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Principal Service

Year A


As we begin to prepare for the coming of the Lord Jesus to share our humanity, let us pray for grace faithfully to acknowledge him as our Saviour and our Judge.

Keep your Church ever watchful, prepared for the call to new service and greater witness . . . Give to your faithful people keen eyes and eager minds to know and to perform your will at all times.

Bring to a world absorbed in the present and fearful of the future the vision of a greater glory . . . Give wisdom that all work for present needs may be done with the desire that your divine purpose may be fulfilled . . . Grant patience to those who must wait to see the results of their work.

May those of our community who have not heard your call to watch and pray be filled with desire to come to your house for worship . . . Use us as the means of drawing others into the fellowship of your Kingdom now and to come.

Have mercy on those whose suffering holds them in the agony of the moment . . . Bring to them the vision of the time when good shall triumph and there shall be no more pain and sorrow.

We commend into your keeping the souls of those who faithfully looked for the fulfilment of your promise and have entered into the Church Triumphant of the saints . . . Give us grace to hold fast to the same hope of eternal life.

We offer our prayers in the name of the Christ who was long promised, came in humility and will come again in glory.


Having received the revelation of God through his holy word entrusted to human hands, we pray, confident in his care for all people.

As the prophets foretold the coming of Christ, and the Baptist declared his presence, empower your Church to make him known at this present time . . . Guide us with wisdom and understanding in the reading of your word revealed in holy scripture.

Enlighten the people of this world with repentance for past wrong and a new resolve for good . . . Fulfil in our time the promise of peace and reconciliation.

Open our eyes to find your word for us in Bible reading . . . In all our dealings with one another, enable us to speak the truth in love, to be witnesses of faith to all whose lives touch ours.

May the present comfort of your holy word and the hope of future glory bring strength to those who suffer . . . Give them relief through the power of Christ, healing all their ills and making all things new.

Grant that the souls of the departed may share the joy of all who have witnessed to the message of salvation . . . We give thanks for those who have gone before to prepare for us the way of peace.

We offer our words of prayer, that they may be acceptable in the name of the Word made flesh for us.


As the grace of God has opened our way to come before him, let us pray in the assurance that he is present among us.

As the Son of God was made known by mighty works, strengthen his Church in true faith and good deeds . . . Make through her witness a highway to your holiness, a garden in the wilderness.

May the desert places of sin and sorrow blossom as the rose, filled with the joy of your presence . . . Bring light to those who are in darkness, love to the hearts that are barren.

Bless us with your presence in our families and friendships . . . Give us patience in all our dealings with others . . . Where relationships are hurt or broken, give healing and renewal.

As our Lord Jesus performed great wonders of healing, bring relief and renewed health to the sick and injured . . . Have mercy on those who after long illness are despairing of health . . . Give them hope and trust in your unfailing love.

Grant rest to those who have seen the promises fulfilled, all troubles ended, all distresses healed . . . Make them perfect in the peace of Christ.

Seeking to follow the way which the Lord has shown to us, we make our prayers in his Name.


Let us pray with confidence in the promise that what we ask in the name of our Lord Jesus will be acceptable to our heavenly Father.

Strengthen your Church in the name of Jesus, to know the power of the Saviour, of God with us . . . Hold us fast in the obedience and faith that enabled Joseph to perform your will in the work of salvation.

Give hope and assurance to those who bear the burden of authority in difficult times . . . May all who are doubtful and anxious know that the promise of salvation is made to all who will receive it.

Help us to be worthy of the name of Jesus which we honour in our faith . . . Number us among those who bear the message of salvation, to be a light to those with whom we live and work.

Bring new hope and confidence to all who are in doubt and uncertainty . . . Give peace to the troubled minds that distrust those near to them, and bring them new strength in love.

We pray for those who have known and believed the message of salvation and now rejoice in its fulfilment . . . Be merciful to those who in this world were doubtful and did not find perfect trust: make them also sharers of the promise.

In humble trust we offer these prayers to Almighty God, through the Name that is above every name.


God sent his Son to live as a man among us: let us pray in the confidence of our new life in him.

Rejoicing in the birth of our Lord and Saviour, we pray that the Church may be continually reborn . . . Let us share the humility of the manger, the adoration of the shepherds, and the love of the Holy Family, in the light of him who is the Light of the world.

Pity and pardon this world of conflict, deaf to the message of peace . . . Bring harmony where there is strife between nations and where people are divided by suspicion and bitterness . . . Heal those who have no peace within themselves.

We pray for the families and friends with whom we celebrate this happy time . . . Give us true love, unselfish desires and grateful hearts . . . We pray especially for the children, for their unclouded joy at this time . . . Create in us a pattern of human love that will lead them to the love of God who sent his Son as a little child.

We pray for those who cannot feel the joy of Christmas, through the burden of sickness, bereavement or other distress . . . Comfort with your presence all who are separated at this time from those they love . . . Bring the light of Christ into their afflicted lives.

