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First, I want to thank you, my readers, who have read previous editions of this book or are going to read this new edition. Over the years, since the first edition was published in 2009, I have received great feedback via many emails, reviews on Amazon, messages to Industrial Press, social media, etc. My readers have supported me with very encouraging feedback. They have suggested corrections, found printing mistakes, and continued to provide many great suggestions to make this an excellent resource. I am really very thankful to them. I welcome these comments— negative or positive—I look at them with appreciation knowing that you have taken the time to write and share them. Please continue to do that.

I have been working in the industry for over fifty years to improve maintenance, reliability, and asset management practices. I have developed many friends and mentors who have been incredibly supportive, especially my friend Terrence O’Hanlon. He encouraged me, and then some, to write and share my knowledge via this book. It took me a few years to bring it to fruition. He and his team at Reliabilityweb have continued to support me. I am very grateful to him and his team.

I want to mention a few others, including Anthony (Mac) Smith, the reliability guru, a friend and guiding force whom I have known since 1984. Mac and I have been friends for a long time, learning from each other, and have worked together to establish a very successful RCMreliability improvement program at Arnold Engineering Development Complex (AEDC). I also worked together with Jack Nicholas, another reliability/PdM guru, on several projects at Reliabilityweb and Society for Maintenance & Reliability (SMRP). Jack and I were part of the team to get ANSI accreditation of the CMRP exam process. I cannot forget another giant in this field, Ron Moore. We have known each other for many years, and Ron has been a mentor to me. My thanks as well to many others who have been incredibly supportive, including Jerry Kahn, Bruce Hawkins, Ricky Smith, Robert Distanffo, Tim Goshert, Joe Grande, Vlad Bacalu, Maura Abad, Jeff Smith, David Reiber, Sunil Kamerkar, Nick Jize, Joe Peterson, Shon Isenhour, Ben Turpin, David Sliger, George Williams, Terry Harris, and many more.

I am also very grateful to my Jacobs/Sverdrup/AEDC family. I’m blessed to work with so many talented professionals there. I have worked for Jacobs/Sverdrup for over 37 years and have developed so many unique relationships. I am very thankful to many there and for the support and cooperation of RT (Dick) Smith, John Hartin, Dr. Bill Kimzey, Dr. Dick Danhoff, Dr. David Elrod, Paul McCarty, Bert Coffman, Dick Rumph, Steve Pearson, Bart Jones, Lynn Moran, Tommy Northcott, Scott Bartlett, David Hurst, Walt Bishop, Vijay Narain, Christopher Mears, Dan Williams, Chris Williamson, Robert Poche, Mike Stites, Steve Bollman, Marie Getsug, John Fortin, and many more. Over the last few years, I had a wonderful time working with Lynn Moran and Sherry Stovall as a part of the Asset Management Group team. They both always went the extra mile to support me and my endeavors.

I can’t forget to thank my academic friends at several universities where I have been teaching for the last several years, especially Klaus Blache, Tom Byerly, and Kim Kallstrom in the RMC program at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. I have been part of RMC since its inception in the mid-1990s. Also, my thanks to Frank Rath and Jeff Oelke at the University of Wisconsin; Johnathan Curtis, Denis Glen and the staff at the Mississippi State in Canton, Mississippi; and Meenakshi Sundaram at Tenneessee Technological University. They all have been very supportive and made my teaching there very fulfilling.

My involvement with professional societies and standards organizations has been very rewarding. I have been part of the Institute of Systems & Industrial Engineering (ISIE) since the 1980s and have earned Fellow and Lifetime member status. With the support of IIE/ISIE—some of us, IIE members, including Bill Maggard, Ed Hartmann, Fred Rau, and few others—started a maintenance interest group and later the International Maintenance Conference (IMC) in the mid-1980s. The IMC became the only gathering of maintenance professionals at that time and started attracting attendees from Europe, Japan, and other places around the world. I have also been involved with the Society of Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (SMRP) since the mid-1990s. I especially want to thank Frank Dunback (ex-Dofasco) for encouraging me to join and support efforts to establish the Body of Knowledge and Certification program at SMRP. I still continue to support them. In addition, I’m part of the American Society of Quality (ASQ)-Reliability group. It has been gratifying to support ISO 55000 standards effort as a part of the U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) – TC251/ASTM/ANSI. I have met many great professionals nationally and globally while working on the development of ISO standards, including TC 56-Sustainability.

Thanks to my friends and staff at my publisher, Industrial Press (IP), who help to ensure that this book is a top-quality product. I am very thankful to John Carleo, who introduced me to the IP family and others, including Robert Weinstein and Janet Romano, and now a new team headed by Judy Bass, copyeditor Judy Duguid, and compositor Patty Wallenburg. As we have challenges at the plant, publishing is no different. I’m thankful to Judy and her staff at IP for accommodating my delays in delivery of promised manuscripts while still meeting the deadlines and continuing to provide me their support.

Finally, I can’t thank my family enough. My wife Prabha, daughter Sona, and her husband Ajay Sharma have given their continued support, without which I wouldn’t be able to finish this valuable work or complete my other commitments.

Lastly, I want to express thanks to you—all who have known or come to know me from over the years for your continued support and blessing. I also firmly believe that my sons, Vikas and Anoop, who are with HIM, have been watching me and us with great happiness and showering us with their blessing. This book is dedicated to them. I’m fortunate to be able to share something of value with my fellow professionals.



Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices

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