Читать книгу Brat's Heart - Rebecca Ridge - Страница 2


My heart bounces around in my chest, as I walk the short distance from my office cubicle to the ladies. One sweaty fist holding the hem of my cardigan. The other gripping my mobile phone. Nobody is paying attention to me, but I feel like everyone is looking and whispering. I smile, making eye contact with Lee, who occupies the cubicle nearest the toilet. He smiles back, before averting his eyes to speak to Claire who has just approached with a brown folder in her hand. The crowded office building is as busy as always. Phones are ringing off the hook; voices mould into one other, creating a constant dull hum. A ceiling fan blows loudly above my head. I pause, with my hand on the door handle for just a second, letting the cool air blow over my skin, cooling the sheen of sweat that is sticking to my neck.

Once inside, I check each stall to make sure I’m alone. Not that it would make a difference if I wasn’t. I have approximately ten minutes to complete my task; or else I am in trouble. There is no wiggle room with my dom; and the last thing I want to see is disappointment in his mesmerizing eyes. Just thinking about him sends my head into dizzy fantasies that have my nipples standing to attention and my pussy pulsing.

I chose the stall at the end of the room, the one with one solid wall. The other side is MDF with a small gap underneath leading into the next stall. My pulse quickens at the thought of anyone looking under. They wouldn’t, I hope. I mean, why would they?

The wet squelch of my fingers jamming into my pussy echo’s loudly of the walls in the toilet stall. My heart pounds franticly at the thought of being caught. I keep my eyes trained straight ahead looking up at my phone, that is hanging on the hook at the back of the door in the specialised case that Sir made… for this reason. It’s hanging just at the right angle, in the perfect position, to see everything.

I’m sitting on the toilet seat, my back pressed against the cold porcelain. My dress pushed up to my stomach, my underwear around my ankles, feet together, legs spread at the knees. The fire between my legs is building to a fever. I’m biting my lip to keep my panting under control. Sweet pleasure is rippling out through my core making it hard to keep quiet. I grip tightly to the seat. Reluctantly pulling out my fingers just before my orgasm claims me. I smile at the camera, trying not to show my frustration. It won’t help me. It would just make my situation worse. I probably wouldn’t come at all today.

I lick my fingers clean of all of my juices and then pull up my underwear, straightening my dress. I take the phone down from the door, look into the camera, smile sweetly and say,

“Thank you, Sir,” before pressing end.

I catch a glimpse of myself in the large mirror above the sink on my way out. My cheeks are flushed, my chest is covered in red splotches. Sir calls it my sex rash. It appears whenever I’m turned on. It also appears when I’m drunk or angry, but he chooses to ignore that. The door to the ladies opens. Natasha strolls in, her ginger ponytail bobbing from side to side with the swing of her hips. she works in the cubicle next to mine. Her eyes take in my flushed appearance. Her brow knits in concern.

“Are you okay? Are you ill?”

“Time of the month.” I lie fluidly, walking past her a fast as possible, before I’m outed as a fraud.

My wet underwear sticks uncomfortably to my still wet pussy. I’m never allowed to wipe. He likes me to remember. He wants to drive me crazy with my need to come.

The rest of the day is long and frustrating. My clit throbs periodically through the day. He doesn’t always fill my days with sexual frustrations. Just Fridays, or when he is out of the country.

Three-thirty my phone pings.

Go back to the toilet,

Remove your underwear.

Keep them off!

Play with your slutty pussy.

Stop before you come.

My heart kicks up, accelerating a million miles per hour. Shit. I glance around the office, again, no one is paying attention to me. I have no pockets and I would look strange taking my bag. Besides, I know the whole point is to make me feel humiliation. It’s one of his favourite kinks. He wants me to carry my knickers back. It’s lucky they’re so small. I think with a smirk. The next text puts paid to my bratty thoughts.

Use your underwear as a

hair tie.


My stomach drops. Fuck! Ten minutes later I’m back at my desk. My knickers wrapped around my hair band discreetly. It looks quite pretty actually, like a lacy ribbon. My clits throbbing in time to my racing pulse. Shockwaves of pleasure spread through my core every time I move on the hard-plastic office chair. The brat in me considers rocking myself to ecstasy on the hard lip. But he would know. He always knows.

The end of the day cannot come soon enough. Excitedly, I gather my things and dash to the entrance, knowing he will be waiting. He’s never late. He finishes early on a Friday. His job is very demanding. He is always working late or out of the country. Which is why Friday is our night. I squeeze my thighs together in anticipation. I never know what he will have planned for me. Sometimes it’s a nice evening with a meal and wine. Others it’s something darker. A lot darker.

My breath catches when I see his Porsche parked outside. A couple of dorks from the office are standing at the rear, drooling over the shiny bodywork. I hear the tail end of the conversation.

“Yeah in your fucking dreams Dean. You would have to work the rest of your life to afford that.” Dork two laughs loudly, sarcasm filling his tone. “This isn’t the first Spyder I’ve seen mate.”

Eric opens his driver door as soon as he sees me. He gets out looking like perfection in a suit. His sunglasses are covering his beautiful eyes. I gaze up from under my lashes. He smiles, sending thrills through my body. The two dorks have gone silent and are now looking at Eric with interest. His sandy blonde hair is swept to the side, styled perfectly. I lick my lips. His dominance gives him an air that most people find intimidating.

Casually he strolls around the back of the car, keeping his eyes locked on dork number two, trailing his finger along the bodywork. His hand stopping to hover over the gold signature that you can only see with a trained eye. Honestly, I’m not even sure what it means, but it’s something important. He was like a kid on Christmas morning when he got it. He travelled to Italy to fetch it himself. Both dorks have their eyes zoned in on his hand, mouths hanging open.

“But have you seen one with that?” Eric asks smoothly, arching an eyebrow.

Dork two swallows, his cheeks turning a deep shade of pink. He shakes his head once. Eric smirks.

“Didn’t think so.”

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. I’ll never understand men and their obsession with cars.

He stops a foot away, his fresh island scent filling the space between us. His secret smirk still on his thick lips. I want to feel those lips on mine, but I would never just presume to kiss him. I am not in control. He is. I am his.

He tips his sunglasses perching them on top of his head. Keeping his dark blue eyes locked with mine, he leans in, pressing his lips just below my ear, making me shudder.

“Nice hair tie”

“Thank you, Sir,” I reply, my cheeks heating in embarrassment. Bending down, he opens the door of the car for me to get in, closing it behind me. Once buckled in next to me, he looks over. His perfect face sexy and serious.

“You have been a good girl today Eva. You have pleased me.”

I smile, basking in his praise. All the frustration was worth it just for this.

“Open your legs and rest your ankles on the dash.”

I swallow once, glancing around. Busy commuters are rushing along the pavement. My heart picks up at the thought of the brazenness of the act: but I do it anyway. Nobody is paying me any attention. They all just want to get home after a busy day. Once he is happy with the way I am displayed he drives off, weaving through the City streets.

Sliding his hand between my legs, he pushes two fingers inside me. Fingering me leisurely. rubbing my desperate slick clit with his thumb. All to soon he removes them. Sucking each one salaciously. I moan in need.

“Play with yourself Eva, bring yourself to the edge and then stop. Repeat until we arrive home… Do not come.”

His firm commanding tone excites me so much, juice drips down my thigh onto the seat.

“Yes Sir.” I whimper, beginning my torment. By the time we pull up outside our house. I am panting, sweating from the exertion, and desperate to come. The nerves in my clit are singing, I’m so close. I’m scared to move. The slightest bit of friction will have me hurtling over the edge. It would be unstoppable.

Brat's Heart

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