Have mercy on the departed who, having shared with Christ their human birth and infancy, have shared with him also the death of the body . . . Make their joy complete, in the Kingdom where there is neither birth nor death but abundant life without end.

Through Christ who is the hope of the nations and the joy of all people we make our prayers to God who is most wonderfully with us.


Let us pray, with joy for humanity redeemed and in sorrow for humanity still marred by sin.

As we rejoice in the Incarnation of Jesus, we acknowledge also his suffering for our salvation . . . Give to the Church grace to proclaim both the joy and the great price of God’s love.

May the message of this holy time be heard in a world where mistrust and cruelty still bring the abuse of power . . . Give understanding to those whose indifference wounds the divine heart of love.

In the strength of the incarnate Christ make us instruments of his peace . . . Reconcile us where we are in dispute with others and cleanse us from all resentment.

We bring before you the innocent who suffer by human sin . . . We pray for civilians caught up in war, for victims of terrorism and crime, for children abused: protect them with your power of love.

We remember those who died in childhood or youth . . . As they find their fulfilment in the life eternal, comfort those who remain to mourn for them.

In our fellowship with all God’s people, worshipping here on earth or in the fullness of his glory, we offer these our prayers.


Let us pray in the unity of all who worship Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace and the Lord of mercy.

You have gathered your people together, with the purpose that they may be one . . . Bring to the Church the complete unity that is your will . . . Give us grace to proclaim the promises prepared from the beginning and revealed in Jesus Christ.

In a world torn apart by divisions and strife, lead us back into the way of peace, heal what is damaged and unite what is sundered . . . Give to all in authority wisdom and a true desire for peace.

Bless our families with the sharing of love . . . Help us to live in peace and harmony with our neighbours . . . We have seen the light of Christ: let it shine through us.

Have mercy on those who are broken in body, mind or spirit . . . Come to those who are torn apart by anxiety and give them the confidence of knowing your loving purpose.

As we remember those who are now gathered into unity with you, made whole in your presence, we offer our imperfect faith that we too may come to the perfection of eternal life.

May our prayers be joined with the worship of saints and angels, and may we too be messengers of God’s peace.


Let us pray in the glorious light of Christ who leads his people in all their worship and adoration.

As the Wise Men were led to worship the infant Jesus, so lead your Church to know you more clearly and to do your work on earth more faithfully . . . Give us deeper reverence in worship, humbly to adore the mystery of the Incarnation.

Guide those with authority and influence to acknowledge the lordship of Christ . . . Teach those who control the resources of the world to use them responsibly . . . Turn the hearts of those who work only for their own interests and bring them to love others in the freedom of your service.

Help those who work in our local community, and those with whom we work, to offer their gifts and talents for the good of all . . . Make us witnesses to your truth through the quiet offering of our lives.

Bring reconciliation to families broken by infidelity and misunderstanding . . . Have mercy on orphaned and neglected children . . . Visit and relieve the homeless and those driven out by war or persecution.

We pray for those who have died in childhood, that their lives may be fulfilled in eternal life . . . Comfort those who mourn for them with the knowledge that they are free from all suffering and are close to you for ever.

May our offerings of prayer be acceptable to the King of glory, revealed to all who seek him diligently in faith.


In obedience to the Lord who for our sake was obedient to the human condition and gave us the example of holy baptism, we offer our prayers.

As Christians are united in baptism, break down the barriers that keep us apart . . . All things are made new in Jesus your Son: renew your Church, appointed to make him known to all nations.

Open the eyes that are blind with false values, liberate those who are held in the prison of their sins, lighten the darkness of ignorance and error, that the world may be truly free.

Fill us with the love of Jesus, revealed to us in faith . . . As our lives touch other lives, make us agents of the good news that he is our Saviour.

Look with pity on those whose lives are bruised, whose hopes are quenched . . . Give them new life through the Holy Spirit who descended on Jesus, the beloved, in his baptism.

We commend to your love those who, washed in the water of baptism, were close to you in this life and now are closer in the life eternal . . . By your grace, may we and they be one in you.

Being washed with the water of repentance and new life, we pray as members through hope of the Kingdom of God.


We who are disciples of Christ in our time join in prayer for his Church, and for all people.

As you have called us to your service, make us worthy of our calling . . . Your loving purpose was before all ages; let it not fail through those who are your Church in this generation.

Come with your powerful love to those who have not heard your call or have failed to answer it . . . Draw the mighty and the humble of the world to follow where Jesus has led.

May our homes be radiant with your presence through our love and hospitality to others . . . Help us to do our daily work knowing that it is part of our calling to be your disciples.

Give to the suffering the comfort of your presence . . . Make the lives of the poor rich, as the disciples were made rich through their calling.

We give thanks for those whose faith was confirmed to the end, who were called to be saints not by any merit of their own but by your grace . . . May they be joyful in the life that was prepared for them from the beginning.

