Читать книгу Loves' Conqueror - Renee Hand - Страница 6



Sounds of steel could be heard from the living room as Davy trained Miranda in the ways of swordplay. Daily, the furniture was removed from the room and the pair would practice for a few hours at a time. The servants would occasionally watch this tradition, and today was no different. Some of the men and women were gathered in the doorways watching with smiles on their faces as Davy and Miranda moved from one side of the room to the other. The fight between the two was getting heated, and Miranda was being aggressive. They would determine the winner by seeing which one could slash at the others clothing first. The skill between both was exceptional, though it wasn’t always so. When Miranda was a child, Davy would end up with scars on his arms and legs. Even though he took special precautions by wearing protective covering, it never seemed to save him from her blade. Now though, the protective shields remained on his chest but nowhere else.

Miranda had her hair back into a braid while she moved around the room stealthily. Davy never took his eyes away from her for fear she would beat him again. Over the years, she had moved faster with a blade than any man had, including her father. Miranda was told to strike with her fists when she felt confident enough, and today she had her confidence. Davy swung at her head, but Miranda smoothly ducked from the blow. Instead, she punched him in the stomach. When she saw Davy hunch over in pain, she hastily went to him. She lowered her sword to her side and placed her hand on his back.

“Are you all right, Davy?” As she bent over to check on him, Davy moved his foot and brought it by her ankles, tripping her in one fluid motion. With his hand he pushed her to the floor and straddled her hips, his sword at her throat. Miranda cursed loudly as she felt Davy’s cold blade. Davy’s eyebrows rose arrogantly as he touched her nose with his finger.

“How many times have I told you never to let your guard down? If I was another man fighting you, I would have killed you.”

“If you were another man, I never would have checked to see if you were hurt.” Miranda punched Davy’s thigh as he removed his sword and rose off of her. “You are getting up there in age you know.” Miranda crawled away quickly, but not before Davy smacked her on the backside with his hand.

“If I am so old, than how come I can beat you?” Davy gave Miranda a crooked smile as he put their swords away along with his chest pad. Miranda rubbed her backside as she stood from the floor.

“You have to admit that I’m improving,” returned Miranda arrogantly.

“The only way I will admit that is if you admit that I beat you fair and square.” Miranda rolled her eyes as she placed her hands upon her hips.

“Oh, all right, you beat me fair and square. Unlike the last time, and the time before that when I beat you soundly.” Miranda gave Davy a sassy smile as he started to chase her around the room. Her screams could be heard throughout the house, the servants only shook their heads in response. One servant, in particular, walked into the room and interrupted the pair.

“Excuse me, Miss Mayne, but Lord Hammil’s ball is in a few hours and you need to be getting ready if you want to make it there on time. His note requested for you to arrive earlier than his guests so he could speak with you privately.” The servant was a small, thin girl with curly brown hair and a round face. Her name was Melissa. “Also, I am to remind you that Madam Fairaday will be arriving shortly to assist you in your preparations. She will also be attending.”

“I forgot about that. Thank you for reminding me, Melissa.” Melissa bowed her head and smiled at her flush-faced mistress before turning away. “I better hurry before she arrives and sees me like this. The wonderful woman would faint if she saw me wearing men’s breeches.” Miranda placed her hand to her chest, her heart racing from her exertions. Her cheeks were flushed, and a smile was evident upon her face. “I don’t see why you don’t ask her over for supper some evening? She is a kind woman who could probably make you happy.” Davy rolled his eyes dramatically.

“She is out of my league, love. Don’t worry about my happiness. When I find a woman that I’m interested in, I will let you know.” Miranda slowly walked up to Davy, whose heart was also racing, and embraced him. They held each other for several seconds, then as Miranda pulled away she kissed him upon the cheek.

“Do you know how much I love you my faithful friend? I couldn’t imagine my life without you by my side.” Davy caressed her cheek as he smiled from her comment.

“Yes, my child, you love me as much as I love you. You are like a daughter to me. Now, go and get ready, and you might want to consider a bath with some of those scented oils your father brought you from France.”

“Why? You won’t let Lord Hammil close enough to me to notice.” Miranda glanced back at Davy as she walked from the room to the stairs and winked. Davy moved to stand in the doorway the servants once occupied, who were now returning the furniture to its rightful place.

“If you desire for him to touch you or more, all you have to do is say the word and I will leave your side and let him.” Miranda looked down at Davy from the stairs, her eyes narrowing.

“No!” Miranda spoke sharply.

