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Kate’s heart pounded with excitement, adrenaline coursing through her, and she grinned at the first two daggers in her hand. Ancient, blunt, discoloured, a pentagram etched on each handle. Had it not been for her late mother’s letter urging Kate to find them, she would never have believed they were anything special.

Hope flared for the first time in months and she hugged the daggers to her chest before carefully placing them in her rucksack.

Her days of running were over.

“Looking for something?”

Kate’s body shook right to the core as she heard the words muttered in the darkness behind her. Dropping the rucksack, she spun around with a force that almost dislocated her shoulder, and gaped at Declan Bennett highlighted in the strip of moonlight. Although she’d always found darkness comforting, she’d known that it could someday hold an element of surprise.

This particular surprise was standing a few feet from her wearing a grim expression. He was tall with broad shoulders and a voice that hinted of arrogance and control, a voice that rocked her world completely.


Oh, my God.

“What are you doing here?” she cried as icicles washed over her.

“I could ask you the same question.”

“I thought you were out,” she replied, lowering her voice and stepping back into the shadows. If he recognised her, trouble wouldn’t begin to describe it.

“Clearly.” Irritation lined his voice and she forced herself not to flinch. “Who the hell are you?”

He moved forward and she edged away from the fireplace, tugging her hoodie forward to cover her face. Damn, she wasn’t prepared for Declan. Not now, not like this, and the last thing she needed was for him to recognise her. The woman who had sought him out three months ago, disarmed him with feminine wiles, and stolen from him.

He’d be furious.

Filled with restless energy and the urge to run, she glanced at the living room door, calculating her fastest exit route.

His smouldering gaze followed hers before pinning her with a look that almost made her squirm. “You think you can run?”

“Would you stop me?”

“Absolutely,” he shot back as the corner of his lips curled in a predatory smile that sent her heart rate soaring.

She’d been busted red-handed and he was smiling at her? It caught her off-guard. “You find this amusing?”

“Do you know who I am? Who we are?”

“I know enough.”

“So you know we have zero tolerance for thieves?”

“Doesn’t everyone?”

“I’m not everyone. That should concern you,” he said, his words edged with a warning that made her stomach lurch.

She glanced at the door again, her heart pounding.

He tilted his head to follow her gaze again. “You really think you can outrun me?”

Raw adrenaline pumped through her, her body primed to flee. Her heart slammed against her rib cage and she drew in a sharp breath. Think, think, think.

“You have two options, Catwoman.” Declan turned his eyes back to her. Although it was dark, she knew their colour. She’d never been able to shrug off the memory of those expressive blue eyes that sparked with intensity and mischief.

“And I’m busting at the seams to hear them.”

“Option one is where you surrender and explain why you’re here.”

“Not appealing. And two?”

Declan waved a hand at the door. “Or you can run.”

Kate narrowed her eyes. Not quite what she’d been expecting to hear. Although his tone was easy, he dripped with challenge.

But she couldn’t leave without the daggers.

“And you’ll be after me in a flash,” she said.

“Take it or leave it.”

Apparently, his love of mischief still thrived, the trait that had drawn her to him before – along with the fact that she’d marked him from the start. They’d met in a New Orleans bar, where they’d shared flirty comments and copious shots of whiskey. Then, she’d had the upper hand. She’d had a plan – which might have taken a detour thanks to the alcohol and his charm – but she’d retrieved what she’d needed and run. This was entirely different.

“We both know you won’t let me leave, so why the facade?” she asked.

“Call it curiosity. I’m impressed. And tonight I’m in need of a distraction.” A slow smile softened his features. “Besides, I like a good chase like the rest of them.”

“So what is this then, cat and mouse?”

“Call it what you like. It could be fun.”

“Sure, if you’re the cat.”

“Lucky for me that I’m no mouse.”

Kate’s mind grasped at options. She needed those daggers and the protection they offered. God knows she needed protection right now. Not from the Bennett brother. He was strong, powerful, a Keeper at his best – but he wouldn’t hurt her. After all, he existed to protect his witch and to maintain the balance of nature. Unlike whoever was after her.

She swallowed her desperation and gave him a level stare.

“I’ll make you a deal,” she offered. “A bet.”

Declan folded his arms across his chest. “You’re not really in a position to, but you’ve got my attention.”

This was a game for him! She shoved out her chin, determined to match his challenge. “I bet you that I’ll beat you to the daggers.”

“I doubt that, but please continue.”

“If I do, I get to keep the daggers and leave.”

“If you don’t, I get to keep you?”

She heard the teasing laughter in his voice and her nerves soared. “Since I intend to win, that part is irrelevant.”

“Is that so?”


He closed the distance between them, the movement making her shrink even further into the shadows, and held out his hand. “I bet that you won’t and in that case, I get to decide your fate.”

Confidence oozed from his words, triggering a flare of panic. Although she had similar abilities, she wasn’t as strong as a true Keeper. The only way she’d be able to defeat Declan was if he used his elemental power – fire.

