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Celeriac soup with roasted hazelnuts

Celeriac has a surprisingly subtle celery-like flavour considering its aggressively gnarled appearance. The hazelnuts in this soup provide a gorgeous crunchy contrast to the smooth creamy finish.


25g (1oz) butter

1 onion, peeled and chopped

1 potato, peeled and chopped

1 celeriac, peeled and chopped

Salt and ground black pepper

About 900ml (1 pint 12fl oz) vegetable stock

75ml (3fl oz) single or regular cream

Handful of chopped mixed herbs

To serve

Handful of roasted, peeled (see Rachel’s tip below) and roughly chopped hazelnuts

2–3 tbsp chopped parsley

1 Melt the butter in a large saucepan on a low–medium heat, add the chopped onion, potato and celeriac and season with salt and pepper. Place a butter wrapper or piece of greaseproof paper on top, cover with a lid, reduce the heat to low and cook for 7–8 minutes, stirring regularly.

2 Pour in the stock, bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for a further 10 minutes or until the vegetables are completely soft. Add the cream and the chopped herbs and blend the soup in a blender or using a hand-held blender until it is smooth and velvety. Taste for seasoning.

3 To serve, ladle into warmed bowls and sprinkle with the roasted hazelnuts and parsley.


To roast and peel hazelnuts, preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F), Gas mark 6. Place the hazelnuts on a baking tray and cook for about 10 minutes or until their skins have darkened, then remove from the oven. To remove the skins, wrap the nuts in a clean tea towel while they are still warm (I find this tends to slightly stain the tea towel, so don’t use your favourite!) and rub together. The skins should come off easily.

Entertaining at Home

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