Читать книгу The Prince of Exile - Рамиль Латыпов - Страница 3

Chapter 2 Bal


My room is comfortable. Three maids are dressing me. They are affectionate and submissive. Food is on the table and they ate well. They are so affectionate when they are full. Soon they will eat so well. Therefore, I specially ran to the dining room and grabbed a lot of goodies. I am wearing a white dress suit and a crown of gold and diamonds. Simple, it is only for the prince. Thin and light. But in time I will put on the big crown of the king. This is where the real power lies. Heavy crown with many rubies and diamonds. Decorated with our coat of arms and flag. All the power of the country in this crown. And it’s full of magic. You can cast powerful spells with it. Of course if you have royal blood. My blood. It won’t suit a commoner. He might even die wearing it.

– You are so beautiful prince. – Said the demon Elsa smiling. But sadness is visible on the face. – It is a pity that the butler Alex forbade us to sleep with you before marriage. We were also completely forbidden to approach you for a whole month. Too bad I enjoyed sleeping in your bed.

The other girls nodded too. Although you can’t fool me. I know that they are disgusted. I’m not handsome and not a master in bed. They don’t need me, but the bed and the food I give them. But after the wedding there is no ban on mistresses. The main thing is that she quickly became pregnant. Can the guard Gennady be asked to help with this. The child will be beautiful. But this is for the last resort. I’ll try my best.

– You are waiting for my prince. – The nasty butler Alex came in. He smelled of weak alcohol. It looks like he’s already drunk. Maybe she’s grieving that I’m getting married. He offered me a lot. He wrote love letters. He is old. Although he did not cross the line and helped with the maids. He let them go from work to me earlier. Although he might not let go. He did not beat them like other slaves. I don’t like ladies with bruises. And before going to me, he bathed them personally. But he did not approach them. Although I heard from one maid with donkey ears that my rat has a lover, the gardener Yuri. But I didn’t know whether to believe them or not. In my presence the gardener only spoke nervously and praised the flowers in the garden. At the maids that were next to me, he did not look. He is only thirty young. Handsome. Although almost everyone in the palace is prettier than me.

I left the room. Surrounded by ladies and a butler. The maids wiped their eyes with a handkerchief. Butler too. Everyone doesn’t like my wedding. Maybe I won’t like her if the wife is ugly. Although the elves are all beautiful. But perhaps there are exceptions among them. Alliances between elves and goblins and orcs are not uncommon.

Many corridors with pictures of battles and naval battles. Beautiful furniture throughout. Tones are red and yellow. Like our flag. And here is the throne room. There will be a meeting of guests, a banquet and a ball. There were three people in the hall. My parents and Chancellor Margo Zell. The first lady chancellor in the history of the country Torus. Smart lady with glasses and a bunch of black hair. Race demon, small horns and red skin. There was also a tail. So I would have loved with her, although she is three hundred years old. But she looks eighteen. With a great figure. And delicate features. To this day, zero attention to me. Didn’t even say hello when we met. I liked that about her. It will be nice to conquer her.

The son has come. Come, we still have a lot to discuss. – Said the father rejoicing. But when he saw my ladies behind me, he got angry. – You girls go away. And don’t go near him. If I find out that you go to him, I will immediately execute him. So you know. Alex take them away, I order you. – And a little thought. – Stop crying, he is still my son, I know about your feelings for him and do not share them.

The ladies, having heard the king’s wrath, hurried out of the hall arm in arm with Alex. It’s a pity I wanted to cuddle them at least once before the ball. It can even press the cat to the girl in a dark corner and tear it off. I sat in my throne next to the king. He is small and modest. But it’s still a throne. I don’t often sit on it. Here to sit behind the father’s throne is yes. Big and cozy. You feel the power when you sit on it. The whole country is waiting for your decisions.

– Prince, I’m glad you’re getting married. This alliance with the elves will bring unprecedented prosperity to our country. The sooner you have heirs, the better. They can strengthen our alliance. And if enemies attack us, the children will be a powerful argument for the elves to help us. It all depends on you my prince. The Lady Chancellor winked at me. They put too much pressure on me. And so the doctor Toren checks my male health every week. It’s so disgusting to be naked in front of an old bearded dwarf. But have to.

– All for the sake of the country. – I said the standard slogan of my country. And raised his hand in greeting. Index finger forward. The rest squeezed. – I can not understand why you papa forbade me to see the ladies? – Although everyone understood from their facial expressions that to see each other means to copulate.

