Читать книгу Her Hometown Redemption - Rachel Brimble - Страница 3


Tanya blinked. “I’m sorry I hurt you.”

Liam’s smile dissolved and something inside kicked painfully. “What?”

“I’m sorry for a lot of things, but I’m sorry for hurting you most of all.”

When a tear slipped down her cheek, Liam reached for her before he could think just how stupid a mistake that might be. “Hey, come here.”

He pulled her into his arms. She lowered her head onto his chest, her body trembling. He gently maneuvered her inside.

Leading Tanya to a low wooden cabinet, he lifted her up and settled her on top of it. Her knees parted and he stood between them...just like he used to.

His heart thundered with the sudden need to kiss her, to feel her warm, soft lips on his. He dropped his gaze to her mouth. He couldn’t do that. Correction, he wouldn’t do that. Unless she asked him to.

Her Hometown Redemption

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