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Chapter 3

Jordan Jace’s photos hadn’t done him justice. The man was absolutely gorgeous. His brilliant smile demanded attention from halfway across the room. And there was something truly magical about his laugh and the touch of his hand.

His penetrating gaze had sent shivers down her spine. And his mouth. There was something about his full lips that made hers burn with the desire to taste them.

It was official. The slight crush she’d developed on Jordan Jace as she’d studied him was now full-blown infatuation.

Her hand curled into a fist at her side, remembering how his large hand had engulfed hers. The tingling in her palm when her skin had touched his. And the trail of electricity that had skittered down her spine and into places she’d rather not admit.

No wonder Jordan had developed a reputation as a playboy during his short time in San Diego. She’d watched as the art groupies and wealthy patrons—like Vivian Avery, a beauty product heiress—had fawned all over him.

Sasha wouldn’t have been surprised if the wealthy heiress had purchased that piece just to bring Jordan back to her side and away from Sasha.

It was just as well. She could use a moment of distance. An opportunity to get her head back on straight. She hadn’t come here to let Jordan Jace sweep her off her feet. Her job was to ensure that he understood exactly why he needed her.

Having had a taste of the challenge ahead, she had no intention of leaving the gallery without doing just that.

* * *

Sasha checked her watch. Jordan had been gone for more than an hour. His business with Vivian Avery hadn’t seemed to take very long. However, he’d been pulled into a conversation every time he’d headed in her direction again.

Jordan Jace was quickly becoming a star in the San Diego art world. He was doing exactly as he should. Courting patrons and potential buyers.

So why did she feel a desperate sense of longing as Jordan moved from one person to the next? And the tug of the green-eyed monster as he flashed that big smile and focused his penetrating gaze on the other women there?

This is business, not The Dating Game. Stay focused and stop acting like a jealous girlfriend.

Sasha heaved a sigh and passed on another glass of champagne. She checked her watch one last time.

She’d come here tonight to observe Jordan. She hadn’t intended to engage him in conversation. Not yet, anyway. He was busy tonight. It would be better if she made an appointment to meet with him in his office. In a situation that felt a lot less...flirtatious.

Sasha grabbed a brochure and headed toward the exit.

“You’re not leaving.” Jordan caught her elbow before she reached the door. “I know I’ve been away a lot longer than I expected, but I’d love it if you’d stay a bit longer.”

“You’re obviously quite busy tonight. Which is exactly what you want.” She forced a smile to hide the disappointment she felt at leaving his company.

“If you stay, I’ll make it worth your while.” His eyes lit up as a smile slid across his handsome face. The kind of smile it was hard to say no to.

She leaned in closer, her voice low. “And exactly how do you plan to make it worth my while?”

“With a private tour.” His intense gaze felt like a laser peering into her soul. Dissolving her will like copper in a hot, smelting furnace.

“The gallery is quite lovely, but I do believe I’ve seen just about all of it during the course of the evening. Except, of course, the men’s room.”

Jordan’s laughter rang through the gallery and her cheeks heated in response.

“I think it’s better if that particular space remains a mystery. However, I’d love to give you a behind-the-scenes tour of the gallery, including my studio next door.”

Sasha’s pulse sped up, her chest rising and falling rapidly. She couldn’t tear her gaze away from his.

What is it about this man that is so...mesmerizing?

Jordan Jace certainly wasn’t the first handsome man with a great smile she’d encountered. So why was he so damn intriguing?

Perhaps too intriguing for someone she hoped to work with.

Saying yes to his flirtatious overture was a bad idea. And yet...she couldn’t say no.

“I don’t suppose I could turn down an opportunity like that.” She stepped away to create some space. He released her arm with a knowing smile. “How exactly did I merit such a high honor?”

His eyes twinkled. “Because, Sasha Charles, there is something about you that I find inspiring. And I can’t rest until I know exactly what that is.”

Jordan was gone before she could respond.

