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Words to Live By


When we make changes in our lives, it often means becoming a part of some new community – work, faith, family, or interest group, and that requires learning the language. There are many words I use in this book, and they may mean something different depending on who is reading it. Here are a few brief descriptions of my use of the vocabulary throughout the book:

Gratitude – to be thankful. You may be asked to practice this. It means I am encouraging you to think it, speak it, and live it. It is about choosing gratitude over your frustrations and fears when you least want to. Eventually, you will begin to hear gratitude from others.

Believe – to know (with or without evidence). I encourage you to believe in yourself, your talents, your skills, your knowledge, and your worthiness. You must believe you are capable and change is possible in order to move forward. There is definitely a factor of trust wrapped up into this word.

Presence – to be in the moment. This requires you to wiggle your toes and be HERE. NOW. There is no thinking about what has already happened. There is no thinking about what might happen. No. We don’t look over our shoulders or imagine the outcome. Stay here. Be present.

Intention – to plan. This is what you plan to do. With intention, we drive the process of change. Intention keeps us anchored to our goal. Intending is a positive practice meant to fuel our growth.

Dissonance – to clash. This creates unrest. And that is good. It seems bad, but we need this to make change. What we think we know and what we are working toward may sometimes disagree. Addressing and dealing with this unrest helps pave the way to harmony.

Strength – to surge. This can be a body, mind or spirit kind of strength. I often encourage you to make it a strong day – whatever that means for YOU. It may mean you faced the depression, got out of bed, and made it to work. It may mean you completed a long list of tasks. Or that you ate well and drank lots of water. Or it may mean that you made it through a difficult meeting. Strength may mean that you were compassionate with yourself or someone you love. It is unmeasurable, so no comparing with others!

Tribe - a group of people around whom you feel strong, happy, and confident. These are people who encourage, support, and cheer you on. After spending time with them, you feel happier, healthier, and more of who you are. They “get” you.

Make a Splash!

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