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I am delighted to thank the many people who fostered this book’s maturation. I thank Deborah Nord and Maria DiBattista of Princeton University for their generous insight and inspiring kindness. They helped support this book and its author at every turn. This book also benefitted from the kind comments and guidance of Susan Stewart, Jeff Nunokawa, Uli Knoepflmacher, Bill Gleason, Diana Fuss, Esther Schor, and many other members of the Princeton Department of English over the years.

To my colleagues at the Catholic University of America I owe special thanks. Ernest Suarez, Taryn Okuma, Daniel Gibbons, Tobias Gregory, Christopher Wheatley, Steven Wright, Pamela Ward, Joseph Sendry, Gregory Baker, Lilla Kopar, and the whole English Department—thank you for helping this book grow and for sharing your wit and wonderful company. I am lucky to have such fine colleagues and good friends.

Numerous institutions and individuals further supported this book’s development and completion. The Catholic University of America gave crucial research support in the form of grants. Early work on this manuscript was funded by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Princeton University and the Josephine de Kármán Foundation. Librarians at Princeton’s Firestone Library and Marquand Art Library and at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC, invaluably aided this book from beginning to end. The members of the Birmingham Oratory in Birmingham, England, provided archival assistance and the most generous hospitality. It has been a great pleasure to work with everyone at Ohio University Press, and I thank the editors and two anonymous readers whose comments provided essential guidance. Jacky Shin lent her expertise as a friend and scholar. Rosalind Parry was an excellent research assistant.

I would also like to acknowledge the publishers who have given me permission to reprint parts of this book. An earlier version of chapter 1 first appeared as “Victorians in Purgatory: Newman’s Poetics of Conciliation and the Afterlife of the Oxford Movement,” Victorian Poetry 51, no. 2 (Summer 2013): 227–47. A version of chapter 2 first appeared as “George Eliot’s Screaming Statues, Laocoon, and the Pre-Raphaelites,” SEL: Studies in English Literature 1500–1900 54, no. 4 (Autumn 2014): 875–99.

After all these years, it is my great pleasure to include in these thanks dear friends: Sonia Velázquez, J. K. Barret, Briallen Hopper, Jacky Shin, Mary Noble, Roger Bellin, Wendy Lee, Kerry Chun, and Elizabeth Ferrell. Your friendship means the world to me. To my extended family, the Mas-Silbersteins, the Ferrells, and the Merolas, your presence in our lives during the period of this book’s writing has been a tremendous blessing.

Finally, this book is dedicated to my family:

To my father and mother, Alexandre and Alice Rainof, who taught my sister, Mila, and me about the importance of magic, including a love of literature and writing. You are the best teachers I know. To my daughters, Anya and Clara, who brought sweetness and sparkle to the years of this book’s completion. Your hugs and kisses are pure magic. To Alex Mas, who made this book and all the goodness of our lives together possible, I send my biggest thanks with love. And to Mila Rainof, my brilliant and beautiful sister, this book is dedicated with fierce and abiding affection. You promised to be always by my side. You are.

The Victorian Novel of Adulthood

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