Sasha exhaled, her eyes pressed closed momentarily. She’d hoped that Jordan’s attraction to her would make her job easier. But her attraction to him would surely make the situation more challenging.

Still, this was an opportunity she couldn’t pass up. So she’d have to put on her big-girl panties, keep Jordan Jace out of them and pull herself together.

* * *

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but the gallery is closed now.” Jordan’s assistant, a pretty woman with mousy brown hair, sparkling blue eyes and oversize glasses, approached Sasha.

She stood from the red sofa where she’d been seated. The glittery heels she’d chosen to wear were gorgeous, but her feet were killing her.

“I’m waiting. For Jordan.” Sasha suddenly felt incredibly self-conscious. How many art groupies had sat in the same seat spouting the same line?

The woman frowned. “Did Jordan ask you to wait for him?” The question felt accusatory.

“Yes, I did.” Jordan walked over to the woman and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Sasha Charles is my guest this evening.” He turned to Sasha. “Sasha, meet Lydia Dyson, my right hand here at the gallery. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without her.”

“Nice to meet you,” the woman said, though her tone indicated otherwise. She squinted at Sasha as she pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. When her eyes met Jordan’s briefly, she smiled. “He’s being too kind, of course. I’m incredibly lucky that I get to work with the great Jordan Jace.” Lydia gazed at him adoringly. A fact that seemed to go right over Jordan’s head. “But I appreciate the compliment, anyway.”

“I’ll lock up tonight. You head on home. And come in a few hours late tomorrow. I insist,” he added, before Lydia could object. Jordan broadened his smile. “Take a couple of bottles of champagne on your way out. You’ve earned them. Tonight was magnificent.”

Lydia perked up and nodded. The woman turned and walked away, tossing a good-night over her shoulder.

“Hey.” Jordan shoved his hands in his pockets, his eyes meeting hers with an intensity that sparked something inside her.

“Hey.” Sasha tightened her grip on her clutch. Heat filled her cheeks.

“I’m glad you stayed.” He indicated a doorway at the back of the studio and they both walked toward it. “Can I get you a glass of wine or a bite to eat?”

“I’ve had quite enough tonight already, thank you.” Sasha held up a hand. There was no way she could pull off this encounter successfully if she wasn’t completely sober. Not with electricity dancing up her spine as she walked beside this man.

“As you wish.” He opened the door, which led down a narrow corridor.

Sasha halted in her tracks and took a deep breath. Her eyes met his. “Look, Jordan, I appreciate the chance to tour your studio. But if the invitation is really just the modern-day equivalent of offering to ‘show me your etchings’...”

Jordan’s deep belly laugh made her cheeks burn, but she couldn’t help chuckling, too. He raised his hands, his palms facing her.

“I have every intention of being a gentleman tonight. I assure you.” He grinned. “I just thought you might like to see the method behind my madness, so to speak. Of course, after tonight...well that, love, is up to you.”

Sasha exhaled and headed down the brick corridor. Her heels clicked against the concrete floor as Jordan walked beside her.

Finally, he opened another door and turned on the light. The unfinished brick walls, stained concrete floor and steel beams overhead gave the cavernous space the same spare, raw feel as the gallery.

“My assistant hosed down the floor this morning, but it is still a working studio. So perhaps you should be careful with that lovely dress.” Jordan held the door open.

“Lydia hosed down the floor?” Sasha gathered the hem of her dress in one hand and followed Jordan into the studio.

“No, Lydia is my gallery assistant,” Jordan clarified. “A young man named Marcus Whitten is my studio assistant.”

“I see.” Sasha surveyed the space. It smelled of welded metal, but it was surprisingly clean for a studio that housed rolls of sheet metal and industrial shelving bearing metal pipes, buckets of nuts, bolts, chains and a variety of other cast-off pieces of metal. “And what does a sculptor’s assistant do? Besides hose down the floor?”

