Читать книгу The Complete Legends of the Riftwar Trilogy: Honoured Enemy, Murder in Lamut, Jimmy the Hand - Raymond E. Feist - Страница 14
• Chapter Five • Accommodation
Asayaga chanced a look over the wall. The mist was blowing clear; it was possible to see across the narrow clearing as the light of the middle moon illuminated the ice-covered forest. He could feel the temperature dropping as a cold wind lashed in from the north-west.
Good and bad, he thought. We’ll be drier but the ground will be icy, making footing difficult. He had never seen ‘frozen water’ before coming to Midkemia, as his homeworld was a hot world compared to this one, but he had become as close to an expert on cold weather warfare as any Tsurani could after nine winters in the field; he didn’t like it, but he understood it.
‘Force Commander.’
He looked down. It was Tasemu. He had ordered the Strike Leader to stay in the barracks hall to keep watch, not trusting Sugama to maintain order.
Asayaga nodded, motioning for him to climb the ladder and join him on the wall.
Tasemu crouched down beside him.
‘Force Commander, what are you going to do?’
Asayaga chuckled and sat down by the Strike Leader’s side.
Do? At the moment he had no answer to that one. A dreaded enemy blocked the way back to their lines, and unbelievably he was sharing a meal and spending the night with nearly sixty Kingdom troops.
‘May I venture to say that my Force Commander is not sure of the future path?’ Tasemu announced, sounding quite formal but in so doing offering Asayaga a chance to ask for an opinion.
They’d been together since the start of this war and rank notwithstanding, he knew Tasemu to be a friend, and not just a loyal retainer. If they ever got back home they’d assume the old roles, but out here it was different.
‘Speak your mind, Tasemu. What future do you see?’ Asayaga asked, taking up his Strike Leader’s offer of advice.
Tasemu sat back against the stockade wall and looked up. The low scudding clouds parted for a brief instant, revealing the stars. Tasemu rubbed the patch over his empty eye-socket, a habit of his when he was thinking hard.
‘The black-skinned one, the Natalese, he is a deadly foe, as is their captain,’ he replied finally. ‘I have caught glimpses of them in battle several times. Only glimpses, but I know we have faced them before and lost. Killing those two would be a great coup, worthy in fact of the sacrifice of this entire unit. Later it would save the lives of many of our comrades.’
Asayaga snorted derisively. ‘I never knew you to be worried about the skin of others, especially of the Clan Shonshoni. This does not sound like your thoughts. It is what Sugama is saying, not an old veteran like you.’
Tasemu smiled. ‘It is what he is whispering at this very moment,’ Tasemu acknowledged, nodding back towards the barracks, ‘and more than one is listening in there.’
‘And you? What do you think, Strike Leader Tasemu?’
Tasemu hesitated, then said, ‘He’s right you know.’
‘If we were back at camp: and he was out here alone, I’d gladly shout such advice to him,’ Asayaga replied heatedly. ‘I’d shout for him to kill as many Kingdom warriors as he wants and die a glorious and honourable death himself in the process.
‘But we are not in camp, we are here, stuck with these barbarians and those damned Dark Brothers waiting to kill us all.’ He used the Kingdom words, rather than the Tsurani ‘Forest Demons’ as if doing so made them less fearful and more mortal. ‘First we figure out how to survive, then we think about killing soldiers of the Kingdom. If we can combine those goals, so much the better. If not …’
He fell silent and like Tasemu leaned back, looking up at the stars, wondering, as so many soldiers of the Tsurani did, which one might be home. Or if they could even see the yellow-green star that was home to Kelewan.
‘So, you are not planning then to kill the Kingdom soldiers, or try for their leaders?’ Tasemu pressed.
‘When it’s worth it,’ Asayaga replied sharply. ‘When it’s worth it to my family I will do it. But here? So what if we kill this Natalese and their captain. How many of us will survive when that fight starts?’
‘Not many,’ Tasemu answered. ‘The cold, this damnable cold, too many of our men are already spent.’
‘Even if we win, come morning …’ Asayaga motioned to the other side of the wall and then drew a finger across his own throat. He paused, then shook his head. ‘To those at home, we are already lost,’ he continued, his voice barely a whisper.
‘We’re overdue. If word ever got back to the Warlord’s camp that we all died in a futile battle, there would be no honour in it for our clan. Our House will be blamed for the loss of this command. If months from now a rumour comes back of our bleached bones being found in this gods-cursed place, thirty miles or more from where we were suppose to be, someone will seek to cast blame.
‘It won’t matter to me, I’ll be dead, as will you. But it will matter to our house and clan. Sugama’s family …’ He shook his head. His face briefly showed disgust before his features resumed their passive expression. ‘The Minwanabi, they win either way. He comes back alive from this, he’s a hero. He disappears, they’ve got rid of a Tondora fool, but they’ll cast him as the hero and vilify us. Clan Shonshoni rises. The Minwanabi rise. We gain nothing for our own.’
