Читать книгу Where Robot Mice And Robot Men Run Round In Robot Towns - Рэй Брэдбери, Ray Bradbury, Ray Bradbury Philip K. Dick Isaac Asimov - Страница 12
Boy Pope Behold! Dog Bishop See!
ОглавлениеOh, pantry Deeps’ miscellany
Bestirs boy’s victual villainy,
Unwaters mouth of innocence,
Unshucks the soul of reticence;
For in the deeps of snowbin sweets
And hung-banana jungle treats
We wandered as a jump-squirrel boy
To amble, maunder, ponder, toy
With jellies, jams and other pelf
From apple-cherry-berry shelf,
And read the names and wondered how
Clown doughnuts lay in such deep snow;
And took cosmetic chocolate-chips
To draw moustache on virgin lips.
And full of candied avarice
Blacked-out our teeth with licorice,
And grinned like devilled ham at self
Preserved in mirror-jars on shelf
And saw our eyes gone berry-blue
As all the jams this summer grew,
And bright our lips as cherry sins
And ripe our smile as pumpkin grins;
And full our mind of murder/slaughter
But clean our breath as menthol water
That in the dripped night, dark and still
The old dog laps from icebox sill.
Boy Pope behold! Dog Bishop see!
Twin celebrants in dark pantry
Where all the pontiff’s orbs are kept:
Crabapple multitudes, sweet slept.
Confessional the cubby seems
Where dog and boy feed naked dreams
And wash it all in innocence
From parsley/pickle/peppermints,
To in the half-lit wild of dawn
Uncoil in cartwheels on the lawn
And teach drab cats to catnip take
And Christian fasts call forth and break.
Then up the stairs the saved child creeps
And icebox-hid the sly dog sleeps
And none to know their midnight sins
Are stashed and slept in pantry bins.
And what the moral in this lies?
Stop boys. Leash dogs. Swat bugs. Squash flies.
Prohibit such from pantry reach,