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“Already?” She frowned faintly. “Here or the motel, huh?”

“Well, I have a guest room if you’d rather. No problem for me.”

The offer was out before he knew it was coming, and then Matthew seconded it. The idea of having someone new in the house seemed to appeal to him.

Vanessa’s hesitation seemed obvious. Matthew was already running on about how they could read his library book together, but she had drawn away. He could feel it. Pulled back into herself.

“Look,” he said finally. “I’ll guide you to the motel if you want, but like I said, mostly truckers and transients stay there. This house is okay if you want to stock it up. I was only thinking about you being here alone if the blizzard gets bad. You’d be stuck, and the phones aren’t working.”

He could swear she felt torn in a bunch of different directions. But then she surprised him.

“If you’re sure I won’t put you out…”

That settled it, he decided. A night or two. As soon as she’d made her decisions about the house, she’d drive away.

Matthew was ecstatic. Tim watched him with a faint smile, but once again reflected on how much that boy must miss having a mother. He hoped a couple of days wasn’t long enough for him to fit Vanessa into that role.

* * *

Conard County: The Next Generation

A Conard County Courtship

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