Читать книгу Позитивные изменения. Том 3, № 4 (2023). Positive changes. Volume 3, Issue 4(2023) - Редакция журнала «Позитивные изменения» - Страница 10

Репортажи / Reports
We Are the Impact. A Report from the Positive Changes Journal Awards


Yulia Vyatkina

DOI 10.55140/2782–5817–2023–3–4–32–41

On November 30, 2023, the pages of Positive Changes Journal came to life as it celebrated the winners of its second annual Social and Economic Impact Assessment Awards. The evening’s award ceremony itself turned out to be a source of positivity, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended. Join us as we provide you with an overview of the ceremony, the deserving awardees, and the evolving landscape of social impact assessment over the past year.

Yulia Vyatkina

Editor, Positive Changes Journal

As the evening of November 30 unfolded, the Impact Hub Moscow filled with warm atmosphere. Guests engaged in friendly conversations, shared joyful embraces, and wore bright smiles while reflecting on the various business events of the season. They also discussed work-related matters, all while anticipating the commencement of the award ceremony. Little did they know that the evening would not follow the typical script of handing out statuettes but would instead feature an engaging performance centered around the theme of impact, with everyone in the audience becoming a part of the narrative.

Throughout the evening, metaphors abounded: “Impact represents beauty, professionalism embodies love, and evaluation is an art.” These metaphors were brought to life on stage by the talented actors of the community theater, This Is Us. The audience was treated to a nostalgic symbol of the New Year – a cotton-clad Santa Claus from their childhood. They delved into the profound Japanese concept of “shu-hari” – obedience, deviation, and separation – and explored its relevance to social change. Discussions also revolved around how presentations at business conferences can be made more engaging and why individuals involved in making an impact can be seen as modern-day superheroes. The overarching message was clear: not only Tuesdays can be giving.

“Visualizing the upcoming awards ceremony, our team we realized that the event itself had to be a catalyst of positive changes. If we were to simply seat the experts in a row and request their insights, it would be yet another high-level professional discussion. That’s why we opted for a format in which every one of our guests could serve as a conduit for positive change, initiating revelations and insights. This format made sure these two hours would be an extraordinary experience for everyone present, inspiring and evoking admiration for the seamless and organic interaction among people when they realize that, just like life itself, theater is a reflection of ourselves,” says Natalia Gladkikh, Editor-in-Chief of Positive Changes Journal.

The theme of impact even extended to the refreshments provided for the ceremony’s attendees. One of the partners of the Awards is “Different Grains” (“Raznye Zerna”), Moscow’s first inclusive café, where adults with ASD work alongside professional chefs, baristas, couriers and waiters. On December 30, 2023, the café celebrated its one-year anniversary, with the Positive Changes Journal Award being its first venture into catering. This collaboration could pave the way for exciting developments for Different Beans in 2024.

Позитивные изменения. Том 3, № 4 (2023). Positive changes. Volume 3, Issue 4(2023)

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