Читать книгу Знакомство с США: изучайте английский и открывайте новые места. Learn English and explore new places! - Радмила Шарифьянова - Страница 3

Introduction to Traveling in America


Traveling to America can be an exciting and rewarding experience. The United States is a diverse country with a rich history, natural wonders, and bustling cities. From the beaches of Hawaii to the skyscrapers of New York City, there are endless options for travelers to explore.

One of the first things to consider when traveling to America is transportation. Depending on your budget and travel plans, there are various modes of transportation to choose from. Rental cars, buses, trains, and airplanes are all popular ways to get around the country. It’s important to research and compare prices and travel times before making any reservations.

Another important aspect of traveling to America is accommodation. There are plenty of options ranging from luxury hotels to budget-friendly hostels. For those who prefer a more unique experience, there are also options like camping or staying in an Airbnb. Again, it’s important to research and compare prices and locations before booking anything.

When it comes to activities, America has something for everyone. For outdoor enthusiasts, there are plenty of national parks and hiking trails to explore. History buffs can visit famous landmarks like the Statue of Liberty or Mount Rushmore. Art lovers can check out museums in major cities like Washington D.C. or Los Angeles. And let’s not forget about the food! America is known for its diverse cuisine, so make sure to try some local favorites wherever you go.

Overall, traveling to America can be an unforgettable experience. With careful planning and an open mind, visitors can discover all that this incredible country has to offer.


– Transportation – Транспорт

– Rental cars – Аренда автомобилей

– Buses – Автобусы

– Trains – Поезда

– Airplanes – Самолеты

– Accommodation – Жилье

– Luxury hotels – Роскошные отели

– Budget-friendly hostels – Бюджетные хостелы

– Camping – Кемпинг

– National parks – Национальные парки

– Hiking trails – Туристические маршруты

– Famous landmarks – Известные достопримечательности

– Art museums – Художественные музеи

– Diverse cuisine – Разнообразная кухня


1. What are some modes of transportation to choose from when traveling in America?

2. What should visitors consider before booking accommodation in America?

3. Name some activities that people can do while traveling in America.

Sample answers:

1. Some modes of transportation to choose from when traveling in America are rental cars, buses, trains, and airplanes.

2. Visitors should consider the prices and locations of accommodations before booking anything.

3. People can explore national parks and hiking trails, visit famous landmarks, check out art museums, and try diverse cuisine while traveling in America.

Знакомство с США: изучайте английский и открывайте новые места. Learn English and explore new places!

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