Читать книгу The Italians: Alessandro, Luca & Dizo: Alessandro's Prize / In a Storm of Scandal / Italian Groom, Princess Bride - Ким Лоренс, Rebecca Winters - Страница 11



ANOTHER email from James resided in her inbox when Lily checked her laptop early the next morning.

Not so pleasant was his message stating if he didn’t hear from her within forty-eight hours he intended to talk to her in person.

Her fingers flew as she keyed in a ‘don’t waste your time’ response and hit ‘Reply'.

Did he really think she’d overlook his temporary distraction and accept him back into her life?

It only proved he didn’t know her at all, Lily consoled as she moved downstairs and felt a sense of relief on discovering Sophia was the sole occupant of the dining room.

Pretending normality in Alessandro’s presence after his fateful claim last night would have considerably affected her composure.

‘Alessandro has already left, but not before he relayed you are to begin work in the restaurant next week. I am delighted for you.’ Sophia’s eyes sparkled with pleasure.

Lily found it easy to smile as she poured coffee into her cup, added sugar, and savoured the aromatic liquid. ‘Thank you. I’m pleased it worked out OK.’

‘You will need to be settled by the weekend,’ Sophia offered with a degree of concern. ‘Today Carlo will take us to my friend’s agency and we will look at apartments, sì?’

‘Please,’ she accepted gratefully. ‘That would be great.’

‘Bene. Now tell me about yesterday while you eat, then we will leave.’

Sophia and her friend, Julia, proved a knowledgeable pair as they selected suitable locations, rental availability and together they set out with an intent to view.

There were a few provisos. Sophia insisted the apartment must be in a good locale, comfortably furnished with excellent security and parking facilities.

Julia proved to be very thorough, her recommendations valid as she took them through no less than five apartments, any one of which Lily would have been happy to lease.

‘We shall have lunch,’ Sophia declared as they exited the fifth apartment. ‘Then we continue our viewing.’

‘Excellent idea,’ Julia agreed. ‘I think you will be pleased with a particular one I have in mind.’

‘Saving the best for last?’ Lily quizzed, and earned a light laugh in return.

‘It is business, sì? Besides, today provides me the opportunity to spend time with a dear friend, and enjoy the pleasure of meeting her beloved god-daughter.’

It was Julia who chose the restaurant and insisted on playing hostess, while Lily listened to their light-hearted banter with the maître d', deferring to each other over what to order and whether they would indulge in wine.

Two apartments were on the afternoon’s agenda to view, and it was the second of the two that clinched the deal for Lily.

Situated in a lovely street, the building itself had been restored and renovated while adhering to a classic style. Comfortable, extremely functional, with a medium-size lounge, an en suite adjoining the main bedroom as well as a separate bathroom for the guest bedroom. Utilities were modern, and the kitchen and dining room were warm and inviting. Fully furnished, the apartment had security and off-street parking. Added to which the lease provided flexibility and the rental was reasonable.

‘This is the one,’ Lily declared with a delighted smile. ‘I’ll take it.’

Sophia and Julia clapped their hands with pleasure.

‘Good. You do not require time to consider?’

She shook her head in immediate negation. ‘No.’ Her smile said it all as she turned towards Julia. ‘You have the relevant paperwork available?’

‘At my office,’ Julia enlightened. ‘We will head there now.’

There was a sense of satisfaction in signing the lease, for to achieve employment and an apartment within a few short days seemed incredible.

The next acquisition would be the purchase of her own transport. And sheets, towels, a few items to personalize the apartment.

‘You are deep in thought,’ Sophia observed as Carlo returned them to her villa in Como, and Lily reached across the rear passenger seat to link her fingers within Sophia’s own.

‘Thank you.’

‘Cara, whatever for?’

‘Everything,’ she said with warm simplicity, and felt the slight pressure as Sophia curled Lily’s fingers within her own.

‘My dear, I have a vested interest in your happiness, as well as a personal desire to have you with me for as long as possible.’