Tasemu asked, ‘So then, you think the rumours from home are true: that the Minwanabi lord seeks to displace Almecho as Warlord?’
Asayaga let out a long, silent breath. ‘Almecho would not be the first Warlord to be removed by a more ambitious rival. And the Minwanabi lord keeps his cousin Tasaio out here in this miserable weather for a reason.’
‘But he’s second-in-command, Force Commander.’
‘That’s the brilliance. If we are victorious, he shares the glory. But if we fail, he replaces a powerful rival …’ Asayaga stopped, then chuckled. ‘Ever, we are Tsurani, Tasemu.’ He motioned around him and said, ‘We sit upon this wooden palisade, leaning against frozen stones, in this miserable cold, surrounded by enemies, hours away from almost certain death, on a world not our own, and what do we do? We discuss politics back home.’
‘The Great Game is the Empire, Force Commander.’
Asayaga’s demeanour turned suddenly stern. ‘And the Empire is on another world! No. We must find a way out of here. A suicidal fight for honour may make sense back home, might help the family or clan in the Great Game, but to look for such a fight here, I would have to be an imbecile.’
Tasemu looked over at him and smiled. There was, for Asayaga a flash of memory then, a memory of nearly ten years ago when both of them were young soldiers, filled with dreams of glory and honour, ready to believe all they had been taught of Tsurani rules of proper behaviour in war.
Then had come the word of the failed invasion against the Thuril Confederation, and the cessation of hostilities in the highlands to the east of the Empire. Few dared openly call it a defeat, but for the first since the abandonment of Thubar – the Lost Lands across the Sea of Blood centuries earlier – the Empire of Tsuranuanni had been thwarted in its expansion.
The Party for War had been in turmoil, and the coalition of the Blue Wheel Party and the Party for Progress had been on the rise; then had come the discovery of the Rift Gate and the passage to this world, rich in metals and inhabited by barbarians. The Warlord Almecho had seized the opportunity to mount an expedition to bolster his falling stock in the Great Council and the war banners had flown and the battle call had sounded.
Young men had bravely marched before the Emperor’s reviewing stand while drums and horns had sounded. The Light of Heaven himself had blessed the endeavour and Asayaga had felt certain a great victory would be swiftly coming. He was Force Commander of his House, but it was a minor house and in prestige he stood behind even a Patrol Leader of one of the Five Great Houses. But he would win glory, rise in importance, and bring honour to his House within his Clan.
War, however, had taught them something far different: reality.
Asayaga whispered, ‘We must gain a position where if we do kill their captain and the scout word will somehow get back that it was us, that it was our Clan that did such a deed ; that it was our sacrifice, otherwise Sugama’s family and Clan will create a different tale. Even at the cost of our entire company, to end the ravages of Hartraft’s Marauders would bring glory to our house. But only if the Kodeko are given the credit.’
‘Which would prove difficult with the Minwanabi relaying the word back to the home world,’ Tasemu observed.
‘A good reason, my friend,’ Asayaga added wryly, ‘to get us out of this alive. Then we can carry word home ourselves.’
‘Alliance with the Kingdom troops, captain?’ Tasemu asked. ‘By all the gods if word of that ever gets back it will be just as bad as if word never gets back. You will be denounced as a coward for not taking their heads when you had the chance, or it will be seen as tantamount to surrender.’ Tsurani soldiers didn’t surrender; on their homeworld it meant slavery and dishonour. Better to die with a sword in one’s hand than live a life of shame.
‘Are you so eager to die, Strike Leader Tasemu?’
Tasemu looked as if he had been gravely insulted.
Asayaga chuckled and gripped his shoulder. ‘We’re alike,’ he whispered, ‘we want to get out of this with heads still on our shoulders as well. A dead man serves his house for a very limited time.’
Tasemu smiled and laughed softly, shaking his head. His friend had played the old game, indirectly leading in one direction, but in fact seeking the answer he had just received. ‘True. I don’t appreciate someone like Sugama urging me to get myself killed for honour’s sake,’ he replied, rubbing the patch that covered his blind eye. ‘Given a choice, I’d rather defer such honours to him and lead a long life in obscurity.’ His smile faded. ‘But, he’s got more than one lad ready to pull a blade and use it on any pretence. Whatever you do, you’d better do it soon, Force Commander.’
Asayaga sighed. ‘Keep the watch.’
He slipped down the ladder and returned to the barracks. Though he would never admit it he was glad to have the errand, it would mean several minutes of warmth.
That was one thing about this damnable world he could never get used to. Of all the places to open a rift to, it had to be here, to a place where the water froze in the air. He resolved, as he had almost every night since the war had started, that the first thing he would do once it was over was to go home, find a sun-drenched beach on the Sea of Blood, and swim in the warm breakers, then lie on the sand, letting the heat soak into his weary bones. His family had a small home on the bluffs overlooking the ocean in Lash Province, near the city of Xula. He had not been there since entering training, but if he ever returned home, that is where he planned to travel first after seeing his younger brother.
