Читать книгу Fifty Two Weeks of M.I.R.A.C.L.E.S. - Rae Lashea - Страница 4



Fifty-Two Weeks of M.I.R.A.C.L.E.S. is about appreciating all that is wonderful and good on this planet. Through prayer, meditation, visioning or whatever practice we use to convene and converse with God, Spirit, Source, whatever divine I AM we believe in, we become closer to that from which we originate and are awakened to the secrets of the Universe.

Regular and consistent practice is key to understanding ourselves, life, and our place within this realm of existence. With all of our activities, demands, and life’s little quirks that tug and pull on us daily, it can be difficult carving out that time and space to connect with The One in order to “let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes”. The goal is to do the practice until the practice does you; where there is a yearning, a pulling, a craving to communicate with Divinity as habitual as it is to brush your teeth, take a shower, drink a glass of water. Understanding the benefit and advantage of taking just a few minutes each day, of course this can and will grow over time, to immerse ourselves in the art of remembering to remember that there is a higher being that allows love, peace, joy, and beauty to exist around us, is crucial to putting in the time and doing the work. After all, we are worth it.

“Fifty Two Weeks” is designed to outline and highlight M.I.R.A.C.L.E.S. that exist and take place through, in, as and around us. Each “MIRACLE” is an acronym and is intended to be the focused phrase of contemplation, meditation, consideration, and reflection for an entire week. Whether we are sitting quietly, driving, jogging, washing dishes, folding clothes, in line at the grocery store or bank, in the waiting room at the doctor’s office, or walking our dog, we can remember to remember that we are instrumental in a dynamic and unfolding world and each commune with the unseen brings us closer to understanding the mysteries of the invisible, tapping into Source, and unlocking and utilizing the power of the cosmos right at your fingertips.

Start today! Write out the acronym and put it in the place or places you’ll visit often: your bathroom mirror, your car visor or dashboard, your computer, office desk, or agenda book. If you’re up for the challenge, memorize it. Wherever and whatever it is that will remind you to notice it, utter it out loud, and reflect on the phrase, is what you should do. Say it daily, multiple times if you can. All of these MIRACLES are inspired, not duplicating a word in any phrase. Think about them; ponder their meaning and the greater meaning behind each of them daily for a week at a time. In one year, that is fifty two weeks, you will have opened your heart, mind, and all six senses to a greater love, joy, peace, fullness, beauty, understanding and appreciation of yourself, your life, your world, and everyone and thing in it and that’s just the beginning. Whatever your purpose on this planet is will unveil itself to you along with the steps needed to achieve it. If you’ll dare to do the work, listen, and obey, your life, along with all the infinite possibilities will unfold before your very eyes.

Today’s Date:

Fifty Two Weeks of              M.I.R.A.C.L.E.S.

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