The warmth of familial love struck a sensitive chord, and Lily swallowed the sudden lump that rose in her throat. Tears were close to the surface, and she quickly blinked to dispel them—she didn’t do the crying thing.

The insistent burr of her cell-phone had her reaching into her bag to extract it and she felt her stomach tighten as she recognized the number displayed, despite deleting James’s name from her caller ID register.

Without a qualm she simply closed the phone, thereby cutting the connection only to have the call repeated.

This time she let it ring out, which incurred Sophia’s questioning look, and Lily shook her head.

‘I’ll deal with the call later.’

Hopefully James would get the message she had no intention of having contact with him ever again.

Apparently not so, for Carlo had just drawn the car to a halt adjacent the entrance to Sophia’s villa when the phone rang again.

Lily stepped out from the car, extracted the phone, and felt the anger build as she viewed the familiar number.

OK, so he was being deliberately obtuse.

‘Do not email or attempt to call me,’ she voiced with chilling resolve. ‘It’s over. Finished.’

‘Lily, darling, please listen to me—’

Not in this millennium. ‘There is no point.’ She cut the connection and closed the phone.

‘Problems, cara?’ Sophia queried with concern, and Lily shook her head.

‘Nothing I can’t handle.’

Hopefully now her ex-fiancé would had finally got the


A leisurely shower helped take her mind off it, so too did a light evening meal, after which she shared a glass of wine with Sophia as they discussed plans for the next day, firmed them, before mutually choosing to retire.

It was surprising what could be achieved within a short space of time, Lily reflected as Carlo stored the second, no, third assortment of packages into the trunk of Sophia’s car.

Almost every item on her list was accounted for, and there was an enormous degree of pleasure in knowing only one item remained … a car.

By far the most expensive, and fortified by a leisurely lunch Carlo despatched them to a car dealership where, after some skillful haggling of her own, she purchased a funky silver model, perfectly suitable for her needs.

‘Well done,’ Carlo accorded quietly as Sophia enfolded her in a congratulatory hug.

‘Thank you.’ Payment was organized, her international driving licence scrutinized, insurance arranged and the car was ready to be driven away.

‘Let’s get this babe on the road,’ Lily said, and laughed as she offered Carlo a high-five gesture, then she slid behind the wheel and followed his car to her apartment.

Home, for however long she chose to make it her own, Lily decided with pleasure as they transferred the day’s purchases into the second bedroom.

All that remained was the need to transfer her belongings from Sophia’s villa tomorrow.

Something that was achieved with mixed emotions the next day as Lily and her aunt shared an affectionate hug as Sophia and Carlo departed Lily’s apartment.

‘I shall miss having you stay with me,’ Sophia voiced with sincere regret. ‘But knowing you are so close is a joy, for we will see each other often.’ She brightened considerably. ‘There is the Charity Gala on Saturday evening. It will be a wonderful event.’ She brushed her lips to Lily’s cheek. ‘We will collect you at eight.’

‘Grazie, Zia. I couldn’t have achieved any of this without your help.’ She caught her aunt close in an affectionate hug. ‘Once I know my work roster, I’ll organize an evening to invite you to dinner. Carlo, too.’ Her eyes took on a humorous sparkle. ‘I’ll make something special.’

‘That will be lovely, cara. I assume the invitation will include Alessandro?’

Lily didn’t so much as blink. ‘Naturally.’

There was a brief ‘ohmygod, what have I done?’ moment as Lily watched Sophia leave with Carlo at the wheel.

When it came to entertaining, two guests or three made little difference.

Except when it included a man who sent her emotions into a panic whenever she was in his presence.

So deal with it.

With determination she turned from the window and began unpacking.

It didn’t take long, and afterwards she made a few changes, aligning a sofa to a more comfortable angle, sorting through kitchen cupboards and, importantly, making a list of food she needed to purchase.

It was late when she finally slid into bed.

Tomorrow she intended shopping for personal touches to make the apartment more her, and she fell asleep halfway through picturing various images in her mind … an ornament she’d sighted in a shop window, an alarm clock, and a large colourful cushion that would be perfect.

