Читать книгу Business Risk and Simulation Modelling in Practice - Rees Michael - Страница 8

Part I
An Introduction to Risk Assessment – Its Uses, Processes, Approaches, Benefits and Challenges
The Context and Uses of Risk Assessment


This chapter provides a general discussion about the uses of risk assessment. We start by describing some simple examples; these demonstrate that risk assessment is a natural process that is conducted by most people in day-to-day situations, albeit informally and often implicitly. We also present some prominent examples of risk management failures in business-related contexts. We then describe some contextual challenges in decision-making processes, including that of achieving an appropriate balance between rational considerations and intuition, as well as the presence of biases. In the latter part of the chapter, we present key drivers of the need for structured, explicit and formal approaches to risk assessment in some contexts, and present the main uses and objectives of such activities.

Business Risk and Simulation Modelling in Practice

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