“Thankfully, quite a bit.” Jordan beckoned her farther into the space. “When I started out, I did everything myself. The salvaging, the cutting and prepping and all of the welding. Sometimes I worked on more than one piece at a time, but it could take weeks or even months to complete them.”

“And now?”

“Now I have Marcus. Quite the promising sculptor in his own right. But for now, he helps me out with the grunt work around here. Frees me up to focus on the artistic bits.”

“He’s paying his dues, I suppose.” Sasha strolled along the space with Jordan. Past heavy tools and stockpiles of salvaged metals and reclaimed wood.

“As did I.”

“You? Doing grunt work?” Sasha stopped and turned to him, barely holding back an incredulous grin. “Why do I find that so difficult to believe?”

“Doesn’t fit the millionaire playboy narrative, I know.” He chuckled. “But it’s true. I studied studio art in university for a couple of years. University life and rules didn’t quite agree with me. So I left.”

“Now that, I can believe.” Sasha tried not to allow herself to be drawn in by those glittering eyes and that infinite charm, enhanced by a very sexy British accent. It was a losing battle. “I doubt your parents were very happy with that decision.”

“They weren’t.” For the first time, there was a flash of darkness in his expression. “I’m the black sheep in the Jace family. The sole artist in a family full of bankers. My mum and dad thought I’d gone mad when I left university and went to work as a studio assistant for a mere pittance. Truthfully, they still think me a bit bonkers.”

Sasha’s heart ached for Jordan. He behaved as if he was unconcerned about the opinions of others. Though clearly, he was wounded by his parents’ rejection of his career choice.

The topic of his parents was a subject best avoided for as long as possible.

“Did you work for a sculptor?”

“Eventually.” He stuffed his hands in his pockets, his confident smile fixed firmly in place again. “But first I was assistant to a painter and then a multimedia artist. Then I went to work for a remarkable sculptor who worked with clay.”

“Your apprenticeships served you well. I can see the influence of all three mediums in your work.” Sasha turned her attention to an assemblage of scrap metal laid out on the floor. “Is this what you’re working on now?”

“It is. Commissioned for a corporate office headquartered in LA.” He gripped his chin, studying the metal fragments, as if seeing them for the first time.

Sasha walked carefully around the collection of metal scraps until she stood opposite him. When she looked up, he was no longer studying the metal pieces on the floor. He was studying her.

Electricity trailed down her spine and the room suddenly felt warm. She dropped her gaze to the assemblage of scraps arranged on the floor again.

“So a commissioned piece like this. How does it work? Does the client tell you what they want?”

“This isn’t color by numbers, love.” His smile widened. He was clearly amused by the very suggestion that he’d execute someone else’s design. “I don’t have anything against anyone who does work that way, mind you. It simply doesn’t work for me. Black sheep who has an uneasy relationship with rules, remember?” He poked a thumb to his chest.

“Good point.” She nodded sagely, her cheeks tightening in a smile. “So, what is your process? Do you sketch out your designs, then find the materials you need?”

“Only when an idea begins in my head. Perhaps I’m inspired by something I’ve seen, there’s a concept I want to express or I have a persistent vision I can’t let go of.” Jordan stooped, rearranging a few of the metal scraps. “Other times, I select salvaged pieces like these and play around with them. Try out different configurations until a design speaks to me.”

Jordan scrutinized the pieces intently, and Sasha assessed him.

“So how did you come by your remarkable studio assistant Marcus?”

“I met him during a workshop I gave for local high school students.” Jordan stood, dusting off his hands. He retrieved a clean rag from a nearby metal table and cleaned them. “Marcus was bright and incredibly talented. Eager to learn about art. But he was struggling with the rest of his schoolwork and he’d become a fixture in the headmaster’s office.”

“Then why’d you take a chance on him?”

Jordan shrugged, still focused on the configuration of items laid out on the concrete floor. “I see a little of myself in him, I suppose.” He raised his gaze to hers, then laughed. “And that is why I don’t normally tell people stories like this.”

“Why? What did I do?”

