They are generally nonaggressive, but because of their immense size other dogs may be intimidated by them. A smaller dog may try showing its dominance by barking or acting aggressive. Your Great Dane may respond with a bark or stare. This can create situations in which the larger dog may be seen as the big bad bully picking on a little dog.

If you are introducing a Great Dane to a canine already in your family, let them meet in a neutral area. Any place in your home is not neutral ground; outside the home or yard is. You may wish to have both on leashes to have more control of the situation. A rambunctious puppy can upset an older dog that may not be up to its monkeyshines. In general, though, many adult dogs will accept that a puppy is a baby and therefore may allow it to do puppy things—up to a point.

When dealing with a new puppy and current canine family member, remember that the elder should receive proper respect. Greet the elder first. Feed the elder first. Do not allow the puppy free access to the older dog’s toys or bed area. And should the Great Dane puppy disobey proper canine protocol, causing the older dog to growl or correct the puppy, do not scold the older dog, as he himself is aiding in training. It is important that all canine members of a home create a proper pack order to maintain a stable relationship. However, it is also important that the older dog never be allowed to bully the puppy. The key word is balance.

Breed Needs

Great Danes Are Family, Not Fads

Adding a dog to the household is like adding a new family member. His arrival will change the routine requirements of those in and even outside the home. For this very reason, much thought and planning must be given before getting a Great Dane, or any dog. Great Danes should never be gotten on a whim, given as a surprise gift, or used as a lesson.

COMPATIBILITY Is a Great Dane the Best Breed for You?

SPACE REQUIREMENTS Though big in size, Great Danes do not require a lot of space. In fact, because of their often quiet demeanor, they are frequently rated as one of the best breeds for apartments. • •
EXERCISE REQUIREMENTS You might hear folks ask if you have “a lot of space” for your Great Dane to run. Although he may want to stretch his legs on occasion, many Great Danes do not require continuous exercise. • •
TRAINING Though often seen in cartoons and films as slow learners, Great Danes can be taught. But because of their size, one must train them early and thoroughly. A full-grown Great Dane that misbehaves can be more than just a nuisance; he can be a hazard. • • •
GROOMING Great Danes are pretty much “wash and wear” because of their short coats. The only factor is that their size means there is more to care for.
SHEDDING Although a Great Dane has short hair, they do shed twice a year. Generally, the white hairs are the ones that are the most visible on clothing, furniture, and such. • •
ENERGY LEVEL Depending on the breeding and temperament, some Great Danes are quite calm and need little activity, whereas others seem constantly in motion. Watch the parents for some indication of the direction your puppy will take. • • •
AFFECTION LEVEL Great Danes are certainly “people” dogs, as most love the companionship of humans. But because of breeding and raising techniques, you can find some more aloof. At the puppy stage, look for ones that come to you for attention. 4 Dots = Highest rating on scale • • • •

Got cats? Unlike the cliché, dogs and cats really can get along. In fact, the casual, relaxed nature of some Great Danes can fit right into the world of felines. However, such friendships are not automatic. When your Great Dane and cat first meet, make sure that the cat has every opportunity to get away. During this introduction you may consider having your Great Dane on a leash, in a crate or secured ex-pen, or in a gated off-room while your cat is free to come and go at will. Some cats may be inquisitive and choose to check out the new family member. Other felines may be less happy and lash out, clawing your Great Dane’s face. Such a meeting should be supervised to help keep the peace and prevent injury. If things are going well, you may wish to reward good behavior with small quick-to-eat treats along with praise. Keeping such treats tiny can help prevent one animal from stealing the other’s.

If you have smaller pets like rats, guinea pigs, and such, remember that a Great Dane has a big size advantage over them. To avoid “accidents” it is best to be sure the smaller ones have easy-to-reach places to get away from giant feet and bodies. A Great Dane plopping his 100-plus-pound body down on the floor would be bad for any small animal that cannot get out of the way. As always, try to introduce your smaller furred family members to the dog sooner rather than later. This will begin to build awareness between them. Also, the sooner he realizes that these are members of the family, and not strangers, toys, or pests, the better.

Are feathered friends a part of your family? Small birds (finches, canaries, and so on) may be too frail to live in the same room as a Great Dane. His bark and sudden movements may be too startling for them. Large birds, such as parrots, can bite very hard and cause him to retaliate or become frightened of the bird. Just as every Great Dane has a slightly different personality, so will the bird. Generally, it may be safer to keep your birds caged when your Great Dane is in the room.

In most cases, your new Great Dane will become good friends with all the members of the family, two legged or four. Of course, like people, it may take some time for everyone to warm up to each other. But if proper introductions are accomplished, and proper ranking is established, you should have one great happy family.

Great Danes

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