As he reached the door to the barracks, he wondered if he would ever again experience the salt spray cutting through the hot dry winds, rich with the pungent, sweet aroma of jicanji blossoms, the brilliant orange flowers that bloomed on the floating kelp beyond the breakers for only a few days each year.
He pushed the door open and stepped in. The air was fetid with the stench of warm bodies and wet wool, boiling stew, stinking foot-wrappings and open wounds, banishing all memory of blossoms and salt spray. He cast a quick glance at the wounded lying in the corner. Osami, one of his youngest looked at him, trying to act stoic. He knelt down by the boy’s side.
‘Their robed one drew the arrow,’ the boy said.
‘I know.’
‘Why would he do such a thing?’
‘Perhaps they are crazy,’ Asayaga offered.
‘I’ll walk, you know, Force Commander. I will keep up.’
Asayaga placed a reassuring hand on the boy’s shoulder and squeezed it. He said nothing. It was not proper to offer false hopes and the boy should realize that. If he could not run then he must die. If he had sufficient courage he could wait for the enemy and try to kill one, but the chances of being captured, and the torture that awaited was more than any man could be asked to endure, let alone a boy. Or, he could close his eyes, bare his throat and let a comrade give him release.
If necessary Asayaga knew that task would fall upon him. The boy had friends, for many of the old veterans viewed him as something of a little brother, an eager youngster still desperate for glory. The fact that they cared so much for him would make cutting his throat difficult for them, though none would hesitate if asked; they were Tsurani. But no man would welcome the task, even if it spared the lad and his family shame. Asayaga pushed the thought away. Time enough before dawn to discuss with the boy a proper and fitting manner of death.
He caught a glimpse of Sugama, squatting by the fire, a knot of men around him, whispering. Occasionally one would look up, gazing over at the Kingdom troops. The rush for food and warmth had mingled them, but now the two sides had drawn apart and Asayaga could sense the mounting tension.
‘It will explode soon.’
He had not noticed Dennis, who had been sitting on one of the bunks, sword drawn, blade resting on his knees. He was casually rubbing the sword down with an oiled rag, but that was a cover: he wanted his blade out, ready for instant use.
Asayaga hesitated, tempted to draw his own blade before approaching, but knew that such a gesture would cause the room to erupt. Would this man betray him? It could be a trap, once into strike range the captain, with one back-handed blow, could take him. These Mauraders were famed for such trickery.
He realized there was no way out. If he turned and run away it would be a signal of fear, or perhaps read as a sign that he was about to rally his own men on watch.
Dennis stared at him intently.
‘When I take you, it will be in a fair and open fight,’ the leader of the Kingdom troops said, his words loud enough so that all in the barracks hall fell silent, heads turned.
Some of Asayaga’s men stood, not understanding the words, thinking that a challenge had been offered.
‘Now,’ Sugama hissed, ‘our honour is at stake!’
‘Tell your boy over there to calm down,’ Dennis said, pitching his voice low, ‘or my sergeant will silence him permanently.’
Asayaga spared a quick glance past Dennis. Leaning against the far wall was a short, stocky soldier, his appearance casual as he rested against the stone fireplace directly behind Sugama; but his right hand was behind his back, most likely holding a dagger.
Asayaga slowly raised his hand, giving the signal for silence. All of his men responded, except for Sugama who stood up.
Asayaga could see Dennis from the corner of his eye. The man tensed and Asayaga knew that a mere nod of the head, a single gesture and the sergeant behind Sugama would have his blade buried to the hilt in Sugama’s back.
‘Force Leader,’ Asayaga hissed, looking straight at Sugama. The menace in his voice carried the warning and Sugama hesitated. ‘Turn slowly and look behind you.’
Sugama’s gaze broke away from Asayaga and he turned cautiously. The Kingdom sergeant nodded slightly, a flicker of a smile creasing his scarred face.
‘Now sit down slowly, Sugama. If you try for him, he’ll have that dagger behind his back buried in your stomach before you take another step.’
In spite of the game-within-games Asayaga knew he had made a mistake, but there was no way out of it. Sugama had just suffered another public humiliation. He had forestalled the encounter for the moment, but Sugama had to regain his honour. Sugama stood motionless, uncertain as to what to do next, while Alwin Barry slowly pulled his hand from behind his back, revealing a dagger with which he casually began to clean his fingernails.
After a painful moment, Sugama said, ‘Yes, Force Commander,’ and sat down.
Asayaga turned back to face Dennis who had not moved throughout the encounter.
‘As I said before, it will be an open fight between us,’ Dennis said again.
Asayaga grunted noncommittally and stepped closer, moving within the arc of Dennis’s sword.
Dennis looked up at him. ‘Walk with me a while, Tsurani.’ He rose and, without waiting to see if Asayaga was following him, went outside. He regretted returning to the cold, but what he had to say was not for the ears of the men on either side.