“I thought as much. The look you gave me the last time Lord Hammil attempted to kiss you, begged for me to stop him.” Davy folded his arms in front of his chest. His weight pressed up against the doorframe. Miranda played with the red sash at her waist. Whenever her and Davy practiced with the sword, she would wear breeches with a white shirt and sash pretending she were a pirate.

“I have never been kissed by a man, Davy. I am unsure of what I am supposed to do.” Miranda looked down at the steps, averting her eyes from meeting Davy’s.

“There is no shame in that, Miry. Your father and I are grateful for it. However, if you become Lord Hammil’s wife, he will want you to show him affection. You cannot avoid it forever.” Miranda glanced back at Davy, then proceeded up the stairs.

“I will think about it,” and with that said Miranda walked the rest of the way up the stairs, Davy watching her go. He began to walk down the hallway toward the kitchen when he heard a knock on the door. He saw a servant walk toward the door and answer it. It was Madam Fairaday.

Madam Fairaday was an extremely wealthy woman with a full bodice and thinning figure. Her features were pleasing to the eye. She was at least in her early fifties, but one would never know it for her appearance never revealed her age. She had slightly graying black hair with beautiful hazel green eyes. Her skin was pale with a slight hint of red upon her cheeks. Her hair was wrapped delicately upon her head and her gown was of a dark green that flattered her figure. It had a low neckline and thinning waist but the skirt billowed out around her almost preventing her from walking through the door without help. Davy instantly hastened to her side and kissed her hand in greeting.

“Madam Fairaday, how nice it is to see you again.”

“It is always nice to be seen, Davy.”

“Miranda is upstairs getting ready if you would like to join her. I need to change as well so I will not be able to escort you.” Madam Fairaday waved her hand in front of her carelessly.

“There is no need to escort me, Davy. I’m familiar with the way.”

“Very good, then I will see you shortly.” Davy was about to turn around when he felt Madam Fairaday’s hand upon his arm.

“Can I speak with you alone for a moment?” Davy looked quickly around him, then escorted her into the library. When they walked into the room, he quickly closed the door behind them, neither wanting to sit.


“I wanted to ask you something before I attend to Miranda. I know that you don’t want to talk about this, but I have to ask you. Have you heard from Stratton lately?” Davy shook his head as he folded his arms in front of his chest.

“No! We have not heard from him in a while.”

“Neither have I. I am concerned.” Madam Fairaday bowed her head toward the ground, her stare focusing on Davy’s feet.

“As are we, but there is no reason to worry yet.” Madam Fairaday returned her eyes to meet Davy’s and gave him a weak smile.

“There is one more thing. Does Miranda know about—?”

“No!” Davy quickly answered cutting her off. “And I don’t think she should, at least not yet.”

“But Davy, you are her guardian, how can you keep this from her?”

“And you, my dear woman, are Stratton’s new wife. It is not my responsibility to explain what happened between you or why.”


“There are no exceptions!” shouted Davy angrily. “We all discussed this, remember?” Madam Fairaday gazed at Davy wide-eyed. “She should not know yet. Now is not the time to explain to her the relationship that you two have. She will not understand and will only feel hurt. Trust me on this. Stratton has to explain to her what is going on between you. I will not intervene on either of your behalves. It will only make the situation worse because I know of the deception. What you two did was spontaneously romantic, yet disgustingly deceptive. Both of you did not think of the consequences of your hastened marriage.” There was a long pause before he continued, “What of your son, has he found out? Is that why you are bringing this up?”

“Yes, I have told him.”

“And how did he take it?”

“Not well,” responded Madam Fairaday sadly. “He didn’t take it well at all, but we have talked and he now understands that my happiness is more important than his anger or surprise, though he’s still vexed with me. Actually, he has not gone out of his way to speak to me about it, and every time I bring it up, he avoids the topic. He says it does not bother him, but I know he’s lying. I know my son and when he first found out about my relationship with Stratton’s months ago, he was—well—crushed. Now that he knows that we are married, his anger knows no bounds.” Madam Fairaday paused before saying, “I cannot spend all this time with Miranda and not tell her the truth, too. I do not want to see that same expression on her face, that look of betrayal. No, I could not bear to see it from her. Seeing it from my son was painful enough.” Davy placed his large hands on Madam Fairaday’s shoulders and squeezed reassuringly.

“She will understand the feelings that you two have for each other but she will not understand anything else for her vision will only be filled with hurt. Her reaction will mirror your sons, I will guarantee it. No matter when you tell her, her reaction will still be the same.”

