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Table of Contents

Cooperstown, from the northwest Joseph B. Slote Frontispiece
The Cooper Grounds Arthur J. Telfer 2
Council Rock Arthur J. Telfer 8
The Otsego Iroquois Pipe 13
At Mill Island Charles Frederick Zabriskie 21
Joseph Brant, from the Romney portrait 52
Site of Clinton's Dam A. J. Telfer 71
Otsego Lake, from Cooperstown A. J. Telfer 78
The Oldest House Charles A. Schneider 86
William Cooper, from the Stuart portrait 91
Averell Cottage C. A. Schneider 104
The Worthington Homestead Forrest D. Coleman 110
Christ Church A. J. Telfer 127
The House at Lakelands, as originally built 131
Mrs. Wilson 133
Lakelands C. A. Schneider 137
Pomeroy Place J. Patzig 141
Ambrose L. Jordan 151
Jordan's Home, and his Law Office C. A. Schneider 156
The Home of Robert Campbell J. B. Slote 158
Father Nash 171
Leatherstocking Monument A. J. Telfer 185
Natty Bumppo's Cave C. A. Schneider 188
Riverbrink C. A. Schneider 193
Edgewater A. J. Telfer 212
Residence of W. H. Averell and Judge Prentiss C. A. Schneider 221
Woodside Hall Forrest D. Coleman 226
The Gate-Tower at Woodside Walter C. Stokes 228
Swanswick A. J. Telfer 230
Shadow Brook James W. Tucker 233
Hyde Hall A. J. Telfer 238
Hyde Clarke, from the Emmet portrait 243
A Wedding Day at Hyde A. J. Telfer 246
Base Ball on Native Soil A. J. Telfer 249
The Original House at Apple Hill (now Fernleigh) 256
Fenimore A. J. Telfer 259
Otsego Hall, from an old drawing 260
James Fenimore Cooper 263
The Chalet A. J. Telfer 265
The Novelist's Library, a drawing by G. Pomeroy Keese 267
A Page of Cooper's Manuscript 269
The Home of Nancy Williams C. A. Schneider 271
Three-Mile Point A. J. Telfer 282
The Call for the Indignation Meeting 284
The Cooper Screens in Christ Church F. D. Coleman 293
At Fenimore Cooper's Grave Alice Choate 297
Samuel Nelson, LL.D. 300
The Home of Justice Nelson C. A. Schneider 314
Nelson Avenue A. J. Telfer 320
Christ Churchyard, from the Rectory Alice Choate 327
The Cooper Plot, in Christ Churchyard A. J. Telfer 334
A Funeral in Christ Churchyard J. B. Slote 337
Main Street, Looking West from Fair Street, 1861 347
Fernleigh A. J. Telfer 357
Kingfisher Tower M. Antoinette Abrams 359
The Lake, From the O-te-sa-ga J. B. Slote 365
Fishermen's Shanties on the Frozen Lake A. J. Telfer 374
Hop-Picking Elizabeth Hudson 378
Map of Otsego Lake Henry L. Eckerson 381
The Susquehanna, near its Source A. J. Telfer 383
Leatherstocking Falls A. J. Telfer 387
Five-Mile Point A. J. Telfer 388
Mohican Canyon M. Antoinette Abrams 389
Gravelly Point A. J. Telfer 391
Bishop Potter A. F. Bradley 395
The Rectory C. A. Schneider 396
The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of New York A. J. Telfer 405
Byberry Cottage C. A. Schneider 407
The Clark Estate Office A. J. Telfer 409
The Lyric at Cooper's Grave J. B. Slote 420
Cooperstown, from Mount Vision A. J. Telfer 430
Map of Cooperstown H. L. Eckerson 432
The Story of Cooperstown

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