Once outside, the door closed behind them, Dennis walked a short distance away, to an empty water-barrel near the wall. He sat upon it and looked up at the Tsurani leader. ‘The second watch should be back in soon,’ he said, speaking slowly so that Asayaga could understand.
‘I know. The storm is lifting.’
‘The Dark Brothers will try a night attack. They’ve had several hours to dry out, eat some warm food. With the weather lifting they won’t wait. They know we’re both in here and will figure we’ve murdered each other. They’ll be eager for an easy kill.’ As he said the last words he smiled slightly.
‘Then we surprise them,’ Asayaga replied. ‘After that, you and I, we fight.’
Dennis shook his head. ‘Typical Tsurani. Always ready to stand and fight without thought.’
‘That is why we will win.’
Dennis held up his hand.
‘Listen, Tsurani. Even together we can’t hold this place. My father built this stockade, and he abandoned it for a reason.’ He pointed upward in the dark. ‘They get archers up on the sides of the pass it’s a death trap.’
‘So we put men up there.’
‘To put enough men up there, we do not leave enough on the wall to repulse an attack. No, you can stay if you want. In fact, I encourage you to do so.’
‘But you are running?’
Dennis nodded and gestured to the north. ‘They have three hundred or more, at least twenty mounted. North is the only way out of here now.’
‘And then where?’
Dennis grinned. ‘Wouldn’t you like to know.’
Asayaga studied him intently.
‘You don’t know yourself,’ he said softly, speaking so quietly that the Kingdom troops on the wall above could not hear.
Dennis said nothing for a moment. I scouted it years ago,’ he hesitated, ‘before you came. Not since.’
‘The black scout?’
‘The Natalese scout,’ Dennis replied evenly, ‘Gregory. Same with him. It’s land that no one claimed. Border marches separating our realms from the Dark Brothers and their allies – what we call the Northlands.’
‘Then follow the ridge of this mountain and go west for a day. After that, turn south back to our lines.’
Dennis shook his head.
‘They’ll pin us up here. The ridges are piled high with snow and ice after this storm. We’ll get trapped up there, they’ll circle us in, block our escape and then drag us out.’
‘So why are you telling me this?’
‘Because, Tsurani, its one of two choices. We settle accounts now, or you come with us. I don’t think you’re fool enough to stay behind so I don’t even offer that to you as a third alternative.’
‘You offer me a choice?’ Asayaga barked. ‘Perhaps it should be the other way around, dog.’
Dennis’s features clouded for an instant, hand gripping the hilt of his sword tightly. ‘Who is the invader here?’ he asked, his voice filled with menace. ‘You dare call me a dog, you murderer?’
Asayaga started to speak, but then held his words. What answer was there? For a brief instant he understood the Kingdom soldier’s anger. He inclined his head slightly. ‘I offer no apology,’ Asayaga said, holding up his hand, palm out, ‘but I do offer to talk.’
‘Well,’ Dennis replied haughtily, ‘that’s something, coming from a Tsurani.’
Asayaga was silent for a moment, as if weighing his options. Finally he said, ‘I heard one of your men speak your name. I know who you are, leader of Hartraft’s Mauraders.’
‘Yes,’ and there was a sharp note of pride in Dennis’s voice. ‘What’s left of the garrison of Squire Hartraft’s estates, in service to my lord, the Baron of Tyr-Sog. So why is that important?’
‘I have lost more than one man to you. Finding them in the morning, throats cut, no sign of an honourable fight. Slipping in like purse-thieves in an alleyway, then melting back into the forest.’
‘Bothers you, doesn’t it?’ Dennis said, a cold grin lighting his scarred face.
‘It is not war, it is murder.’
‘Don’t speak to me of murder!’ Dennis hissed, barely containing his anger. ‘Were you at the Siege of Valinar?’
Asayaga, even though he was unfamiliar with all the inflections of their language, could not mistake the tension in Hartraft’s voice.
He nodded. ‘No, I was serving with Clan Kanazawai under Kasumi of the Shinzawai against your Prince Arutha at Crydee. A hard fight, the first one I was in. But I have heard of Valinar; that was also a hard fight.’
‘That was my family’s estate.’ Dennis made a sweeping gesture that took in the men up on the wall and those inside the barracks. ‘This raiding company was formed around the few men who got out of Valinar. Less than twenty of us and those who remained behind, you killed them all. I am the only one left.’ He fixed Asayaga with a look that could only be called murderous. ‘My father, my mother, my younger brother and two sisters, and the woman to whom I was bethrothed, all were in residence at my father’s estate the night you Tsurani attacked.’ His voice fell to a whisper. ‘It was the night of my wedding-day. It’s been nine years, Tsurani, but I remember it as if it were yesterday. I held my wife in my arms when she died. I don’t know if my brother and sisters are even alive.’
