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Экспертные мнения / Expert Opinions
One Hundred Years Ahead: Architects on the Future of the Cities


Yulia Vyatkina

DOI 10.55140/2782-5817-2022-2-S2-10-15

We don't know what lies ahead, but we believe in a better future. Those who are already implementing innovative architectural solutions today are the ones who find it the easiest to look into the future in search of answers to the question "What conditions will the humankind live in?" The Positive Changes Journal editors have compiled the opinions of the leaders and founders of world-renowned architectural firms whose projects are already changing the face of the cities of today. The architects expound on how to combine the environment and urbanism, conserve the planet's resources and make the city adjust to the concept of an ideal way of life.

Yulia Vyatkina

Editor, Positive Changes Journal

Whenever somebody talks about cities of the future, they say those will be eco-cities. What is an eco-city as you understand it?

Balkrishna Doshi, Indian architect, founder of Vastu Shilpa Consultants, Pritzker Prize winner, worked under Le Corbusier:

"A truly sustainable city is a city where the least human energy and time is spent in getting things done. Then people have time for reflection and can once again act like human beings, not the robots they have been forced to become."

Cite: Singh-Bartlett, W. Pritzker Prize winner Balkrishna Doshi on modernism, India and dropping your ego. Retrieved from: https:// www.wallpaper.com/architecture/pritzker-prize-winner-balkrishna-doshi. 07 March 2018. Wallpaper. (accessed 08.11.2022).

What is the concept of "non-extractive architecture"? Is it possible to respect nature in architecture?

Joseph Grima, co-founder of the Italian design studio Space Caviar and architect, creative director of Design Academy Eindhoven and art critic:

"The architecture of the future must prioritise conserving the earth’s resources if humans are to overcome the evolutionary crisis that they currently face. Getting better at getting better will not on its own be sufficient. In the face of our accelerating technological supremacy, we can no longer afford to simply ask how much it is possible to extract from our habitat; we are now compelled to ask how much it is reasonable to extract. <…> Non-extractive architecture must fully consider the costs not just for the individual and for society, but also future societies who will live with the consequences of the choices of today’s technologically empowered humans."

Cite: Grima, J. (2021). Joseph Grima calls for "new form of architectural practice that considers the full chain of building's consequences." Retrieved from: https://www.dezeen.com/2021/11/17/joseph-grima-manifesto-dezeen-15/. 17 November 2021. Dezeen. (accessed 08.11.2022).

Will we get a healthy city by addressing environmental problems?

Ma Yansong, founder of China's most famous architectural firm, MAD Architects, a professor at Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture:

"Modern cities right now are too much about efficiency and capital power. It is just about environment, pollution, traffic. Every city has to deal with them, but it doesn’t mean that if you solve them you have a "good city". You and I have a healthy body, but it doesn’t mean that we are mentally healthy… We talk about environment, energy saving and sustainability but I think it’s too much about technology. You have better air conditioning, better glass, better solar panels, but it doesn’t mean those who are working in this building want to stay there forever! They still want to escape every weekend and still go to the countryside because they still feel they aren’t connected with nature. That is the basics, the fundamental reason why we are starting to talk about nature now. If we say we want to be close to nature, why can’t we let the temperature be one degree less or more in your room, in the office?"

Cite: Rizzardi, P. & Hankun, Z. (TCA Think Tank). An Interview with MAD Architects' Ma Yansong: Constructing Icons, Identity & China's Future Cities. Retrieved from: https://www.archdaily. com/490712/an-int.erview-wit.h-mad-architects-ma-yansong-constructing-icons-identity-and-china-s-future-cities. 03 April 2014. ArchDaily. (accessed 08.11.2022).

Can environmental sustainability be achieved without sacrificing living standards?

Bjarke Ingels, Danish architect, founder and creative partner of Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG):

"It has been proven that, beyond a doubt, we have the capacity as the human race to cause massive impact at a planetary scale. That also means that with great power comes great responsibility… Now we have to find smart ways of making our cities resilient. Hedonistic sustainability is the idea that you can actually be sustainable but increase the quality of life while doing so. The same goes with resilience. You have to find smart ways of providing all these necessary safety measures, but do it in a way that advances the human project and creates a wonderful framework for human life."

Cite: Chu, J. Bjarke Ingels On The Future Of Architecture. Retrieved from: https://www.fastcompany.com/3041276/bjarke-ingels-on-the-future-of-architecture. 23 January 2015. Fast Company. (accessed 08.11.2022).

What is the role of the city's architects and planners? What should they consider?

Joseph Grima, co-founder of the Italian design studio Space Caviar and architect, creative director of Design Academy Eindhoven and art critic:

"Designers have a decisive role to play in envisioning the possibilities of future habitats, and they could start by conceiving alternatives to the radically decentralised geographies of contemporary material production and consumption."

Cite: Grima, J. (2021). Joseph Grima calls for "new form of architectural practice that considers the full chain of building's consequences." Retrieved from: https://www.dezeen.com/2021/11/17/joseph-grima-manifesto-dezeen-15/. 17 November 2021. Dezeen. (accessed 08.11.2022).

Bjarke Ingels, Danish architect, founder and creative partner of Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG):

"When something doesn’t fit anymore, we, architects, have the ability – and responsibility – to make sure that our cities do not force us to adapt to outdated leftovers from the past, but actually fit to the way we want to live."

