Читать книгу A Cold Creek Noel - RaeAnne Thayne - Страница 2

“My head is telling me it’s a completely ridiculous idea to kiss you again.”


Caidy gazed at him for a long, silent moment, her eyes huge and her lips slightly parted. “And does your heart have other ideas? I hope so.”

“The kids—” Ben said, rather ridiculously.

“—are busy watching a show and paying absolutely no mind to us in here,” she finished.

He took a step forward, almost against his will. “This thing between us is crazy.”

“Completely insane,” she agreed.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

“Probably the same thing that’s wrong with me,” she murmured, her voice husky and low. She took a step forward, as well, until she was only a breath away, until he was intoxicated by the scent of her, fresh and clean and lovely.

He had to kiss her. It seemed as inevitable as the sunrise over the mountains.

A Cold Creek Noel

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