Asayaga tensed. The captured Kingdom soldiers had been taken to Kelewan and sold as slaves. They were labouring under the hot Tsurani sun if they still lived, in the fields or down reclaiming the land of the Great Swamp. The women … the old ones to the kitchens, the young ones, like Dennis’s sisters … He thought it best not to mention that to Dennis. Then he remembered a story. ‘You’re the one who released the prisoner, aren’t you?’
Dennis grinned, as evil an expression as Asayaga had seen on a mortal man. Early in the war a raid had taken a forward position, and every man there had been killed, save one. A young Tsurani soldier had been rendered unconscious and when he revived he found himself a prisoner. Rather than being enslaved as he had expected, he had been returned to his own lines, with a message: every man who had attacked Valinar would be hunted down and killed. It had been judged a hollow threat; but nine years later, only a handful of men who had been at Valinar were still alive to remember that fight.
‘We are a raiding company, and we operate behind the lines. We serve at the pleasure of the Duke of Yabon, and under the command of the Earl of LaMut and my lord the Baron of Tyr-Sog, but the manner in which we serve is our own. Once behind your lines, I am free to act as I see fit. The Marauders are the thorn in your side, Tsurani.’ He looked Asayaga directly in the eyes. ‘We are here because we were on our way back from raiding one of your rear positions. So know I am not boasting when I tell you this thing: this is my world, Tsurani, not yours. But I am not ungenerous, and will give you a tiny bit if you’d like; just enough of it for your grave.’
Asayaga took a deep breath. ‘We cannot settle this war here, at this moment, Hartraft,’ he said quickly, as if these words were hard to say. ‘Time is spinning out and you said they will soon attack.’
Dennis continued to smile without any hint of warmth. ‘Yes. Maybe we should just sit here and argue till they come and kill you for me.’
Asayaga hesitated, wondering for a second if this man’s hatred ran so deep that he would do such a thing. ‘You are saying then that you command and we are to follow?’ he asked finally.
‘Something like that, at least till we are free of the damned moredhel. I need your swords in order for my men to survive, but not as much as you need my knowledge for your men to survive. Dying at the hands of the moredhel serves neither of us or our people. Will you serve?’
‘Never. I command my men.’ He said the words slowly, forcefully. This Kingdom soldier’s ignorance of his foes was astonishing. Had he no sense of the proper order of things, of all that was implied by the acceptance of an order from a sworn enemy?
Dennis looked at him carefully and Asayaga could sense that Hartraft was studying him, trying to figure something out. Finally he grunted and nodded.
‘A truce then. Call it whatever the hell you want to call it. We move together until we are certain we are free of the Dark Brothers. Once that is accomplished we form ranks with our own comrades and then we fight.’
‘I march the same path as you only because I order my men to do so,’ Asayaga replied slowly. ‘But you and I shall have an understanding. If you only pass along … suggestions, to me, I will consider them and perhaps agree to your suggestions. But order one of my men and you will as likely provoke a fight.’
Dennis looked at him, as if deciding.
Rapidly, Asayaga continued, ‘In our world, enemy houses will serve together if ordered by their clans; but one of lower blood, of another house, is …’ He fought for a concept. ‘It is better if you just tell me what you wish. My men will likely not obey one of … inferior blood.’
‘I won’t start another argument with you about whose blood is better,’ Dennis replied coolly. ‘I’ve seen enough on both sides to know it’s the same colour.’ He nodded. ‘All right. Suggestions. But if I say move, or deploy to a flank you’d better hear … my suggestion and act on it with haste. If it comes to a fight with the Dark Brothers, Tsurani honour be damned. If you want your men to survive, listen to what I say.’
‘I will take no order from you. But I will consider suggestions.’
‘Tsurani, call it what you want,’ Dennis replied, a note of exasperation in his voice. ‘Call it suggestions, advice, your mother’s bedtime stories, I don’t care what, but I know these woods, and I know the Dark Brothers in a way you will never learn if you are lucky. I’m taking you along because I see no way out of it, but I’ll be damned if your blundering gets my men killed.’
‘Blundering? I don’t call the last nine years blundering. If we are blunderers why are we winning this war?’
Dennis wearily lowered his head and shook it. ‘Maybe we should just settle it now,’ he sighed. He stood up. ‘By the Gods, either that or just give me a simple yes that we march together, and fight as a unit if attacked. Later we can argue all we want and cut each other’s hearts out.’ He looked back up at Asayaga. ‘Or in your case, perhaps cut your throat so you’ll shut up.’
‘What was that?’ Asayaga snapped, not sure of what Hartraft had said because he had spoken the last words softly and quickly.
‘Nothing, Tsurani, nothing.’
‘It is not “Tsurani”. You say it as an oath. I am Force Commander Asayaga of the Kodeko, undercommander of the forces of the Warlord in the east, of the Clan Kanazawai, son of Lord Ginja of House Kodeko, brother to –’
‘All right. Asay, then.’