Not something the Keeper would do lightly.

Her ability to immobilize magic was the only magical power she’d been taught to embrace. Everything else had been forbidden.

Kate quelled her hesitation and held out her hand. “Done.”

His fingers closed around hers, firm, warm, sparking memories of feeling his hands all over her. An unwelcome excitement flushed through her and she tried to pull away.

Instead of releasing her, he tightened his grip and slid an arm around her waist.

“Let me go,” she snapped, shoving a hand against his chest, needing the distance between them. God, any moment now and he’d recognise her. She twisted, he turned, and she struggled. When she tried to shove him away, they stumbled and ended up in a heap on the floor.

Kate struggled to breathe with his weight on top of her. How the hell had she landed beneath him? Dammit! “Manhandling me is not part of the deal, warrior boy.”

“Call me that again and manhandling will be the least of your worries.” He pinned her wrists on either side of her face, and she averted her eyes from his intense blue gaze, grateful for the darkness and the hoodie that concealed her secret – one that was about to crumble at any moment. She’d drugged him that night so his memories would be cloudy, but the proximity was dangerous. His tousled black hair and sculpted face were enough to send any woman’s heart racing. Even hers. Even now.

The scent of him aroused sinful memories and she sucked in air. Shoving away the night she’d lost her grip on reality, she tried to buck him off her. “Get off me!”

“I won’t hurt you, wildcat. Calm down.”

“If you mean me no harm then let me go.”

“I will, but for now, I simply want some answers.”

“That wasn’t our deal.”

“I’m the one on top, so I get to call the shots.”

“I figure you just love being on top.”

His smile was pure naughtiness. “Care to find out?”

“I’ll be more woman than you can handle.”

He leaned forward, his lips hovering above hers, electricity pulsing between them. “I dare you to say that again,” he challenged, his undertone way too suggestive – and, in spite of herself, Kate’s eyes raised to meet his.

She saw the moment it changed, the flash of recognition that wiped away his smile. His gaze narrowed to a deep intensity that made her want to wriggle. His frown deepening, he reached up to pull back her hood.

Oh, God. She slapped his hand away. “In your dreams, Bennett. Now get off me!” she snapped, using all her strength to push him away.

As she scrambled to her feet and backed away, he stood, confusion clouding his expression. “Why … why don’t you start by telling me your name?”

“You win our bet and I’ll give it to you.”

“Fair enough. Ready?”

“On the count of three.”

“Fine. One –”

Using a newfound speed that still surprised her, Kate grabbed a nearby lamp and slammed it against his head before bolting for the daggers. With a curse, he lunged for her but she reacted with a brutal kick that sent him crashing against the wall behind him. Wood splintered and glass shattered, drowning out his outrage.

“Who are you?” he demanded, jumping to his feet, this time eyeing her with more caution.

She groped for the rucksack on the floor, grateful for the surge of strength that had recently joined her magical powers. “I bet it’s not every day a woman kicks your ass.”

“Only when she’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

“I just want the daggers.” More now than ever.

“Like hell.”

Archer, the oldest Bennett brother, came skidding to a halt in the doorway.

Kate grabbed a nearby vase and crashed it across Declan’s shoulders. Glass exploded everywhere but this time he anticipated her move and collided with her, the impact leaving her breathless. Rolling on the floor in a struggle of fists and grunts, they fought each other, but Declan was stronger, faster and more experienced. Kate’s lush brown hair worked itself free from her hood, just as Declan got the upper hand, pinning her to the ground.

“Who are you and what the hell do you want?” he growled.

“Get off me!”

Light flooded the room, destroying any last hope of anonymity. The flash of unguarded surprise that registered across Declan’s expression was immediately masked by fury. “Kate?” he growled, narrowed eyes searing into her.

Archer darted forward, another Bennett brother with too much muscle, strength, and attitude for her liking. “You’re a woman?”

Taking advantage of their surprise, Kate broke free and shoved Declan with such strength that he collided with the coffee table behind him. She sprang to her feet, swung around, and lunged for the last dagger.

Archer was there in an instant. As he reached out, she whirled around, plunging the dagger into his shoulder. He gaped at her, green eyes rounded in surprise. She gasped, horror ripping through her at what she’d done.

Oh, God.

“What the hell’s going on here?” The youngest brother and their witch rushed into the room.

Kate felt a cocktail of energy brewing inside her, a whirl of sensations she struggled to control.

Before anyone could react, the room started to tremble, everything rattling and screeching in an eerie display of witching powers.

Powers magnified in a way Kate had never experienced before.

Cupboard doors burst open, glass shattered, books flew across the room, and light bulbs exploded.

Overwhelmed, she gulped air and reached for control, steadying the flow of energy.

And just like that, everything fell silent.

Sienna and her Keepers squinted through the dark at the chaos she’d created, and Kate took that brief, golden moment to grab the rucksack containing two of the three daggers. Mind racing, heart pounding, she scanned for the nearest exit.

And bolted.

The Keepers: Declan

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