Cite: Møller, A Yes Is More: The BIG Philosophy. Retrieved from: https://www.archdaily.com/366660/yes-is-more-the-big-philosophy. 06 May 2013.

ArchDaily, (accessed 08.11.2022).

On November 15, 2022, the world population reached 8 billion people, according to the UN estimates. The humanity is expected to cross the 8.5 billion mark by 2030, and peak at 10.4 billion by 2080.

Ma Yansong, founder of China's most famous architectural firm, MAD Architects, a professor at Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture:

"I don’t like what has happened to our cities, as this is the result of us having followed modernism for such a long time. Everything has started to look the same and lacks an inner spirituality. Nowadays, function is prioritized over nature and emotions. My architecture is about making a statement. But we are not making a building as an object, we are trying to create a landscape inside the urban environment. I derive my inspiration from traditional Chinese architecture where nature is an integral part of daily life in the city. I am looking for ways to adapt the Chinese traditions of blending nature and architecture to contemporary architecture on urban scale."

Cite: Belogolovsky, V. Ma Yansong: "Some People May Say My Work Is Futuristic, But I See It as Traditional." Retrieved from: https://www. archdaily.com/891656/ma-yansong-some-people-may-say-my-work-is-futuristic-but-i-see-it-as-traditional. 30 March 2018. ArchDaily. (accessed 08.11.2022).

Another widely discussed concept of the city of the future is the "15-Minute City." What principles should such a city be built upon?

Carlos Moreno, French-Colombian urbanist, researcher at Pantheon-Sorbonne University, popularizer of the 15-Minute City concept:

"We need to rethink cities around the four guiding principles that are the key building blocks of the 15-minute city. First, ecology: for a green and sustainable city. Second, proximity: to live with reduced distance to other activities. Third, solidarity: to create links between people. Finally, participation should actively involve citizens in the transformation of their neighborhood… First, the rhythm of the city should follow humans, not cars. Second, each square meter should serve many different purposes. Finally, neighborhoods should be designed so that we can live, work and thrive in them without having to constantly commute elsewhere."

Cite: Moreno, C. The 15-minute city. Retrieved from: https://www.ted.com/taiks/carios_moreno_ the_15_minute_city/transcript. TED. (accessed 2/.10.2022).

The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs forecasts that 68 % of the world's population will be living in cities by 2050. Today this figure stands at 55 %; that is, there are about 4.2 billion urban dwellers in the world.

Do architects need to study the past in search of the future?

Norman Foster, British architect and designer, winner of the Pritzker Prize:

"Architecture is an expression of values – the way we build is a reflection of the way we live. This is why vernacular traditions and the historical layers of a city are so fascinating, as every era produces its own vocabulary. Sometimes we have to explore the past to find inspiration for the future. At its most noble, architecture is the embodiment of our civic values… Our work might provide some references from the past for future generations – we have yet to see a complete understanding of the impact of environmental issues on architecture."

Cite: Rosenfield, K. Norman Foster's interview with The European: "Architecture is the Expression of Values." Retrieved from: https:// www.archdaiiy.com/56353//interview-norman-foster-on-the-role-of-architecture-in-modern-society. 31 October 2014. ArchDaily. (accessed 08.11.2022).

Ma Yansong, founder of China's most famous architectural firm, MAD Architects, a professor at Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture:

"Architecture for me is a conversation, in which I look back to the past and project my ideas into the future. Architecture is art, attitude, and emotions. All these things need to be linked."

Cite: Belogolovsky, V. Ma Yansong: "Some People May Say My Work Is Futuristic, But I See It as Traditional." Retrieved from: https://www. archdaily.com/891656/ma-yansong-some-people-may-say-my-work-is-futuristic-but-i-see-it-as-traditional. 30 March 2018. ArchDaily. (accessed 08.11.2022).

Can we talk about some kind of universal approach to city design?

Norman Foster, British architect and designer, winner of the Pritzker Prize:

"The model for every city must be different – there is no one-size-fits-all approach to urban development. However, there are common problems, and cities can learn from one another – one of the most important lessons, in terms of reducing energy and creating a walkable, enjoyable city, is density."

Cite: Rosenfeld, K. Norman Foster's Interview with The European: "Architecture is the Expression of Values." Retrieved from: https:// www.archdaily.com/563537/interview-norman-foster-on-the-role-of-architecture-in-modern-society. 31 October 2014. ArchDaily. (accessed 08.11.2022).

Will the city of the future, the eco-city, promote civic engagement? What is needed for that?

Norman Foster, British architect and designer, winner of the Pritzker Prize:

"We have to be looking at settlements the combination of infrastructure – the connections, the public spaces, the links, the transport – because the sustainable city now and in the future is about strong civic leadership. It’s about pedestrianisation: people over cars. It’s about density. High-density cities consume less energy and they’re more friendly. It’s also about mix-use: the traditional city never got over into areas where you live, areas where you work, cultural areas. It was a wonderful mix of that. So we have to rediscover those virtues."

Cite: Lord Norman Foster on the future of cities. Retrieved from: https://www.architecture.com/knowledge-and-resources/knowledge-landing-page/lord-norman-foster-on-the-future-of-cities. 29 June 2017. RIBA. (accessed 27.10.2022).

Позитивные изменения. Города будущего. Тематический выпуск, 2022 / Positive changes. The cities of the future. Special issue, 2022

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