May Almighty God, who shows the way to men and women who have heard his voice, graciously hear us when we raise our own voices in prayer.


Guided by the great light of divine glory, let us pray to God who calls us to follow and worship him.

Illumine the Church with the light of your truth . . . Keep her faithful to her one Lord, Jesus Christ, avoiding contention and never trusting in human strength alone.

Shine with divine love on those who walk in darkness . . . Let the nations hear the gentle voice of your call and respond with joy, that there may be peace in place of strife.

As the disciples were called to be fishers of people for the Kingdom, make us obedient to the call to be ministers of the Gospel in our homes, our work, our community.

As our Lord Jesus in his earthly ministry healed all kinds of sickness and disease, may his healing power come now to the sick and injured . . . Strengthen and enable all who work to heal the sick.

We remember before you those who were your disciples in this world and now rejoice in the great light of heaven . . . We give thanks that you have indeed multiplied their joy.

Rejoicing that we are led in the way of obedience and love, we pray to the Lord of light and truth.


Let us pray to God, our gracious host and divine guest, giver of all good gifts.

Loving God, whose foolishness is greater than human wisdom, strengthen your Church to proclaim the faith of Christ crucified . . . Let no contempt or opposition hold her back from her duty to the world.

Have mercy on a world made foolish by misuse of knowledge and power . . . Grant to those who think themselves wise the simple trust that is the only hope of humanity. Where there are families in need, bring comfort . . . Where there is joy, give blessing . . . May the presence of Jesus protect and sanctify all marriages.

As the daily miracle of your creation brings food and drink for human needs, have mercy on the hungry of the world . . . Give us eager hearts and ready hands to give relief.

We commend to your love those who trusted in the Cross and now are called to the great feast where the faithful departed rejoice in the fullness of the divine love.

May the Lord who most bountifully answers every need hear us as we call upon him in our prayers.


With confidence in the divine light revealed to our human race, let us pray to the Lord.

We give thanks for knowledge of our salvation, seen with the eye not of sight but of faith . . . Enlighten the Church to be a true Temple to the glory of Christ and a witness to the world.

Make the divine light to shine on all nations . . . Through Christ, who took our nature fully upon him, deliver your people from all evil.

In our families and friendships, make us a light to lighten the lives of others . . . Come with the healing fire of your love to cleanse all that is not right in our community, that all may know their true Redeemer.

Bless and protect the vulnerable ones of our common humanity: the babies, the parents who have few of the world’s goods, the aged and infirm . . . Be their strong defence in times of need and keep them from harm.

We pray for those who have departed in peace and come into the glorious light of eternity . . . Receive them into the salvation that was prepared for them from the beginning.

We end our prayers in the peace of God who has given us his Son to be the Saviour of the world.



Let us pray, as those who seek to be faithful members of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Keep the Church steadfast in the way of your commandments . . . Make your people a light to their generation, faithful to the Gospel of love.

Guide all people into the mystery that challenges the wisdom of the world . . . Show the way of true repentance which does not rest on outward signs but turns back sincerely to obey your will.

Inspire us with your love, to bring light to those with whom we live and work . . . Open our eyes to see where there is need for relief to the hungry body or the clouded mind.

Have compassion on those who are afraid, who feel inadequate for the demands of life . . . Grant them confidence in the hidden wisdom of your word.

We give thanks for those who have been faithful to your law and shone as lights in their earthly lives . . . Grant them the fullness of your presence, where true wisdom is revealed.

Honouring the Law of God and seeking true righteousness, we make our prayers to fulfil his commandments.


With purity of heart and in love to all his people, let us pray to the Lord.

Guide your Church to walk in the right way, holding faith in Christ alone . . . Working together for your will, may we be truly of your building.

When so many conflicting voices are heard and burdens of choice are often heavy, lead the peoples of the world into the right way, to follow life and not death, good and not evil.

Inspire us, our families and friends, with the spirit of true love and purity . . . Take away the hidden anger and the unresolved conflicts that can mar our lives.

Have mercy on those whose anger and resentment holds them back from fullness of life . . . Help those who are hurt and cannot forgive . . . Heal the wounds of broken faith in close relationships.

We give thanks for the faith of those who have laboured well in this world and are now at rest . . . We pray for those who died bitter and unforgiving: grant them pardon and peace.

Submitting to the judgement of the only true Judge and trusting in his mercy, we lay before him this our offering of prayer.


Let us pray, in love for God our only strength, and for all his people.

Strengthen your Church, established on the firm foundation of Christ . . . Make her holy in all her works, seeking always the way of righteousness.

Arouse your divine compassion in the hearts of all people . . . Inspire in us generosity to the poor and neglected, reconciliation and trust between enemies.

Make us loving towards our neighbours, finding in each the image of Christ . . . Forgive us our thoughts of hostility and failures of love, and make us eager to forgive others.