The next few days passed in a blur of shopping and exploring at will, adding touches to the apartment, changing a few things to her taste.

The Charity Gala meant dress-up time, and Lily viewed her gown’s sheer style in pale shades of pink, blue and lavender silk chiffon with a pleased eye, for it flattered her slender curves and fell in a soft swirl at her ankles. A delicate wrap in matching silk chiffon added a finishing touch, and lavender stilettos completed the outfit.

A timeless design she’d fallen in love with at first sight,

and, as Sophia had assured, perfect to wear to the fundraising gala scheduled for this evening.

In five minutes the in-house phone would ring heralding Sophia and Carlo’s arrival, and Lily used the time to run a last-minute check of her hair and make-up. She was good to go.

Right on cue, the phone pealed, she caught up her purse and took the lift down to the lobby. The doors slid apart to reveal Alessandro standing a few feet distant looking, she saw at a glance, far too ruggedly attractive for any woman’s peace of mind.

Especially her own.

Attired in a black evening suit that had to be tailored specifically to mould his breadth of shoulder and hard-muscled frame, white linen and black bow tie, he resembled a photographic male model.

Yet no photograph could reveal the element of arresting power he exuded, or the primitive sensuality that was his alone.

Dangerous … a hungry lover capable of driving a woman beyond reason.

Dear Lord in heaven … where had that come from?

Smile, Lily bade as she sought to control her wayward imagination. Step forward … speak!

‘Hi,’ she managed with measured politeness. ‘I expected to see Sophia and Carlo.’

Did she glimpse a faint gleam of humour in his dark eyes before it was quickly masked?

‘Carlo is delivering Sophia directly to the venue.’

‘And sent you in his stead. It’s very kind of you.’

One eyebrow lifted a little. ‘So polite, Lily?’

‘I was aiming for gracious.’

His husky laugh sent the blood coursing through her veins, and she deliberately widened her eyes.

‘I guess I failed.’

‘Miserably,’ Alessandro agreed as he indicated his car parked immediately adjacent the entrance. ‘Shall we


It was, Lily accorded with a masked degree of awe, an incredible gathering of guests as she entered the large historic venue at Alessandro’s side.

Beautifully restored splendour lent a timeless aura to a modern event. Genuine artworks graced the expansive foyer, while the huge ballroom bore exquisite sconces, suspended chandeliers gave the illusion of light, enhanced by cleverly concealed electric bulbs to provide added illumination.

There had been several occasions when she’d attended charity fund-raiser events with her parents, but nothing on the scale of this evening’s affair.

Refined elegance seemed a perfect description, and it didn’t take much imagination to reflect on a former era of fashionable balls with members of the Italian and foreign royalty in attendance.

‘This place is really something,’ Lily said quietly, and incurred Alessandro’s musing look.

‘It appeals to you?’

‘How could it not?’

‘Alessandro. Caro.’

It wasn’t the two words so much, but the cadence in the feminine voice which uttered them. Seductive didn’t quite cover it, Lily decided as she turned slightly to see if the voice matched the woman.

Oh, my. In spades … and then some.

For even to the most jaundiced eye, the woman who moved to Alessandro’s side was a vision of perfection from her raven black wavy hair to the tips of her shoes. Beautiful facial features cleverly accented with skilfully applied cosmetics, gleaming dark, almost black, eyes, and a figure to die for clothed in what had to be a designer original. The right touch with jewellery, expensive but not ostentatious.

Definitely the wow factor.

‘Giarda.’ Alessandro’s greeting held warm affection and Lily offered a polite smile, only to freeze as he curved an arm around her waist. ‘I’d like you to meet Liliana.’

Not Lily, Sophia’s niece, just … Liliana, And why did her birth name sound so sexy as it fell from his lips?

‘Giarda is married to one of my business colleagues,’ he explained, and Giarda offered a light laugh.