“You’ve got that face...as if you’ve just seen a baby take its first steps or something.”

“I do not.”

“Yes, you do. And I don’t work with kids like Marcus for recognition. Neither is it a wholly selfless act.” He gestured toward another metal table where a smaller piece was taking shape. “The boy’s got a good eye. And he’s a very hard worker.”

“Obviously.” Sasha surveyed the piece. An assemblage of metal pipes and fittings were arranged in the shape of legs and feet. “But if he was already struggling with school...won’t a demanding job make things worse?”

Jordan stuffed his hands in his pockets and assessed Sasha, as if debating whether he should tell her the rest.

“I pay him a decent hourly wage, but the rest goes toward a tutor. Like I said, he’s quite bright. He just learns a bit differently.”

“And he agreed to the deal?”

“He’s never missed a tutoring session and his grades have improved dramatically.” Jordan’s eyes twinkled with pride. He indicated the various machines along one wall. “And he’s learned to work all of the machinery here. Skills that would serve him well if he needed to go into a trade, for a time, at least.”

“It’s all a facade, isn’t it?” Sasha couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face or the fluttering in her chest.

“Sorry?” Jordan crooked a brow, puzzled.

“You behave as if you don’t care about anything or anyone but your art, but you do. You care about the environment—that’s why you use discarded wood and metal. You care about underprivileged youth—that’s why you do the workshops. And you obviously care deeply about both of your assistants.”

“I never purported to be a monster. And if you thought as much, I doubt you’d be here now.”

“Actually... I have a very particular reason for being here.” Sasha was reluctant to bring their lovely evening together to what would likely be an abrupt end.

“If the answer is anything other than you being taken with the art or the artist, I’ll be terribly disappointed.” He stuffed his hands in his pockets.

“You’re a brilliant artist, Jordan. And far more fascinating than I would’ve suspected.” Sasha’s heart beat faster. She reached into her small clutch, pulled out a business card and handed it to him. “But the reason I came tonight is because I’m a brand strategist, and I’d love to work with you.”

Jordan accepted the card and reviewed it. One eyebrow shifted upward. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, Ms. Charles, but tonight’s event was packed. We cleared a half million dollars in sales and commissions tonight alone.”

“Impressive indeed.” Sasha nodded. “But I believe you’re capable of even more. I can help you double or triple what you made tonight. More importantly, I’ll work tirelessly to help raise your visibility internationally and smooth over some of the issues you’ve had in the past with bad press.”

“And exactly how do you plan to do that, Ms. Charles?” He’d reverted to formal address since they were talking business. Yet, there was unmistakable flirtatiousness in his tone.

“I can’t give all my trade secrets away for free, now can I?” She smiled. “But I would begin by honing your online presence. Currently, your social media real estate is either absent or lacking the brilliance and creativity worthy of a true creative genius.”

“I’m a creative genius, am I?”

“I don’t think anyone at the gallery this evening would dispute that.”

Jordan stepped closer, his heat enveloping her. “Including you?”

Sasha swallowed hard, her knees quivering slightly as she inhaled his delicious scent. “Me, especially.”

“Sounds tempting.” Jordan’s heated gaze left Sasha unsure whether he was referring to her or her proposal. Surprisingly, the former was more tempting than the latter. “But I confess myself nostalgic for simpler times. When one needn’t manage their brand or monitor their online presence. Life is too short to be consumed by the opinion of the faceless masses. Or even those much closer to home, for that matter.”

“Times change, and this is the reality of doing business now,” she stated firmly. “I know it seems like a hassle to manage your brand. But handled properly, it’s the key to achieving everything you want.”

“You presume to know what that is?” Jordan cocked a brow.

He was testing her.

“Yes.” Sasha raised her chin. “Money and notoriety are important to you. That’s obvious from the eye-catching cars and the occasional ‘wild child’ antics. But there’s so much more to Jordan Jace than you let on.”

Jordan folded his arms. “Such as?”