‘Fine, Asayaga.’ He cursed softly under his breath as he stood up. ‘Let’s go tell the men.’
Asayaga knew that all in the room had been watching as they had left. There would be some concern on the part of his own men that perhaps the Kingdom barbarian had attacked Asayaga in a treacherous act; he had no idea what might concern the Kingdom soldiers, but he knew that tensions would be mounting.
They entered the barracks and again were almost overwhelmed by the heat and stench compared to the icy clear air outside.
Asayaga looked around the room. ‘We march tonight,’ he announced. ‘The Dark Ones will attack before dawn. The Kingdom soldiers are … allied to us until we are clear of the other enemy. You are not to speak to them, even to notice them, and you are forbidden to fight with them until I order otherwise. Once we’ve escaped from the Dark Ones, then there will be enough time for honour to be served.’
He could see more than one of his men relaxing with the announcement. Tasemu was right: the men, physically, were at their limit. Fighting was the last thing they wanted at this moment. If there was to be a fight, they wanted to save their strength, and as many as their comrades as possible, for the encounter with the Dark Brothers.
Sugama looked up at him, and fortunately had the good sense to keep his mouth shut and offer no challenge to what was a direct order.
Asayaga looked over his shoulder, to see that it was the Natalese scout, who had spoken to Dennis. Neither he or Hartraft had seen the scout and his young companion return to the stockade, so intent had been their conversation.
‘They’re coming,’ Dennis said quietly and Gregory nodded agreement.
Gregory started to explain, but Asayaga held up his hand, letting him know that he already understood.
‘We have about an hour, maybe two,’ Gregory said. ‘They’re slow forming up, but their flankers are already starting to climb the rocks to get above us. Tinuva is keeping an eye on them. We’ve killed a couple of their pickets on the way back, so the moredhel will be cautious on the advance, fearing a trap. We’ve got a little time, but we better pack up and get out of here now if it’s going to do us any good.’
Dennis snapped a command to Alwin Barry, still standing behind Sugama, and instantly the room was bustling with activity as Kingdom troops started to don equipment. The order was passed outside, and within seconds more Kingdom troops streamed in, gathering around the fire to soak up a few minutes, warmth and wolf down the last of the stew.
Asayaga, shouting orders, began to gather his own men as well.
‘I understand there is an arrangement,’ Gregory asked, coming up to Asayaga’s side and speaking in Tsurani.
Asayaga simply nodded.
‘Smart move by both of you.’
‘It doesn’t mean the fight between us is over, Natalese.’
Gregory grinned. ‘I never said it was. But I’m happy to see it postponed.’
Asayaga went over to where his four wounded laid. Two of them were putting on their gear and standing up; but the third, Ulgani, was barely conscious. Several of his comrades had gathered around him, heads bowed, hands placed upon his chest, whispering the prayer for the dying.
With all the bustle and turmoil in the room there seemed to be a ring of silence around this small group. Even the Kingdom soldiers, standing but a few feet away were silent. Ulgani’s Patrol Leader placed a hand over his comrade’s eyes, then drew his dagger.
It was over in seconds and the three stepped back, one of them draping a blanket over their dead comrade.
Asayaga looked down at Osami who had watched the ceremony, wide-eyed. He went to kneel by the boy’s side. ‘The march ahead, it is hard. Hard even on old veterans who are healthy. Remember, the chain is only as strong as the weakest link.’
The boy looked up at him, nodded, and then looked back at Ulgani. Blood was soaking through the blanket.
‘I can run,’ Osami whispered. He started to reach for his trousers, but they had been cut away and laid by his side, shredded and blood-soaked.
Panicked the boy looked around.
Someone tossed the boy a pair of trousers, tanned leather, most likely from a dead moredhel. It was the Kingdom priest.
‘I’ll keep an eye on him,’ Brother Corwin said.
‘Stay out of this, dark robe.’
‘No. I put a lot of effort into that boy. He’ll keep up, same as that other boy,’ and the priest nodded to the Kingdom soldier with the broken leg. Grimacing, the boy was on his feet, supporting himself with a makeshift crutch.
‘If it comes to running they’re both dead.’
Dennis had come up to join the debate and was looking over coldly at Corwin.
Corwin grinned. ‘We’ll see when it comes time to run, won’t we? For now, let them be my concern.’
‘Be it on your head then, priest, but we slow for no one.’
Corwin waved him aside and bent over to help the Tsurani get dressed. Osami rejected the offer, even though it was obvious that he was in agony getting the trousers on.
‘Everyone out!’ Dennis shouted. ‘Form up by unit!’
Asayaga, not wanting to let even the implication form that he was following Dennis shouted out his orders for his men to be outside first and ready to march.
There was a final frenzy of activity: men cutting off steaming slices from the haunch of stag still roasting in the fire, dipping earthen mugs into the bottom of the kettle for the last of the stew, snatching blankets from bunks to use as capes; while others filled skins with water, and tucked the skins under their tunics so they wouldn’t freeze.