‘Alessandro and my husband vied with each other for me.’ Her eyes twinkled with mischief. ‘Massimo won.’

‘How … nice.’ What else could she say?

‘For me, yes. Not so for Alessandro.’

‘I’m sure he recovered,’ Lily managed with a touch of humour, and Giarda inclined her head.

‘Of course,’ Giarda acknowledged with a warm smile. ‘We remain the best of friends.’ She turned towards Alessandro. ‘It pleases me to see you attached to such a charming young woman. You must bring Lily to dinner. I will be in touch to determine a mutually suitable evening.’

‘Thank you.’

Lily waited until Giarda was out of earshot before facing him. ‘I am not your young woman.’

‘You left out charming.’

‘Then there’s the touchy-feely thing.’ Her eyes flashed. ‘I refuse to act as arm candy.’

He regarded her with interest. ‘You imagine I would use you as such?’

‘Oh, please.’

‘So unsure of your appeal, Lily?’ Alessandro queried gently.

The air between them became electrifying, and for a few seemingly long seconds everything faded from her vision as she became caught up with a host of conflicting emotions.

Her relationship with James had been comfortable, pleasant, she admitted. Or so she’d imagined.

Yet Alessandro aroused a primitive passion deep within that made her yearn for the impossible.

There was a part of her that wanted to discard any reservations and simply enjoy what he offered for however long it might last.

Except that would be akin to treading a certain path to emotional self-destruction. Not something anyone in their right mind would willingly seek.

Alessandro took in the fast-thudding pulse at the base of her throat, and resisted the temptation to trace the hollow with a gentle finger. Yet here, now, was neither the time or place.

‘Alessandro. Lily.’

Whatever he might have said didn’t find voice as they turned in unison to greet Sophia.

‘I am a little late,’ Sophia explained as she brushed Lily’s cheek with her own. ‘Carlo was caught up in traffic.’ She stood back a little and regarded Lily with affectionate approval. ‘Cara, you look stunning.’

‘Beautiful,’ Alessandro added as he took Lily’s hand and brought it to his lips.

Her eyes dilated as they met his dark gleaming gaze only to attempt to make light of his gesture by offering a winsome smile.

‘I believe every available ticket has sold,’ Sophia revealed as she accepted a flute of champagne from one of the many waiters circling the room. ‘Guests tend to be generous when the funds being raised benefit terminally ill children.’

A request for guests to be seated as dinner was about to be served ensured a general move towards numbered tables, and Lily bore Alessandro’s light touch at the edge of her waist as he escorted them to their table.

Shared by fellow guests, among whom were Giarda and her husband Massimo—an attractive man whose dark features held a similar degree of ruthless power on a par with Alessandro’s.

They had fought for Giarda’s attention and Alessandro had accorded Massimo colleague, but were they friends in business, or adversaries? Lily posed as they took their seats.

A certain mutual respect became evident, she decided as the evening progressed. Alessandro was seated between Sophia and herself, with Massimo and Giarda opposite. The remaining five guests comprised a middle-aged couple, their son and two daughters.

Throughout the three-course dinner the eldest of the two daughters did her best to engage Alessandro’s attention, which to give him credit, he fielded with polite charm.

Lily silently assured she didn’t care and knew she lied. Which in itself was a conundrum, given the state of her emotions were in direct contrast to the dictates of her mind.

Come Monday she’d be involved with work, back in a kitchen, where she wanted to be. Social activities involving Alessandro’s presence would dwindle to almost nothing.

Not before time. She’d done complicated, now all she wanted was routine and a simple lifestyle.

The fund-raiser was announced as an outstanding success as individual donations brought the total raised beyond expectations.

Gradually the guests began to leave, pausing to chat with friends and consequently progress into the foyer became slow.

It had been sufficiently disturbing to be seated close to Alessandro throughout the evening; somehow it seemed even more so to have his arm resting loosely at her waist during their passage from ballroom to foyer.

