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Diſcovery of VVitchcraft:
The common opinions of Witches con-
tracting with Divels, Spirits, or Familiars; and
their power to kill, torment, and conſume the bodies of
men women, and children, or other creatures by diſeaſes
or otherwiſe; their flying in the Air, &c. To be but imaginary
Erronious conceptions and novelties;
The lewde unchriſtian practiſes of Witchmongers, upon aged,
melancholy, ignorant, and ſuperſtious people in extorting confeſſions,
by inhumane terrors and tortures is notably detected.
ALSO | { | The knavery and confederacy of Conjurors.The impious blaſphemy of Inchanters.The impoſture of Soothſayers, and Infidelity of Atheiſts.The deluſion of Pythoniſts, Figure-caſters, Aſtrologers, and va- nity of Dreamers.The fruitleſſe beggerly art of Alchimiſtry.The horrible art of Poiſoning and all the tricks and convey- ances of juggling and Liegerdemain are fully deciphered. |
With many other things opened that have long lain hidden: though
very neceſſary to be known for the undeceiving of Judges, Juſtices,
and Juries, and for the preſervation of poor, aged, deformed, ignorant
people; frequently taken, arraigned, condemned and executed for
Witches, when according to a right underſtanding, and a good
conſcience, Phyſick, Food, and neceſſaries should be
adminiſtred to them.
Whereunto is added, a treatiſe upon the nature, and ſubſtance of Spirits and Divels,
&c. all written and publiſhed in Anno 1584. by Reginald Scot, Eſquire.
Printed by Richard Cotes. 1651.
Size, Fol., 10¼ in. × 6⅛.