Asayaga headed for the door, Sugama falling in by his side.
‘You know what will be said back home of this arrangement,’ Sugama whispered.
‘Why, what would you say of it?’ Asayaga fixed him with his gaze. Sugama backed down.
‘They are enemies, but we have a truce; that is sufficient for now,’ Asayaga explained patiently. ‘We are, as the Natalese Ranger puts it, only postponing our fight.’
The bitter wind cut off his words as he stepped out into the open ground in front of the barracks. His men were rapidly falling in. The last of those coming in from guarding the flank stumbled into line, grateful when a comrade offered them a warm piece of meat, or a dry blanket to throw over their shoulders.
He almost felt as if it was a race to see who could form up first, thus demonstrating their discipline. The last of the Kingdom troops came out of the barracks as Tasemu walked down the line and barked a command, the men snapping to attention.
Asayaga looked over at Hartraft’s men who were standing in lines, half a dozen feet away. They did not come to attention as their captain passed. He paused with several of the men, checking their packs, slapping one of them on the shoulder, trading a comment with another that triggered a gruff laugh. Several of the men looked over at Asayaga and he wondered if they had made a joke about him.
‘Order of march,’ Gregory announced, stepping between the two groups.
‘The trail is wide enough for the next few leagues that we move in twin lines. I’ll bring up the rear, laying traps to slow them. I’d like several of the Tsurani to help.’ He looked over at Asayaga and saw Dennis had crossed to stand next to him. Asayaga’s eyebrow lifted in an unspoken question. ‘I estimate an hour, two at most before they try to storm this place. By that time we’ve got to be three miles or more away, then we’re off the trail and into the woods. You have more men, and they’re fresher if we need to run like hell to catch up. If that is acceptable to you, Force Commander,’ Gregory added, grinning.
Asayaga was surprised by the Natalese. He had given an order but offered it as a suggestion. His diplomacy was good. Asayaga nodded and repeated the suggestion of the scout, making it an order, and detailing off four of his best runners to bring up the rear.
Dennis looked over at Asayaga. ‘Keep your men separate from mine. No weapons drawn except bows. If we hit an ambush you break to the left of the trail, I’ll take the right. Make sure your men keep up.’
‘Make sure yours keep up,’ Asayaga snapped.
‘We’ll see.’
‘All right, you bastards, let’s get out of here!’
For a second Asayaga flared, ready to explode at the insult to his lineage, then realized that Hartraft was addressing his own men.
Strange, these Kingdom men, he thought. The informality, the casualness of how they speak to each other, even the way they march.
Asayaga started to move towards the head of the column. There was an explosion of curses behind him. Turning, he saw one of the Kingdom soldiers stepping out of the ranks, shouting, charging into his line of men, shoving a Patrol Leader, Fukizama, to the ground.
Asayaga could barely understand the words the Kingdom soldier was shouting, but it sounded like ‘… you thieving bastard!’
Fukizama rolled and came up, dagger drawn. He slashed out, slicing the man across the thigh. The Kingdom soldier, swearing, leapt back, drawing his sword.
Blades snapped out from scabbards on both sides and the two lines began to move towards each other, ready to fight.
Asayaga ran down the line, shouting, Dennis by his side, knocking swords up.
Fukizama had now tossed his dagger aside, and had his sword drawn.
‘My name!’ Fukizama screamed. ‘My honour has been insulted!’
He started forward but Asayaga pushed him back.
‘He struck me. Are we cowards, Force Commander? Are we dogs to be whipped without reply? I claim the right of honour.’
Asayaga froze. He saw Tasemu standing behind Fukizama. The sergeant was silent. He could hear the whispers of his men.
He turned and looked over at Hartraft who was standing in front of his men, blocking the enraged Kingdom soldier who was shouting obscenities at Fukizama.
‘Your man there,’ Dennis announced, pointing towards Fukizama. ‘He stole Wilhelm’s money-purse in the barracks. Wilhelm just now saw him slipping it into his pouch.’
Asayaga looked over at Fukizama and said nothing. It would be like him to do such a thing, most of his comrades did not trust him in any game of chance. He was crafty, and was part of the group gathered around Sugama.
He could see though that there was no chance of settling this, since Fukizama had already claimed his right to honour.
‘It is a duel then,’ Asayaga said, his voice cold. ‘Your man struck mine first.’ He then said the same in Tsurani.
‘Damn all to hell,’ Dennis snapped. ‘The Dark Brothers are breathing down our necks.’
Asayaga turned to face Dennis. ‘It is a duel,’ he said, ‘or we fight, here and now. Which shall it be, Captain?’
Gregory was between the two. His anger barely reined in, Dennis looked at Asayaga, then finally nodded his head in disgust. ‘You god-cursed Tsurani. You and your damnable honour.’
Even as he spoke he stepped back.
Asayaga nodded to Fukizama. As he did so his own men stepped back, forming half a circle.
