Читать книгу Мост через жизнь - Рена Арзуманова - Страница 2



Collection of Short Stories (Russian Edition)

The author grabs the reader by the hand, just like an overprotective parent, and leads him over a bridge the length of a lifetime. The reader will meet many people on the bridge: a man dressed as a general, who isn’t a general at all, a very decisive female psychologist with an impeccable sense of humor, an elderly gentleman, who sees a weird dream that changes his whole life and a fiery redhead with porcelain skin sitting on a beach next to the Pacific Ocean. They will have different voices and intonations, but the message will all be the same – you don’t have to live your life the way you should, you should live your life the way you want. You have everything you need. It is a simple concept, but the reader, a child stepping on the bridge, has still so much to learn.

Мост через жизнь

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