Come and relieve those who suffer through the anger of the unforgiving . . . Those who are in want through the greed of the selfish . . . Those who are held in the power of their own bitterness.

Grant rest to the souls who in this life made Christ their one foundation . . . Hold them in the peace of wrongs forgiven and enmities overcome.

Through him on whom all our hope is founded, Christ the support and strength of the faithful, we offer our prayers.


Let us pray to God, our creator, sustainer and redeemer, for our needs and the needs of the whole world.

Fill the Church, your new creation, with the spirit of hope . . . Enable her to proclaim to all people the good news of the Kingdom and its righteousness.

Restore to a world created holy and beautiful but which we have defaced by indifference and greed, the reverence due to all your creatures . . . Give hope and trust to take away the anxiety for the future that troubles so many.

Bring to all who are of our community the assurance that they are your children and that you will meet their needs . . . Let our own trust be a witness to others.

Have mercy on those whose troubles hold them back from knowing the beauty of the world . . . Deliver them from fear and show them the joy of your salvation.

We commend those who have been delivered from the cares of this transitory life . . . Hold them in the life of the Kingdom where lost beauty is restored and lost innocence is renewed.

Trusting in the unfailing love of God for all that he has made, we offer our prayer and praise before him.


Let us pray in obedience to God’s holy law and in adoration of his glory revealed in his Son.

As we have received your commandments, give to your Church a prophetic voice to declare them, that the glory of Christ may shine in all people . . . Give us the light that we cannot find without your guidance.

Look with pity on a world lacking direction and purpose . . . Lighten the nations with the vision of truth revealed of old in your holy mountain.

Grant to us, and to our families and friends, the desire to draw closer to Christ and to live our lives with him . . . Speak to us through the Holy Spirit as you spoke to the prophets and apostles.

Send the light of Christ into the darkness of those who are in need and distress at this time . . . Give them the assurance of salvation.

We give thanks that the faithful departed are transfigured in the light of your love . . . Give us grace to live according to your commandments and to follow in their steps.

May these our prayers be found worthy in the light of Christ, our guide in all our words and ways.


In penitence and faith seeking the path of holiness, let us pray to the Lord.

Inspire your Church to witness to her Lord at this season by following him in humility and simplicity of life . . . Give us wisdom to make good resolves and grace to maintain them . . . Grant that we may so deepen and purify our worship that we shall know more fully your holy will.

We pray for those who use the good things of this world selfishly and for those whose power makes them insensitive to the needs of others . . . Show them the way of love and self-denial . . . Cleanse the peoples of the earth from worshipping the false gods of wealth and possessions.

Fill us with the grace of prayer and service . . . Enable us to give ourselves more readily, in our homes, our work and all our dealings with others . . . Shield those known to us who are beset by temptation to do wrong.

We pray for those whose lives are austere not by choice but by misfortune . . . For those who have no comforts to renounce because they struggle to survive . . . We pray for the starving and undernourished, the homeless and the unprotected.

Have mercy on the dead who once trusted in the things of this world . . . Have mercy on those who looked for salvation through their own deeds . . . In your unfailing love, grant them the eternal life which all may gain through faith but none can merit.

Sorrowful for our sins and joyful for the means of pardon, we begin our Lenten pilgrimage in prayer.


Let us pray to the Lord who guides us through the wilderness of temptation into our fellowship with him and with one another.

Forgive the weakness and failures of those who call themselves followers of Christ . . . By his victory over temptation, strengthen your Church in his service.

Have mercy on a fallen world, disobedient to your law . . . Restore in all our humanity your image that has been defaced through sin . . . Inspire those in authority with more concern for the care of natural things.

Make us more aware of the beauty of creation in the places where we live and work . . . Give us grace to resist the temptation to use your creatures for our own pleasure.

Have mercy on those who have fallen deeply into sin and despair . . . Lead them into the new life which Christ has opened to all who will believe.

We commend to your mercy the souls of those who have passed from the temptations of this world . . . Forgive their sins and receive them into the perfection of your new creation.

Beset by temptation but trusting in the power of Christ alone to save, we commend ourselves to his mercy through our prayers.


Let us pray in the power of the Holy Spirit who guides and enables the people of God.

As your word has been revealed from the days of Abraham until this time, make us faithful in our generation to believe your promises and follow the guidance of your Holy Spirit.

Open the ears of a world that seems deaf to your word . . . Grant that the lives that have fallen aside from the true way may be born again.

Keep us, our families and friends, alert to your calling . . . As we come to you in questioning, relieve our doubts and fears . . . Breathe new life into our homes and the places where we work.

Give courage to those who are fearful of what lies before them, who face the call to depart into new and unknown ways . . . Keep them steadfast in hope and trust.

Grant to the faithful departed the eternal life promised by our Lord Jesus . . . Unite our prayers with them and with those who have believed your word through all the ages.

May the Holy Spirit direct and sanctify these our prayers and lead us in the way of truth.