The two had their blades out, the Kingdom soldier a heavy bastard-sword, Fukizama a lighter one-handed weapon. Fukizama assumed the ritual stance, blade drawn back behind his left shoulder, both hands on the hilt.
The Kingdom soldier held his sword with two hands, then charged in, bringing the blade down in a flashing arc. It was over in seconds. Fukizama jumped deftly to one side, holding his footing on the icy ground. Before the Kingdom soldier could recover Fukizama was in on him and with a single blow brought his sword down in a slashing blow, nearly severing the man’s head from his shoulders.
The soldier collapsed, dark blood spraying out. A cheer went up from the Tsurani.
Asayaga looked over at the other Kingdom soldiers. Blades were still out, angry mutters echoing. It had been closer to murder than a real fight. Asayaga looked back at his own men and it was all so clear. Fukizama had picked his opponent well, gauged him, looking for someone young, tired and obviously inexperienced and had then provoked him.
Fukizama turned to face the Kingdom troops, a taunt forming. The Kingdom troops were ready to charge.
The triumphant soldier turned.
‘Drop your weapon!’ Asayaga shouted.
Tsurani-bred discipline caused instant obedience before the man realized something dire was about to happen to him. ‘Force Commander?’
The Strike Leader came forward, tore the pouch from the waist of the motionless man and opened it. He reached inside and pulled out a leather purse and held it up.
‘That’s Wilhelm’s,’ one of the Kingdom troops whispered.
Asayaga nodded, took the purse and opened it. There were half a dozen coppers inside – trivial wealth on Midkemia, but a year’s earnings on metal-starved Kelewan. He looked at Fukizama and said, ‘You dishonour your family and clan. You know the penalty for thieves.’
The man’s eyes widened as Tasemu motioned to two other Tsurani who seized the man. Another pulled a rope from a backpack, walked to a tree next to the trail, and threw the rope over a high branch, knocking loose the accumulated snow.
In an instant it was done. The shaking, wide-eyed soldier was lifted and carried by four men, and the noose was placed around his neck. Another half-dozen Tsurani hauled away and Fukizama seemed to spring into the air, as if fetched heavenward by a giant’s hand. His neck snapped audibly when the Tsurani let the rope drop a couple of feet then pulled it taut again and even battle-hardened Kingdom soldiers flinched at the sound. He hung twitching for a minute while the rope was tied off.
Asayaga threw the paltry coins on the ground.
‘Anyone else?’ Asayaga barked, glaring at his men.
No one spoke.
‘I will tolerate neither a thief nor a disobedient man. Fukizama was both. Now form ranks.’
He looked back at Dennis. The men behind him stood silent, not sure how to react, startled by the swiftness of Asayaga’s kill. He could see the wary looks in their eyes and the shock his actions had created.
‘My man was wrong. He has paid with his life and I apologize. But Hartraft, tell your men not to come near mine again,’ he snarled.
Dennis said nothing, looking down at the body sprawled on the slush-covered ground, then up at the twisting Tsurani. ‘Your man stilled two of our swords,’ Dennis finally hissed at last.
Asayaga said, ‘At least your hothead died a warrior’s death, by the blade. Fukizama died a dishonourable death and this is the last time any man of the Kodeko will say that name. His ancestors turn their eyes away from him.’
Dennis continued to look at the corpse in amazement, then at last he said, ‘We waste time.’
Gregory stepped between the two leaders and overturned a large jar of stew on the road. ‘You’re both wasting time.’ Tinuva was already dragging away the Kingdom soldier and would cut down the Tsurani. He would leave no signs for the Dark Brothers to know what had occurred here.
Dennis walked away, heading to the front of the men.
The twin columns started to move, Asayaga sprinting to the front of his own line.
They marched for a mile, then came to a small clearing, then halted.
Less than ten minutes later, Gregory came up the trail. He moved past the waiting men and pointed to a barely noticeable side trail leading off to the north-west. ‘We must go that way,’ he said. He then took a small jar out of his backpack and started splashing a steaming fluid around the clearing.
Dennis threw him a questioning look, and the Natalese Ranger said, ‘The men are carrying enough hot food to start a small festival. The moredhel will be able to smell it a mile away. This will make it tough for them to determine which path we’ve taken.’ He motioned for the four Tsurani who had come up the trail with him, behind the main body of men, and indicated they should rejoin their comrades. ‘I’ll wait here for Tinuva,’ he said. ‘He should be along shortly and we’ll do what we can to mask your tracks.’
Asayaga and Dennis exchanged glances, then without comment both motioned for their men to move up the indicated trail.
The wind was at their backs, the frozen ground beneath their feet crunching. He looked up. The trees lining the tops of the ridges to either flank were swaying, cracking under their icy loads. The snow had ceased, the clouds were blowing away, and the stars were coming out. Moonlight illuminated the mountains and the trail ahead.
They headed north, fleeing into unknown lands.