“Yes, all the more reason to tell her now and get it over with before the lie spitballs into something bigger and more unforgivable.”

“No, you are doing the right thing by keeping the truth from her, don’t doubt yourself. What you need to focus on is still befriending her. Then, once she knows the truth, her anger won’t be so terrible.” Madam Fairaday shook her head at such nonsense, wanting to change the topic. Before she did, she raised her eyebrows and clucked her tongue loudly.

“There is one more thing. I have friends who are wives of some of the queen’s most trusted advisors and chiefs of staff, and I have learned something very disturbing. You see, they said—” Before she could say anymore Miranda opened the library door and peaked inside. Davy instantly removed his hands from Madam Fairaday’s shoulders.

“Madam Fairaday, I thought I heard your voice.” Miranda gazed at Davy and then at Madam Fairaday curiously. “What are you doing in here?” Davy was about to speak but Madam Fairaday quickly interrupted.

“I was speaking with Davy about this evening’s event. Are you in need of my assistance, for if so, then I shall move with haste?” Miranda glanced one more time at Davy before she answered.

“Please, my gown is complicated to get into. Your help would be greatly appreciated.” Miranda smiled mischievously and winked at Davy as she turned around and left the room. Madam Fairaday stared at Davy as he shook his head slightly, again pleading with her to say nothing to Miranda. She didn’t respond, but only lifted her skirts as she exited the library, following Miranda up the stairs.

An hour had passed and Miranda and Madam Fairaday were in her bedchamber still working on her appearance. Miranda was glancing into a mirror at her hair when she saw Madam Fairaday sitting behind her deep in thought. She hastily turned around and smiled politely.

“What’s wrong? You are quiet today.” Madam Fairaday smiled briefly as she stood from her chair.

“I will get Davy to finish tying the lacings in the back. No matter how hard I pull them, they are still not tight enough.” Miranda stood from her chair. “You do look beautiful tonight.”

“As do you. In fact, I think that you already have an admirer.” Madam Fairaday stared at Miranda in confusion.

“What do you mean?”

“Davy! I think I know why you were alone with him.” Fear crept into Madam Fairaday’s chest.

“You do?”

“Yes, I think he has feelings for you, or you for him?” Madam Fairaday laughed loudly as she exhaled a breath of relief.

“No, dear child, that’s not the case.” She then walked up to Miranda and embraced her. “You know that I care for you as if you were my own daughter, don’t you?” Miranda nodded her head as she smiled brightly. “I have no daughter of my own so I’m blessed to be able to dote on you. It’s meant so much to me.” After squeezing Miranda again gently, Madam Fairaday pulled away. “If there’s nothing more, my dear, I will see you later at Lord Hammil’s?”

“Of course, if he will free me from his grasp long enough to talk with you.”

“Don’t worry. I will make sure he allows us time to talk. If he doesn’t I will make a scene. I know how much he would love that.” Both women laughed at the very thought of seeing Lord Hammil’s embarrassed cherry red face. Madam Fairaday then kissed Miranda’s cheek, walked to the door, opened it and left. Davy entered shortly afterward. He moved right toward Miranda’s unfinished laces and pulled on them.

“Davy, may I remind you that today you need to watch what you say instead of me when we are at Lord Hammil’s?” Miranda winked at her friend through the mirror. She then admired her appearance. She chose a brownish gold gown with gold underskirts. White lace wrapped around the bodice and sleeves. The color matched her eyes exactly and flattered her figure. The skirts flowed smoothly when she walked around the room. Miranda was thin with curvaceous hips and supple thighs, but neither assets could be seen by any man. Her breasts were full and round, her shoulders soft and narrow. When Davy pulled the last lace too tightly, she glared quickly back at him, knowing that he did it on purpose, though he apologized.

“Did you have a nice visit with Madam Fairaday?” asked Davy changing the topic.

“Yes! I always enjoy our visits. I almost wish we didn’t have to go to Lord Hammil’s so I could spend more time with her instead,” poured Miranda as she admired herself in the mirror again. “I know what I can do, I will invite her over for tea tomorrow. Then we can gossip properly when we are not so distracted.”

“You look beautiful, Miry, but we are running out of time and need to get going. Stop stalling.” Miranda admired herself one last time in the mirror, then left with Davy by her side. Davy wore a dark brown waistcoat and black breeches with a white shirt shining underneath. His hair was slicked back and his face clean shaven. Davy escorted Miranda to a carriage waiting for them by the street and helped her inside. When he stepped in and closed the door, the carriage started moving. Silence filled the carriage until Miranda could see the torches shining outside of Lord Hammil’s estate.

