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The unique reality


In this book I will refer to reality (invisible) as cause and the world as an effect as an effect. First it's the cause and then it's the effect. Just as it is written in the Bible: "and God calls into being things that were not" (Romans 4:17). We live in a phenomenal world where there is not a single cause of what happens in it. If this revelation does not change everything, it is that you must read it again to understand it.

A quantum physicist differentiates it like this: Implicate order and explained order. The explained order is what we see, what we touch, what we feel and perceive ... what we call the world. However, the implicate order is the one that is actually creating that explained order, which I will call reality. So everything that is happening right now, and is perceived by our senses, is brewing in the implicate order. Hence the unseen reality is truer than the world of things.

Consciousness of I Am is the unique reality. The rest? A fiction projected by the conscience.

To illustrate the concept of the unique reality let me make a simile with an iceberg. You know that only one-ninth of the iceberg floats, the rest is underwater and not visible but essential for the iceberg to float. Since it is not seen, it doesn't seem to exist, but it is there. In fact, the iceberg floats because the unseen holds the visible. Generalizing, in the world of things we only see a projection of what it is and everything we perceive is held in the unseen field of all possibilities. The world you see is countless states of conscience materialized. Individually and collectively.

"That which you do not claim to be true of causes, where every phenomenon in the yourself can never be realized by you, because that single attitude is the condition needed for which you will accomplish your goal.". NEVILLE

Conscience is the unique reality and manifestation is the effect: in this book you will learn to create new realities from the Being you are, which is the unique reality, and your connection to Divinity.

Consciousness uses a creative tool: the conscience, where we put consciousness of being, the conscience manifests a new reality. In the world of things there are only materialized states of conscience. You will understand this cause-effect mechanism through this reading. The self-concept a person has of himself always coincides with the appearance of his world. In fact, we have created the physical universe to reflect in it what we are or rather, we have conscious of being.

We must bear in mind that life is a heartbeat, which makes us pass from the real to the unreal, from the spirit to the matter. We are continually coming and going out of the reality. And it's a heartbeat so fast and gentle that it escapes.

The unique reality is the cause of all perception and it also creates a sense of continuity. And why would we do such thing? That coming and going on from one side and to the other is what we call creation.

Real / Unreal

Spirit / World

Consciousness / Conscience

Eternal / Time

Infinity / Space

I Am / Ego

Knowledge / Perception

Unchanging / Changing

Love / Fear

What we call God did not create this world (which is an unreal illusion and, incidentally, an authentic asylum), "we" (separate conscience) did it. How can I affirm that? Because it's a dream of separation, and separation isn't real. It does not exist outside the mind that projects that illusion. And the world has a function: to act as a mirror to point out "the way back home" (at some point, the world will be incredible and it will wake you up).

"Wait a minute, Raimon, you can't leave me like this, don't change the subject now... so if the world is separation and separation isn't real... isn't this world real?” you must think.

That's right, it's an innocent misunderstanding within the conscience. It's just a crazy idea that has already been cleared up.

The Manifestation Code

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