Читать книгу Finding Your True Life Purpose - Raymond Desmarais - Страница 4



Every individual in the world has a purpose. Do you know with certainty what your life purpose is? What value would you place on knowing what your true purpose in life would be?

Is your life one with down-stream focus where you look forward to going to work on Monday mornings? Are you the first one to show-up for work and the last one to leave because you are stimulated and excited about what you do? Do you find that you have energy to spare and can’t understand where all the time went at the end of the day?


Is your life one of up-stream focus where you reluctantly get out of bed for work on Monday mornings? Are you frequently late for work or take a lot of “Sick Days” because you find no stimulation or enjoyment while being at work? Do you find that you are worn-out by the end of the day, because you had to literally push yourself all day long?

This labor of love (personal workbook) was put together to help anyone who wants to know why they find work boring and/or unsatisfying. Those who aren’t sure of why they need to find stimulation, fun or escape after working hours do so to protect themselves from getting depressed or from falling into despair. This is because the joy of doing what they love is not present in their current work environment.

When you know what your true lifes’ purpose is, then you can pursue a lively-hood in an area that you will love what you do, because it is within your Essence. That which you were born to do. There is a child who is a potential genius and/or protege inside of each individual, who is waiting to emerge and play as an adult.

The value of finding and pursuing your lifes’ true purpose is found in recognizing the true benefits of becoming the person you were meant to be, and allowing your inner child to come out and play. By creating the life that is within your child of the past you can truly live a life of prosperity and happiness.

Some of these benefits are found in actualizing your dreams, because you have found your deepest motivational roots. Your drive is in doing what you love to do. This new found freedom to create values for yourself, your family and for the world brings with it the joy of accomplishment and self worth, raised self-esteem, more energy, greater income potentials, and so on.

When you feel the peace of having “that something more” in your life you will enjoy more satisfaction and also notice that you have also gained the admiration and respect of your peers. You just always seem to know what to do next. You are lucky. You are in Harmony with yourself and with the world. Everything works in your favour.

When you begin to build wealth, health and peace in your own life; you will also notice that you will have simultaneously built improved relationship skills in the process. Your own love of life is heightened. Life is fun and you feel good about everything.

Before you realize it you are well on your way to living that life you were meant to live. With new wealth, health, peace of mind and better romantic relationships and new friends in your life, you will truly know what a wonderful life really is.

Finding Your True Life Purpose

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