An action Lily attempted to convince herself was merely a courtesy and failed, for there was a sense of rightness in the contact, and although she vigorously denied it she felt. what? Protected. Which was insane.

In the name of heaven, get real. Blame the champagne, although she’d merely sipped the contents from one flute.

Within a few minutes she’d slip into the car with Sophia, and Carlo would deliver her to her apartment.

Except when Sophia’s car drew level with the entrance it was Sophia who bade them both buona notte and slid into the rear seat, leaving Lily almost speechless as Carlo eased the large vehicle forward into the steady stream of departing traffic.

‘I’ll get a taxi.’ The words left her lips with stiff resolve, and all it achieved was Alessandro’s studied inspection.

‘That won’t be necessary.’

‘I wouldn’t dream of taking you out of your way.’

He indicated his sleek black car sliding to a halt adjacent the entrance. ‘Let’s go.’

Lily spared a look of muted defiance, and her eyes widened as he leant in close. ‘Do you really want to argue?’

She caught the flashbulbs of eager paparazzi, foreseeing how her reluctance would appear on celluloid, and she slid into the passenger seat with a forced smile, which she maintained until Alessandro cleared the venue and entered the main stream of traffic.

‘I could easily have summoned a taxi.’

‘Not unless you chose to wait in line for up to an hour or more. Something I would refuse to allow you to do.’

She opened her mouth to verbally damn him, only to close it again.

Silence seemed the best option, and she maintained it until Alessandro drew the car to a halt outside the entrance to her apartment building.

With undue haste she released her seat belt and reached for the door clasp, only to have him cut the engine and step out from the car.

‘Thank you for the ride home.’

The external lighting accented his profile as he stood tall, like a dark angel for a few measurable seconds before he crossed to her side and held out his hand.

‘I’ll see you indoors.’

Lily tilted her head and threw him a dark look. ‘It isn’t necessary.’

His eyes speared her own, and with slow deliberation he cradled her face and lowered his head to capture her mouth with his own.

For a stark moment she became helplessly caught up in the sensual magic of his touch. A soft groan rose in her throat as she wavered between kissing him back or attempting to move away, instinctively aware she should take the latter action if she wanted to preserve her emotional sanity.

Except … ohmygod, he was good at this. Far too good.

A kiss … it was just a kiss.

Yet it became more, almost as if he was intent on staking a claim.

The temptation to wind her arms around his neck became difficult to resist, and she leaned in, threading her fingers through his hair as she kissed him back, loving the way his tongue stroked her own, teasing a little in an erotic dance that drove her wild.

She wanted to touch him, skin on skin, so she could explore his hard-muscled body. To nibble a little, taste and savour until he groaned and sought more; to become lost, beyond rational thought as she indulged in the release sex would provide.

Except that was all it would be … sex. And she didn’t do one-night stands. Or sex without commitment.

Worse, what in hell was she thinking?

Two months ago she’d caught James in flagrante delicto, and vowed never to place her trust in another man ever again.

So … chill. Stop this now, before it gets out of hand.

Alessandro sensed the moment she began to withdraw, and he lightened his touch, sliding his hands up her arms to cradle her face as his mouth lingered a little, caressing the soft swollen contours before he slowly raised his head to search her features.

Eyes dark with passion, cheeks slightly heated, the faint quiver of her lips, and the edges of his mouth lifted a little in a gentle smile as he caught hold of her hand.

‘I’ll see you to your apartment, then leave.’

He crossed to the lift, pressed the call button and when the doors slid open he led her inside.

Lily didn’t offer a word as they reached her floor, nor did she object when he took the key from her nerveless fingers and unlocked her apartment door.

Seconds later he handed her the key and gently pushed her inside.

‘Buona notte, Lily.’

The door closed, and she automatically deactivated the alarm system, then she crossed into her bedroom, discarded her clothes, pulled on sleepwear, and slipped into bed to lie awake into the early hours of the morning.

The Italians: Alessandro, Luca & Dizo: Alessandro's Prize / In a Storm of Scandal / Italian Groom, Princess Bride

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