“I don’t mean to be selfish, Davy, but what if Lord Hammil refuses to let you stay by my side?” Miranda focused on Davy’s features, her concern for him bothering her ever since Lord Hammil had said the words.

“Have you been thinking about that the entire ride?” Miranda didn’t smile or smirk, but remained still and serious. Davy placed his hand upon Miranda’s and squeezed.

“You know I promised your father that I would take care of you when he was away. Even if you marry Lord Hammil, he cannot make me break my oath. I may not be by your side as often, but I will always be here for you if you need me.” Miranda placed her other hand on top of Davy’s and smiled, feeling reassured.

When the carriage stopped, Davy removed his hand from Miranda’s grasp and opened the door. He quickly helped her step out and then walked slowly to the door. When Miranda entered into the hall, Lord Hammil hurried over to greet her. He lifted her hand and grazed it with his lips. He then nodded his head in Davy’s direction.

“My dear, we have much to discuss. Shall we go into my study and talk before my guests arrive?” Miranda had no time to refuse as he placed her hand on his arm and walked her to the study. Lord Hammil casually walked her into the room and helped her sit into a chair in front of his desk. He then turned to Davy and asked if he would be so kind as to wait in the hallway. Davy glanced at Miranda who nodded her head, letting him know that she would be fine with it. Davy then turned and left the room, but not before saying, “I will not be far if you need me.” Miranda nodded her head and noticed the glance that Davy had given Lord Hammil. She saw the irritated look on Lord Hammil’s features and had to stop herself from smiling. Davy closed the door behind him.

Lord Hammil moved to his seat behind the desk and folded his hands to lay upon his flat stomach. His eyes glanced periodically up at Miranda who sat in her seat patiently, her hands lying in her lap, fingers clenched tightly together.

“You look beautiful tonight, Miranda. I appreciate you coming. I’m not ashamed to say how much pleasure it will give me in having you meet my friends. I will immensely enjoy seeing the envious looks upon their faces.” Miranda smiled politely at Lord Hammil’s comment, but didn’t respond. The nervousness she felt prevented her from speaking. Lord Hammil traced a long slim finger along the edge of the desk as he said, “Any news yet from your father?” Miranda refused to tell Lord Hammil anything about her family, especially the truth. However, she knew that by stalling him again, he may be put off, and she knew that her father would no doubt bless the union between them. Her father often spoke of her living a normal life with a wealthy gentleman instead of being a pirate renegade sailing the seas. Though the sea was all that she craved for, Miranda wanted to make her father happy, so she told a lie.

“I received a letter from him this morning and he has given his approval for us to wed. He’s sorry that he will not be able to say this to you in person.” Lord Hammil rose abruptly from his chair, almost knocking it over, and hurried to stand in front of Miranda, his features expressing his joy.

“Does this news please you, Miranda? I must know.” Miranda rose from her chair with confidence, arms hanging by her sides and her chin lifting firmly.

“Yes, Leonard, you are a fine man. It would please any woman to become your wife.” Miranda told Lord Hammil what he wanted to hear, knowing that her words would please him. She then relaxed slightly and smiled, but her joy didn’t reach her eyes. Lord Hammil failed to notice. He placed his hands upon Miranda’s shoulders and pulled her to him awkwardly. Surprised by the action, Miranda placed her hands between them to rest on Lord Hammil’s chest.

“I have wanted to do this for some time, Miranda,” and without warning he leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. The kiss was not passionate or exciting, but pleasant. Having nothing to compare it with, Miranda thought the kiss to be very satisfying. Feeling that Lord Hammil was taking enough liberties with her, she backed away removing herself from his arms and taking several steps away from him. She wanted to put plenty of space between them.

“You have made me a very happy man, Miranda. I will see that you are taken care of properly. Everything you will ever want will be yours.” Lord Hammil grabbed the chair next to Miranda’s and pulled it closer so he could sit next to her. Miranda slowly sank back into her chair, fixing the folds of her gown with one hand while Lord Hammil grabbed the other and held it in his.

“I know we have spent much time together but there are some things which you may not know about me. I know that I may seem weak and docile compared to some other men, but I’m really not. It may look like I couldn’t protect you from harm but appearances can be deceiving. I have much power in this world of ours and I feel I could protect you and do it well. However, there are things that I expect out of my wife and these are qualities I feel you should be aware of. I enjoy the sight of you, it pleases me very much, and your demeanor and obedience is satisfying. I feel that my wife should also be trustworthy, obedient to my command at all times, and faithful. Do you have these qualities?” Lord Hammil stared into Miranda’s soft brown eyes awaiting her answer.

