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Chapter Four

Leah couldn’t get Henry’s offer of assistance out of her thoughts. Ever since she’d accepted it yesterday, she’d vacillated between telling him she’d changed her mind and letting her acceptance stand.

She was alone in the kitchen doing the breakfast dishes. Her mother was cleaning the upstairs and her father was out delivering his newly built wooden birdhouses to several shops in the Lancaster area. Ellie was on a housecleaning job and she wasn’t sure where Charlie was, but it had to be elsewhere since Leah could always tell when her youngest sister was home. The girl was a whirlwind of activity and conversation one couldn’t ignore.

She washed the dishes, then picked up one from the drain rack to dry with a clean tea towel. She gazed out the window as she dried each cup and dish and found comfort in the simple chore.

“Leah!” her mother called from upstairs. “Would you please take care of the animals?”

“Ja, Mam!” she called back.

Mam entered the kitchen a minute later as Leah put away the last dish. “I sent Charlie to Katie’s with our quilt squares.”

“Too quiet for her to be here.” Leah grinned. Endie Katie hosted their monthly quilting bee, and whenever there was a new quilt to be made, her aunt would sew the squares together, then ready the quilt to be hand stitched by the women who attended the gathering. Thoughts of quilts brought her right back to Henry, as anything crafty made her yearn to get her shop up and running. And Henry was going to help her.

Henry hadn’t mentioned a time for them to meet. If he’d heard him right, she’d see him at church services. But what if he had changed his mind about teaching her? I hope not. She felt a painful wrenching in her midsection. Leah knew at that moment that she would let her acceptance of his offer stand. She prayed that he’d ready to teach her soon.

She hung up the dish towel. “You done upstairs?” she asked her mother as she headed toward the back door.

Nay. I need to strip and wash the bedsheets.”

“I can help with those,” Leah offered.

But her mother shook her head. “No need. It won’t take me long.”

“I’ll head out to the barn then. Call me if you change your mind.”

Her mother’s expression was warm and loving. “You’re a gut dochter, Leah.”

“You say that to all your dechter.”

Mam laughed. “And each of you is special in your own way,” she said as she headed toward the stairs.

With a smile lingering on her lips, Leah crossed the yard and entered the barn. The aroma of animal dung and straw hit her as she made her way toward the goats. It was a scent that she was used to so she didn’t mind. In fact, she found the familiarity of it soothing. The goats gravitated to her when they saw her.

Hallo there, little ones. Hungry?” She opened the rear door of the barn that led to the pasture. Then she returned to release the latch on the goat stall and herded them outside. “Some lovely fresh grass for you to enjoy,” she said fondly.

The small animals were quick to frolic about before stopping to graze. Leah filled the water trough near the fence, then returned to the barn to feed the horses before releasing them into the pasture with the goats. She fed the chickens, then went inside to feed their cows, and after that, she took care of their bull, Mortimer, and released him into a separate fenced area.

When all of the animals had been seen to, Leah meandered down the aisle to where their puppy would live once he was old enough to be parted from his mother. Her gaze settled on the cabinet Henry had crafted that hung on the far wall. She sighed. It looked good and it would work well for storage. She glanced down to where Nell’s and then Meg’s dogs had slept, saw matted bedding and frowned. Last evening when she’d come into the barn, she’d put down the fresh straw, but this morning it looked as if someone had lain there.

Her lips curved. Charlie. No doubt her sister had escaped here for a few moments to enjoy some privacy. Charlie was as excited as Dat about having a new pet. She could picture her little sister as Charlie lay back and stared at the barn rafters while she chewed on or fingered a piece of straw. Without thought, Leah retrieved a rake to fluff up the bedding before she put it away. She wondered if her mother needed anything from the store. Yoder’s General Store.

Her Forgiving Amish Heart

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