That we may worship in spirit and in truth, let us pray with reverence to Almighty God.

Source of the living water, forgive us when we fail in trust and serenity towards you . . . Through all times of trouble and difficulty, keep your Church constant to worship you in spirit and in truth.

Come to a world that is thirsty for peace and security . . . Calm the restlessness of humanity with the knowledge of salvation won by Jesus Christ.

We pray for those known to us who are suffering in their marriages or other close relationships . . . We remember also those who know you imperfectly, and pray that they may understand and be made whole.

Look with compassion on those who know too well the pains of bodily thirst . . . Strike through the hardness of our hearts, that we may work for relief in areas of drought and famine.

With confidence in the love of Christ who died for sinners, we commend the souls departed this life . . . We give thanks for the eternal life in which none shall ever thirst again.

We offer these prayers to God who knows the secrets of all hearts and gives us the water of life.


Let us pray for the light of Christ, that we may worship with a clear vision of his love.

Open the eyes of your people, to have a right judgement in all things by the light of your truth . . . Shield us from the works of darkness that may threaten the purity of your Church.

When so many cannot see their way and fall into indifference or despair, grant that the light of the Gospel may be known to all nations . . . Give true discernment to those who go astray through the false judgement of outward sight.

Be close to our families and save them from all that would offend against you . . . Bring the brightness of your presence into our community, to reveal and correct those things which are contrary to your will.

Have mercy on the blind and weak of sight . . . Guide those who seek to relieve them, and increase our will to help where resources are needed.

We remember those whose eyes are open indeed as they live in the fullness of your glory . . . We give thanks for the way of salvation shown by Christ, the Light of the world.

That we may have the perfect vision of faith, may these our prayers lead us to closer knowledge of God.



Let us pray to God, the giver of life in this world and in his eternal Kingdom.

Breathe new life into the Church . . . Break through our sloth and indifference . . . Give us power to proclaim Jesus as the Resurrection and the life.

Bless the wilderness places of the world, where the springs of hope have become dry . . . Heal with your life-giving Spirit all who are weighed down by the burden of materialism.

Lead us, our families and friends, in the way of true righteousness . . . Give us lives more joyful in the assurance of sins forgiven.

Comfort those who mourn, so that they may know that death is not the end . . . Give the Spirit of life to those whose spirits are broken by sorrow.

Confident in the promise that those who believe in Jesus Christ will live though they are dead, we give thanks for all who have left their earthly body and entered into the greater life of the Spirit.

We make our prayers in the name of Christ who has raised us from the death of sin to eternal life.


Let us follow in the way of Christ and pray through him to the Father.

Give true humility to your people, making them more worthy to proclaim the sufferings of Christ, the just for the unjust . . . As he was smitten for us, strengthen us when we must bear scorn and opposition for his sake.

Turn and soften those who take the false and easy way when choice is demanded . . . Cleanse the world of corruption that is concealed under a show of goodness.

Give us the desire to serve those whose lives touch our own . . . Let us honour one another for the sake of him who humbled himself to the Cross for us.

Have compassion on those who are condemned by unjust laws and cruel regimes . . . May they feel, in their suffering, the suffering love of Christ.

We pray for those who have been put to death through anger, blindness or cowardice or by the violence of injustice . . . Give them the peace that was refused them in this life.

Casting our cares and our sins before the feet of Christ, may we have grace to follow him to the end.


Let us pray, in the joy of the Lord’s sacrament and in the sorrow of his Passion.

Inspire the Church with the presence of Jesus Christ, here with us as he was with his disciples on the eve of his Passion . . . Draw us closer to you and to one another in the celebration of holy communion.

Recalling your great acts of mercy, we pray for the world, for freedom from the slavery of injustice and oppression, and all that holds people back from fullness of life.

As you gave to your disciples a new commandment of love, give the spirit of love to all among whom we live . . . Let the healing power of our communion spread beyond these walls, to make many whole.

Have mercy on those who have not learned to love . . . Grant that those who feel themselves to be without value may be confident of their worth shown in Christ’s saving death.

We pray for those who in this world followed Christ and died in the assurance of his love . . . May the grace of his communion fortify us until we rest with them.

As we come to the Table of the Lord, may these our prayers be united with the great Prayer of Thanksgiving.


In sorrow, in penitence and in thanksgiving for the divine sacrifice of the Passion, let us pray.

Give to your Church grace to enter deeply into the sad mystery of this day . . . As we stand before the Cross of Jesus Christ, make us more worthy to take that Cross as the sign of our faith.

Have mercy on a world that goes its way ignorant or forgetful of Christ’s sacrificial love . . . In the power of the Cross, let his true kingship be established.

As Jesus cared for his mother and his friend even in the hour of death, let nothing diminish our concern for one another . . . As he was crucified near to a city, may his saving love come into our homes.

Look with compassion on all who are bruised and smitten by suffering . . . In the sufferings of Christ, let them find healing.

