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Chapter 2 The Stone


Everything was going well. Five years have passed. I’m eighteen. Legal age. I didn’t have a holiday like in other families. My father still drinks a lot. But apparently, the fact that he’s an elf gives him vitality. Thyme keeps picking on me. But in a different way. He says I’ll be poor forever, and he’s going to college soon. Well, maybe he’ll finally leave me alone. My pet raccoon has grown into a one-and-a-half meter beast. And it helps me a lot. I don’t sell a lot of skins, otherwise they will immediately guess something is wrong and start asking unnecessary questions. In the city, he began casually buying books on animal domestication, along with with many other books on herbs and mushrooms. Gold had to be spent on two interesting books called «Taming demons» an old book completely worn out and «The Evolution of animals». I trained her on it. The book is very interesting, it says that all magical animals can evolve into a human form. I really like the idea of making Paris human. He will help me in the field and in the processing of hides, too. Maybe I’ll teach you how to cook. But here’s where she’ll live. Although what to think about it, she is still not a human. The demon lady was never seen again. Too bad she was beautiful.

But while I was thinking, my pet ran off somewhere. I looked around, but there was nowhere to find it. I went to look for it. I see he’s digging the ground. Again, probably found a den of giant worms with a meter growth and wants to profit. I didn’t bother him. Although it is tame, but when there is it is better not to approach it. Instincts, after all. But this is something else. He pulls out a rock. Large in appearance meter by meter. Coming up.

«What you found, girl.» When she heard me, she began to lick my hand. So affectionate. Hisses on the stone, scratches. – What is it?“ It looks older. „I put my hand up.

«Hey, kid. So a new vessel has arrived. We need to go around. «A strange substance has entered me. She tried to take control of me. But something didn’t work out. «What a strong spirit. It happens in two cases. Or you’re a hero like never before. Or you are so much rotten life that you outplayed it and did not bend to the changing world. I bent it down myself.

«I knew that the soul of the demon lord Alejandro was here in the woods since I was a child. So I trained from the book «Taming Demons» that I bought a long time ago.

«Then you can’t be conquered. So we’ll have to be friends. As you know, my name is Demon Lord Alejandro. How many years have I been in my prison, mortal friend?

«Five thousand years. And I’m not a mere mortal I’m a quarter elf and therefore immortal. So be more polite. Otherwise, I know a spell that will drag you back into the stone.» Check my thoughts, demon.

«So that’s it. You’re an interesting specimen. An elf and a catman indeed. You really know the spell. You’ve prepared well. This is the first time this has happened to me. I come to this world like this periodically once in thousands of years. Before that, all the people who found me were weaklings. And you’re absolutely unique. That is, special.

«I know that already. Now here are my rules.

– So it’s very interesting that you also set a rule for me.

«And shut up, demon. I raised my hand to the stone, and Parisa licked the other. «If you say a word, I’ll put it back and bury it.» He was silent. «First, I decide when you can talk, but at other times you don’t. Second, you will share your knowledge with me, but you will not tell me what to do. Third, any disobedience from you will return to the stone immediately. Fourth, you have no right to harm me. Any violation and you’re back in jail. That’s all for now, but the rules can be added. Therefore, swear that you will fulfill all the requirements.

«I swear.» At his words, my body was covered in a bright light. Level increased to tenth. It’s already good. – You really are an interesting fellow. We’ll definitely be friends. And what do you want? How can I help you?

«I’m looking for a lady.» But before I meet her, I want to get stronger.

– And love. I’ll give you some free advice, my friend. Love burns worse than a flame.

«I know, not a brat. But first, help me turn my magical beast into a human being. So I have a book.

«All right, read the last spell in the book with me.

He began to read the text, and I repeated it in a strange language. My pet didn’t respond. But when she finished repeating the words to him, she was literally pounding. She rolled on the floor, spitting. Then she stopped abruptly. A bright light illuminated everything around me, and moments later, an eighteen-year-old girl appeared in front of me. She was wearing a bright yellow sundress and a small blue hat.

«Hey, friend. You’re a human beast now.

«At … priv.".privv… hi. Her pleasant voice said. I really liked the freckles on my face and the blonde hair. She’s not exactly pretty, but she’s not ugly either.

«We’ll be friends like before. I want you to be my family. Kind of like the sister I never had.

«I agree, little brother.

We hugged each other. I’m so glad I got a sister.

«I’ll pack my things and we’ll go around the world together. But to others, you’re my wife. This is necessary so that you don’t get molested. Good. There are many bad people in the world.

«I understand. The human world is cruel. My mother was killed by a demon thing. But I understand you want to go with her. Well, as you say.

«We’ll discuss that later. Wait here.»

I went inside

– Demon, what should I tell her so that she won’t be offended, I thought she would become obedient and won’t remember who killed her mother.

Dark Lord. Book One

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