“Of course!” replied Miranda hesitantly, feeling a little uncomfortable at having her virtues questioned, but also knowing that she wasn’t quite sure if she was going to be able to live up to Lord Hammil’s expectations of her. He was expecting her to be a perfect person and in this world she knew that she was not. A smile rose upon his lips as he continued.

“Good, because I feel that you do as well. I am a jealous man at times and get angry when people touch the items that belong to me without my permission. I would kill someone if they touched you where only I will be touching you.” The image of Lord Hammil caressing her body and lips almost made her shiver with distaste. This feeling caused much concern for Miranda. Lord Hammil wasn’t an ugly man by any means, in fact, he was quite handsome, but she still could not believe the hateful words that were coming out of his mouth. She wanted to take back what she had said to him about her father agreeing to the marriage, but knew that now she could not. Her eyes ran over Lord Hammil’s form as he ran his fingers through his hair and over his mustache, as if it was a nervous habit. Miranda’s eyes widened as she saw his hands shake as he spoke.

“I must have order in my life and because I am a public figure I demand perfection. Do you understand what I expect from you?” Lord Hammil grasped her hand tighter in his. Miranda almost flinched from the pain.

“I understand perfectly your expectations of me,” replied Miranda as she tried to smile but couldn’t quite accomplish it.

“Good, very good, I’m glad we understand each other. Now, there is another matter I wish to talk with you about. I am leaving on a ship tomorrow to go to New Providence, in the Caribbean. I have an estate down there and wish to check on it, as well as to take care of some personal matters for the queen. Would you care to join me? I know it is short notice to expect you to be ready in time, but I thought perhaps we could marry at my estate down there. I can send word ahead to make it ready for our coming. I have always wanted to get married in a tropical and beautiful place like New Providence. Would you indulge me, my sweet?” Lord Hammil stared longingly into Miranda’s eyes, hoping she wouldn’t say no.

Miranda was stunned by the request and yet pleased by it. She still hadn’t heard from her father and was starting to get concerned for his welfare. By joining Lord Hammil to New Providence, she could find a way to Eleuthera Island to see if her father was hiding out there. The thought brought a brilliant smile to Miranda’s face.

“If that is your wish, Leonard, then I will obey. I have never been to the Caribbean,” Miranda lied smoothly. “You have made me very happy with your request.” Suddenly, Miranda leaned forward and placed a soft kiss upon Lord Hammil’s cheek. He caressed the smooth skin of her cheek and was about to partake in her lips when they heard a knock on the door.

“Enter!” said Lord Hammil, frustrated by the interruption.

“Forgive the intrusion, milord, but your guests are arriving,” said a servant with short brown hair and glasses.

“Very good, thank you.” He then turned to face Miranda again.

“Shall we?” he asked as he lifted Miranda from her chair by her hand, not waiting for a response from her, and walked to the door. Standing in the hallway was Davy. He followed quietly behind the pair as they entered into the Hall, their eyes falling upon the people waiting for them.

Hours had passed and Miranda was still in conversation with many of Lord Hammil’s guests. He had already made the announcement of their engagement to the masses. The smile on her face felt permanent, and she would have given anything to be alone so she could act like herself instead of this stranger she was becoming. It frustrated her immensely. Miranda knew that if anyone saw her act inappropriately that she would bring shame to Lord Hammil, and from his behavior earlier, she didn’t want to do that. Miranda felt her feet becoming sore in her tight shoes and knew she had to sit in a chair quickly before she lost all patience and threw them across the room. “That would surely be a spectacle,” Miranda whispered to herself as she gave an unladylike snort, excusing herself from the stranger before her and sitting longfully into a chair.

Miranda could see Madam Fairaday glancing over at her from a group of women she was talking with. She waved for her to join them. Miranda stood and walked over to the group, her feet still aching.

“You all know Miss Smyth, Lord Hammil’s fiancé?” The women glanced over at Miranda kindly, except for a few who snubbed her. Miranda tried not to let her smile falter.

“You are very fortunate to be marrying Lord Hammil,” said a woman who had a slightly crooked nose, pale complexion and bright red lips. She also had bright colored feathers peeking out from her hair and looked very similar to a peacock in her blue dress.