We pray for all whose earthly lives have ended . . . We pray that the death which destroyed death shall be their life.

Now and at all times, we offer our prayers through Jesus Christ, crucified for us.


In quiet confidence and joyful expectation, let us pray to the Lord.

With sorrow and hope we offer our worship this day . . . Grant to all the faithful the grace to wait upon your will in peace and stillness.

Bring to busy, restless humanity the blessing of calm . . . May the message of hope be preached even in the darkest places of the world.

Bless our families with the peace of Christ . . . Heal disputes and divisions in our community with the remembrance that Christ suffered for us all, even to death.

Give rest to the tired minds and bodies of those for whom Christ suffered in the flesh . . .

Have mercy on all who mourn, and give them confidence in a new and greater life. Be close to those who sleep now in death . . . Come to the dying, and bring them with Jesus through the tomb into eternal life.

Through the peace of trust and repose in Jesus Christ, we offer these our prayers.


Let us pray to the Father who raised his Son to life that we might live for ever in him.

Strengthen your Church to be the Body of Christ at work in the world . . . Heal our divisions and imperfections, make whole this visible body so that it may truly reflect his glorious Body . . . Give grace to ministers of the Gospel in proclaiming the message of the Resurrection.

We pray that the joy of the Resurrection may be known throughout the world, that those who are ignorant of the love of Christ may feel his presence and share his risen life . . . May all human endeavour become part of the new creation and the life without end.

Give grace this Easter time to heal the wounds of differences among our families, friends and neighbours . . . By the offering and acceptance of pardon where there has been wrong, may we know together the fullness of the Easter life.

Grant to all who suffer the knowledge of where true healing is to be found . . . Heal the hurt and broken bodies, give peace to the troubled minds, restore hope to the grieved and anxious spirits . . . Lead all human sorrow through the pain of the dying Christ to the joy of his Resurrection.

As we rejoice in the Resurrection of Christ our Saviour, we pray for all who, like him, have suffered the death of the body . . . We pray that the power which brought him from the grave may give them a part in his victory over death and in his risen life for ever.

Risen with Christ and filled with new life, we pray as his people on earth.


Let us pray, in the peace of the risen Christ and with the faith of the Apostles.

As the Apostles proclaimed the good news of the Resurrection, inspire the Church to make it known to all people . . . Come with power among us and confirm our faith.

Break through the barriers that close human hearts against your love . . . Let all people understand their true inheritance through grace.

Make us your witnesses to others, bringing news of the Risen Christ to our families and friends, our neighbours and colleagues . . . May the peace of your presence spread through our community.

Have mercy on those who cannot grasp the reality of your love for them . . . Give confidence to those who are constrained by doubt and fear.

We give thanks for those who held their faith through the trials of this world and have received their salvation, resting in the peace where all wounds are healed, all doubts dispelled.

May God pardon our doubts and imperfections in these and all our prayers.


Let us pray to the Father through the Son who is close to us now and always.

As the risen Christ was made known in the breaking of bread, give grace to all Christian people through the holy communion of his Body and Blood . . . Forgive our failures of devotion when we come to his Table.

Open the eyes of those who do not understand that Christ is near to them . . . May the truth of his sacrifice for men and women everywhere be known in all the world.

Guide us to discern Christ in all our lives, in our friends and colleagues, in those that we find difficult to love . . . Inspire us to share the good news of the Resurrection.

Have mercy on those who are so cast down by sorrow that they cannot feel the divine love . . . Lighten their darkness with the light of the new life in Christ.

Abide with those whose days on earth are spent and who now rest in Christ . . . Grant to all who have walked with him the fullness of his presence.

That our eyes may be opened and our hearts warmed with faith, we offer our prayers.


Let us pray to the Lord, by whose grace we are led in the paths of righteousness.

Strengthen your Church in the desire for true fellowship . . . Make us one in heart and mind, so that we may share the riches of your grace with all.

Make all the world hear the voice of the Good Shepherd and turn from the ways of evil . . . Give strength to those who work for better sharing of this world’s goods.

Enfold our homes and places of work in the love of Christ . . . Let nothing destroy our care for one another.

Have mercy on all who like sheep have gone astray . . . Lead them back to the true fold of your love where they may find fullness of life.

We remember those who have passed through the door of death and found it the door of life prepared by the Resurrection of Christ . . . Grant them eternal life.

We offer our prayers in the name of Jesus Christ, the great Shepherd of his sheep.


In the faith of Christ, we pray as he has commanded us and given us his example.

As we have become your people by grace, make us more worthy of our calling . . . Lead your Church to follow Jesus in all things as the way, the truth and the life.

Spread your healing presence in a world where many cannot bear to hear the truth . . . Give grace and power to those who seek to do great works in the name of Christ.

Use us as living stones to build a community in your name . . . Keep us, our families and friends, in the true way.

Soothe the hearts that are troubled and guide the feet that do not know the way . . . Grant, to all who suffer, the vision of Christ risen and glorified, at the right hand of the Father.