– Son – Mom said gently. – Men’s health is different from women’s, as well as views on the world. If our guest finds out that you slept with three maids for a month before the wedding. She might get a little upset. And pour poison into your tea. She looked into my astonished eyes. I didn’t even think about that. – Yes, do not build such surprised eyes. We all knew about your lady servants. Well, at least you didn’t hit on Alex. She laughed a little. Everyone in the palace knew that he was pestering me. He’s like the local palace jester around here. And yes, women can do that. Princess Tamara will live in the palace until the wedding. You will spend the whole day only with her and no one else. Take a walk in the park, go to a romantic restaurant in the city in the evening by the light of the moon. Go to the fountain festival. To the theatre. There are many beautiful places in our country. Let her fall in love with you. Build up son. That’s why we drove the maids away from you. And it will be a little embarrassing when suddenly Tamara wants to wish you good night. Or maybe a kiss on the cheek if your relationship comes to that. He enters your room, and you are there with three ladies in an embrace sleeping. Rat as always with your baby in your mouth. The other two are on the sides. It will be bad to talk about you. You have to live with her for the rest of your life.

Or even worse, love with might and main. Your screams are heard throughout the palace. You don’t hold back in love.

And there are other reasons. If you are not with the ladies for a month. Your livestock will be as active as possible and the chance to have a granddaughter will increase. Though knowing your dad, I’m not sure the maids won’t come back after the wedding. She sighed sadly. Daddy has mistresses. Everyone knew about it. Maybe one of them is the Chancellor. Although she and I can get so, to say as a legacy. They live a very long time. Maybe my great-grandson will have fun with it. It is necessary to organize a new position in the servants. Ancestral mistress. All kings will sleep with them. Although then she will receive too much power and will know many secrets. No, the idea will have to be abandoned. And then she would have flown from the roof of the castle. Accidentally slipping. Although the Chancellor, I would ride.

Apparently the chancellor caught my train of thought and winked at me. Demons have the ability to pick up the moods and thoughts of others. Although this is just a rumor. The demons themselves don’t like to talk about it.

– I understood everything mom. You’re right. I hope I like my fiance Tamara. What will you advice me? What to talk about with her at the ball? I want to impress her.

– Son – Father was clearly delighted with my question. – Have you ever talked to the maids or just slept with them. Ladies love to talk about flowers and chocolates. All sorts of rubbish. Praise her dress there, her hair. Ladies are obsessed with their appearance. Treat her to champagne. That’s all.

– Don’t listen to his son. The queen said sadly. It can be seen that her father speaks little to her and all conversations are reduced to pressing problems. – Talk to her about romance. About the books I read. Just not the ones I found under the bed. And with dressed ladies. She shook her head sadly. – The ones about the heroes who rescue the princesses from their prisons in the castle with the dragon. This of course does not happen in real life. Like princesses, they decide at least something in life. My father kept me all my life until I was eighteen in the tower of a castle far in the mountains. Then he married your dad. My opinion was not asked. In this world, a lady generally has little say in decision making. It’s a man’s world. And even if the princess does not like you, she will still marry you. But how you live with it depends on you. So you can tell her a poem. Talk a lot. Don’t let her open her mouth. Let him think that you are a friendly guy. Although there is little hope for this. You are my ugly son. Well, at least a prince, otherwise with such a character and appearance you would not have survived in the world outside the castle walls. All three adults nodded their heads and laughed. What did I do to them? Although they may be right. – Try not to be yourself. Try to be like a prince.

– Okay, mama, I’ll do as you say. I told them to get rid of me.

– Butler, bring the servants with trays, let them show me what is being served to my guests today. – Said the king loudly.

Seven maids entered the room, led by Alex. My favorites were not among them. Maybe it’s time to pick new victims. In the hands of trays full of food. They lined up next to the king. He held out his hand and the one he pointed to. On the third maid, the king tasted a pâté sandwich and began to choke. Cough and beat your chest. Everyone got excited and began to approach him. Everyone but me. Maybe today is a good day. The old man dies I will be king. I will expel the elf princess and return my three favorites to me. They will love me for a long time. Even in a week or two. After the ladies from the brothel and walks hard. Craftswomen. And then you have to go to them. Butler to be executed. I will have a lot to do.

– Do you really believe that I was poisoned. – The king laughed, looking at everyone. – I will rule you for a long time.

My plans to rule this country were dashed against reality for a while. Although it helped me understand what needs to be done. The princess and her family will not like me so much that they will leave. Will have to try. And I will return my girls to full ownership.

– Do not joke like that, the king, how can I be without you then. – Said the chancellor gently holding the king’s hand. She worried about the king even more than the queen. It’s obvious she loves him. The queen noticed it too. She obviously didn’t like it. Lest our chancellor slip off the tower on a dark night.

“You can make aristocrats.” King Diogenes said cheerfully. – Call them one by one. And Zaire do not disgrace us by not knowing the names of the guests. Say the names correctly. You are still my assistant. “Call the archbishop first. May it sanctify us. And then from this crappy food I will have indigestion. The king was laughing

– Will be done. – Said the little dwarf who was standing in the corner and I hardly noticed him.

He entered the hall. Archbishop Brahms. A beautiful angel with white wings and a kind face. The religion of the Goddess of Light in our country took root a hundred years ago. Before that we were pagans. They danced and burned effigies. But the land of Light went to war against us. She crushed our army and forced us to pay tribute every ten years. My alliance with Tamara will turn this shameful leaf in our history.

The Prince of Exile

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