Читать книгу Cruelty or Humanity - Rees Stuart - Страница 8
ОглавлениеMandelshtam, Osip | The people need poetry |
Paz, Octavio | Remembrance |
Akhtmatova, Anna | Requiem |
Auden, W.H. | Epitaph on a tyrant |
Fenton, James | Tiananmen |
Rees, Stuart | Thanks to Stéphane |
Johnson, Eva | A letter to my mother |
Khlebnikov, Velimir | Suppose I make a timepiece of humanity |
Darwish, Mahmoud | Psalm |
Sabawi, Abdul | Gaza sea and sky |
Hernández, Miguel | Waltz poem of those in love and inseparable for ever |
Brecht, Bertolt | When evil-doing comes like falling rain |
Brecht, Bertolt | To those born later |
Vasefi, Saba | Asylum |
Wordsworth, William | Humanity |
Wright, Judith | Two dreamtimes |
Éluard, Paul | Dawn dissolves the monsters |
MacNeice, Louis | Prayer before birth |
Neruda, Pablo | The dictators |
Levertov, Denise | Thai Binh (Peace) Province |
Levertov, Denise | Weeping woman |
Owen, Wilfred | Anthem for doomed youth |
Brecht, Bertolt | Violence |
Nunucaal, Oodgeroo | The protectors |
James, Clive | Statement from The Secretary of Defense |
Rees, Stuart | Tell me the truth about war |
Wordsworth, William | Humanity |
Stafford, William | Poetry |
Brecht, Bertolt | The bread of the people |
Donne, John | No man is an island |
Nunucaal, Oodgeroo | All one race |
Angelou, Maya | Human family |
Shelley, Percy Bysshe | The mask of anarchy |
Waters, Roger | Each small candle |
Seeger, Pete | If I had a hammer |
Murray, Les | Equanimity |
Stafford, William | You reading this stop |
Krieger, David | True to himself |
Rendra, Willibrordus | I write this pamphlet |
Rees, Stuart | The empty chair |
Wright, Judith | The flame tree |
Milosz, Czeslaw | This world |
Yeats, W.B. | To a friend whose work has come to nothing |
Yeats, W.B. | Meditations in a time of civil war |
Angelou, Maya | A brave and startling truth |
Sabawi, Samah | Cultivating hope |
Levertov, Denise | What it could be |
Levertov, Denise | About political action |
Levi, Primo | Almanac |
Yeats, W.B. | The second coming |
Darwish, Mahmoud | If we want to |
Lichtenstein, Alfred | Prophecy |
Auden, W.H. | September 1, 1939 |
Rees, Stuart | Ninety plus campaigner |