May the Lord who has gone before to prepare a place for us, receive the souls of the faithful and grant them the perfect knowledge of his love.

We pray in the name of the Son, in whom the Father is revealed and glorified.


Let us pray in the Spirit who gives us the means and the grace to pray.

As we profess our love, inspire us to give proof of love by keeping your commandments . . . Grant that the Church may be always guided by the Spirit of truth.

As you have created all things, and made our whole human race of one blood, bring harmony and peace to the peoples of the world . . . Dispel the darkness of ignorance, that all may fully know you and worthily worship you.

Unite in love the members of our local community . . . Let the Holy Spirit dwell in our homes and give us peace.

Set free all who are held in ignorance and superstition . . . Bring into true faith those whose desire for forbidden knowledge has led them into evil ways.

As Christ came after his Passion to release the departed souls, so may his presence always bring comfort to the dying and eternal life to those who have died.

Rejoicing that we live in the ever-living Christ, we pray in his name.


With hearts and minds lifted to Christ who has ascended on high, let us pray.

As we join with all Christian people in giving praise for the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray for the Church that he left to continue his work on earth . . . Faithful to her calling, may she witness to his glory by declaring and practising his saving love.

We pray that through the glorified humanity of Jesus all people may be brought to a better understanding of our human nature . . . By your power, renew this world that is upheld in your love . . . Teach all to respect the dignity and rights of others as children of one Father.

Grant that in our daily lives our vision may not be limited by present concerns . . . May all that we do, in our families and in our work, be seen in the light of Christ and offered to him as the Master of all our service.

Have mercy on all who suffer in body or mind . . . Give them strength and hope in the Ascended Christ . . . May his passage from suffering to glory lift them out of their troubles into new life.

We pray for all who have gone where Christ has led, whose human nature has been transformed in his presence . . . Teach us to be ready to follow them, confident in his love and guided by his example.

We offer these prayers through the divine power of Christ, shed abroad in all the world.


Let us pray to the Father, glorified in the Son to whom all things in heaven and earth are given.

May all Christian people be one in the glory of Christ . . . Bless evangelists and preachers, that your Church may make the faith known to all nations.

Draw the races and nations of the world together in better understanding . . . Break down the barriers of hostility and ignorance that hold your children apart.

Make us bearers of your word to those among whom we live . . . May we be sensitive to discern and heal the misunderstandings that cause division.

Comfort and relieve those who suffer for their faith . . . Protect your chosen ones who are rejected by the world.

Grant to the departed the eternal life in which is true knowledge of God in Christ . . . May they for ever share in his glory.

We pray through Jesus Christ, who has called us to the true knowledge of God.


In the power of the Holy Spirit that we have received by grace, let us pray.

Grant to the Church strength, wisdom and judgement through the Holy Spirit . . . Release in your people the power of a living witness to the whole world, fulfilling your command to those who seek to follow you in truth.

Have mercy on a world where there is often speech without communication, relationships without love, and where people are separated by barriers of race and nationality . . . Send your Holy Spirit to show men and women their true needs and teach them to live together without fear.

Grant us right judgement in our families, friendships and work . . . May we know your presence in every situation . . . Give us grace to reflect your love in our care for those with whom we share our lives.

Break through the darkness of unhappy lives with the light of your healing and guidance . . . Have mercy on those who have never known you . . . Redeem and restore those who have lost the faith they once had.

We pray for those who now rejoice in the perfect knowledge and unclouded vision of your nearer presence . . . May we who know and worship you imperfectly here come at last into that same eternal light.

May our prayers be worthy to stand in the pure light of the Holy Spirit.



Let us pray with faith to the blessed and glorious Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Preserve your Church in the true faith, to acknowledge with awe and reverence the mystery of the Holy Trinity . . . Fill our worship with adoration . . . Give us due humility and assurance as members of the Church which you have created, loved and sanctified.

Open human eyes to the wonder of things unseen . . . Make all lives richer in the hope of blessings more than we can comprehend . . . Give clearer vision to those in positions of power and influence.

Grant to us in our own lives a share in the mutual love of the Holy Trinity . . . May that unbroken harmony be shown in our families, in our work and in all our relationships.

Have mercy on those whose lives are crippled by strain and anxiety in themselves, and hostility to others . . . Release their tension, give them inward peace, restore them to the wholeness which is your will for all.

We pray for the departed who in this world held fast to the faith of the Holy Trinity and now adore you for ever . . . May their example strengthen and prepare us for the coming of joy made complete and love made perfect in your heavenly Kingdom.

May our prayers be received in the unity of the Holy Trinity, three Persons and one God.


Let us pray to our heavenly Father, who calls us into his Kingdom.

Strengthen your Church to stand firmly on her divine foundation in Christ . . . May the faith which we profess be shown in works of justice, care and compassion.