Sasha smiled, her confidence rising. “You use recycled and found materials in your work, and though you drive very pricey cars, they’re all eco-friendly. So obviously caring for the environment is a huge issue for you.”

“That one was easy.” Jordan narrowed his gaze. “You’ll have to do better than that to convince me.”

“All right.” Sasha nodded. If Jordan Jace needed convincing, she could handle that. “Your work with underprivileged kids is as important to you as bringing beauty into the world through your art.” When he didn’t reply, she indicated the table where Marcus’s sculpture stood. “This is the legacy you want to leave, isn’t it? A man who left the world, and the people in it, in a much better state than he found them.”

Jordan rubbed his chin and cleared his throat. She’d touched a nerve and it made him uncomfortable.


He had to be willing to get uncomfortable if they were going to work together. Evidently, she’d have to accept operating outside of her comfort zone, too.

“Well, Miss Charles, why don’t you let me think about your request and get back to you?” Jordan headed for the door.

Panic spread through Sasha’s chest. She’d pushed him too hard. Now she needed to play the card she’d been holding on to.

“You never did get an answer to your question.” She remained rooted in her spot, though her pulse raced.

Jordan turned back to her. “About?”

“Which member of Prescott George invited me here tonight?”

“No, I didn’t, did I?” He folded his arms, one brow raised. She’d gotten his attention. “Who do I have to thank for the lovely sales pitch?”

Sasha inhaled deeply. Tried to keep her limbs from trembling. “Jonathan Jace.”

“My father invited you here? Why? He doesn’t give one whit whether or not the gallery is successful.”

“I doubt that’s true.” She stepped closer, shrinking the gap between them. “But your mother obviously does. She’s the person who hired me.”

“Exactly when did you plan to tell me all this?” Jordan scowled.

“When it became relevant.” Sasha maintained his gaze and shrugged. “It just did.”

“So this entire performance tonight was an elaborate ruse at my expense?”

“No, it was a test.” She stepped even closer, forcing her gaze to meet his. “For both of us. I needed to know that you were someone I could work with. That your art and what you stand for are things I believe in. Without that foundation, there’s no way I can sell your brand to the world.”

“And what’s the verdict?” He folded his arms and stared down his nose at her.

“I was already a fan of the art. But now I’m infinitely impressed with the artist.” Sasha smiled, invoking his earlier statement.

Jordan shook his head and seemed to chuckle, in spite of himself. “Okay, Sasha.” He put emphasis on the use of her given name again. “I’ll make you a deal.”

She folded her arms and tipped her chin upward. “Let’s hear it.”

“I’ll listen to your proposal for expanding my brand...over dinner. My treat.”

Sasha inhaled deeply. Tried not to let him see her blink or how her knees were trembling. She gripped her clutch tightly with both hands and exhaled slowly. “A working dinner?”

“If it makes you feel better to call it that.”

“What would you call it?” The brooch on her silk clutch dug into her skin.

“A date, of course.” Jordan chuckled in response to her opened mouth and widened eyes. His nostrils flared and a sexy-as-sin smirk curved one side of his sensuous mouth. “Careful, love. Now I can see you a bit more clearly.”

“What do you mean?” Heat crawled up her spine and the space between them seemed to evaporate.

“You’re Miss Prim and Proper. The one who can’t bear the thought of breaking the rules.” He walked around her, studying her as if she were a museum piece. He leaned in closer. His warm breath tickled her skin. His tone was teasing. “I doubt you’ve ever knowingly broken a single rule.”

Heat filled her cheeks and a knot tightened in her belly. Yes, he was definitely testing her.

If Jordan Jace thought she’d be run off by a little teasing and a lot of flirtation, he had no idea whom he was dealing with. Unlike Jordan, Sasha hadn’t come from money. But she knew how to play the game, and she wasn’t easily intimidated. And dealing with a difficult client? That was just her average Tuesday.

Sasha lengthened her spine, her eyes meeting his. “Just tell me when and where.”

Seduced In San Diego

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