Lead all people into the way of truth . . . When choice is demanded, grant true judgement so that the world may grow closer to the way of salvation.

Keep us constant in Christian love for all who come into our lives . . . Show us ways in which we can make our faith a clear sign to others . . . Protect our community from the foolishness that brings destruction.

Have mercy on all who have gone astray and chosen evil ways . . . Give greater assurance to those who are afraid or ashamed to confess their faith.

Receive into your Kingdom the souls of those who have died . . . Redeemed by grace, may they be forgiven for their sins and rest in peace.

Trusting in Jesus Christ, the only sure foundation, we make our prayers in his name.


Let us pray to God, who hears the prayers of sinners who trust in his mercy.

Confirm the Church as the true heir of the promise . . . Empower your people to declare in their time your everlasting love.

Look with pity on a world that is often sick and does not know its need of healing . . . Lift the crushing weight of fear from those who live by law without mercy.

Bless our families, friends and neighbours with health of mind and body . . . Fill us with love and forgiveness for those who have offended us . . . Help us to receive them in love, acknowledging our own need of healing and pardon.

Have pity on those who feel that society has despised and rejected them . . . Come with your healing power to the chronically sick who despair of health . . . Make them know that they are not forsaken in their suffering.

Raise up to eternal life the souls of the departed . . . Have mercy on all who mourn, especially for the death of a child.

That we may be made whole through faith in Christ, we pray in his name.


Let us pray for the Church entrusted to the Disciples and the world into which they were sent.

As Jesus called the twelve to be disciples, make all members of the Church faithful followers in the way that he taught . . . Strengthen the hope and love that belong to Christian people.

By the Holy Spirit, bring the radiance of your love into the hearts of all who do not know you . . . Make the Gospel known to those who wander as lost sheep in the world.

Open our eyes to recognise the needs of others who come close to us . . . As we go on our way, fill us with desire to speak the good news of the Kingdom.

Relieve and comfort those who suffer from any kind of sickness . . . Empower those who care for them . . . Give new hope to those who have lost it through distress of body or mind.

As the living receive your divine compassion in their suffering, grant mercy to those who have died and gather them into your eternal Kingdom.

Called to labour for the Lord, we pray that all we do and say may be truly in his name.


That all Christian people may be one and witnesses to the world, let us pray to the Lord.

United by baptism into the death of Christ, we seek to be bearers of his life . . . Give to your faithful people the strength to take up the Cross and follow Christ.

Where selfishness makes people cling to false values, reveal the way of peace through the death of self . . . Give freedom from the sin that diminishes fullness of life.

Bless us, our families, friends and neighbours, with the spirit of mutual care . . . As servants of our Master, let us be servants of one another, unselfish in our relationships, seeking the common good.

Be close to those who are persecuted for their faith . . . Shield them from violence and give them hope.

Enrich with new life those who have died in faith . . . As they passed through the waters of baptism in this world, bring them through the gate of death into glory.

Seeking new life through the saving death of Christ, we pray in his name.


Let us pray to the Lord, by whose grace we know that he is present here with us.

Save us from falling back into the sin from which we have been made free . . . Shield the Church from carelessly accepting your grace without remembering the cost of our salvation.

Hear the cries of the world in the thirst of the body and the thirst of the soul . . . Open the minds of all to the message of salvation.

Help us to care for all who are our special responsibility through family or friendship . . . Teach us to receive your little ones in love, that we may discern the needs of our community and seek to meet them in the name of Christ.

Have mercy on all who are held in the slavery of sin . . . Give to those damaged by addiction to evil habits the strength that they cannot find in themselves.

We pray that the departed may be released from the penalty due to sin . . . In your mercy, grant them your promised gift of eternal life.

We stand in the presence of God, praying that our faith may be shown in works of love.


Let us pray through the Son to the Father, Lord of heaven and earth.

Keep the Church strong in the law of Christ, resisting the temptation to accept false values . . . May your people in their generation be truly the children of wisdom.

Have pity on a world full of discontent, restless and finding no lasting satisfaction . . . Guide into the right way all who desire the good but give way to evil.

Help us to discern and follow the right way in all our relationships . . . May the knowledge of your truth be known to this community . . . Give wisdom to those who hold responsibility in it and make them agents of your law of love.

Have mercy on those whose lives are weary and whose burdens are heavy . . . May they come to know the freedom of trust in Jesus Christ.

We pray for those who have been delivered from their mortal bodies . . . Now that the struggle with sin is over, receive them into your presence.

Secure in the rest that Christ has given, we pray in his name.


Let us pray to God, through whose word our words are given life.

Bless the Church, that she may be fruitful in good works . . . Let the word of truth not wither away, but grow to a rich harvest.

Come to the stony places of the world, where the life of the flesh prevails over the life of the spirit, and bring your peace.

May our families and friends, our neighbours and colleagues, receive the grace of the Spirit, to be rich in good work and sure faith.

Leading Intercessions

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