“Yes, he’s quite a catch. I’m indeed fortunate.” The woman pressed her lips tightly as she took a sip from her drink. The rest of the women kept eyeing her tersely but Madam Fairaday guided the conversation to all of the topics she knew Miranda was aware of. Miranda seemed quite intelligent to the women before her, but soon she was getting tired and her feet started bothering her again.

“Please excuse me ladies, but I believe my fiancé is looking for me. It was nice to meet all of you.” Miranda winked at Madam Fairaday and left the circle of women. She then moved back toward the hallway and sat into another chair, her hands instantly moving to massage her feet.

Davy remained in the room and watched over her as usual. There were a few times when his eyes didn’t fall upon Miranda during the evening and that was because he was entertaining a beautiful woman. Her name was Lady Eleanor and Davy was quite fond of her as she was of him. He was currently leading her around the dance floor making friendly conversation, hoping that he could lure her into his bed for the night. He smiled as he remembered the last time he had done so. Though Davy was always aware of Miranda’s movements, he also had needs that he had to look after as well. At that moment though, his eyes were focused on Miranda and he noticed when she suddenly rose from her chair and left the room unattended. Davy quickly made his apologies as he hastily kissed Lady Eleanor’s hand leaving her on the dance floor. Not paying much attention to the disappointment that covered Lady Eleanor’s features as he left, Davy kept his attention upon Miranda. When he caught up with her he grabbed her arm in a light grasp stopping her.

“Where are you going, Miry?” Miranda turned around at the familiar voice and replied curtly, “I need to fix my appearance, but can’t remember where that blasted powder room is.” Irritation was in her voice as she placed her hand on her chin and looked down the hallway. “Oh, who cares where that damn room is, there are so many rooms in this house that one could get lost, and he expects me to run it?” Miranda pointed toward the large hall where she knew that Lord Hammil was entertaining his guests. “My first order of business would be to down size.” Davy looked quickly around them, and thankfully saw no one who could overhear their conversation. He placed his hands upon Miranda’s shoulders to calm her.

“Relax, Miry, relax. There is no reason to get upset.” Miranda brought her fingers to her face as she let out a tear. She tried to regain her composure, and without looking into Davy’s eyes, was able to manage it. She breathed deeply several times before her eyes found Davy’s concerned ones. “What’s wrong with you?” Miranda shook her head knowing that if she talked about her sorrows of the evening that she would cry full force, so she shook her head. “We will talk about this on the way home, Miry.” Davy’s statement brought a nod out of Miranda. “The room you are searching for is down the hallway on the left. Do you wish me to accompany you?” Davy placed his hand on her cheek and made her look at him.

“No, Davy, I will be fine. Thank you.” Miranda gave her friend a quick smile before she made her way down the hallway.

“I will wait for you then,” replied Davy, his voice rising slightly in order for her to hear him. Miranda gave him a wave of her hand as she moved closer to the end of the hallway. The wall, which had a beautiful painting of the house hanging on it, loomed closer and closer. She noticed that the hallway turned left, and as she made the turn, realized there was not just one room hidden back there, but six. Miranda stopped and was about to break into tears when she found her strength inside her and removed the urge to cry. She was determined not to break down over something so foolish. She took a deep breath and opened the first door she came to.

As she turned the knob, she realized the door wasn’t locked—that was a good sign. But as she opened the door she realized that the room she was in was not the one she was looking for. The room was made for comfort. There were long burgundy drapes covering the windows with matching furniture and many dark wooden tables littered with tapers. Some lit, some not. As she glanced around the room the light revealed the many books that were resting upon the bookshelves on the wall. Some were dusty and some were clean from being read often. Miranda was about to leave the room when out of the corner of her eye she noticed a bright piece of parchment staring at her. She turned back around and faced the parchment laying tantalizingly on the chair to her right.

Miranda then remembered Lord Hammil telling her how he disapproved of people looking at his things without his permission. She wanted to turn and run out the door, but couldn’t move. Her eyes focused on the parchment in front of her. She quickly walked to the chair and looked down at the parchment glaring at her. As she read the parchment what she learned amazed her. There was a drawing of her crystal on the page in front of her with some writing scribbled to the side of it numbered like a list. She read it to herself.

One: Captain Ditarius missing in the Caribbean

Two: Find a crystal that he has in his possession

Three: Knows where the mate of it is there are two pieces.

Four: Member of crew caught and being held at Port Royal. Might know of his whereabouts?

Five: Treasure hidden at Nombre de Dios, buried in the side of a mountain. Danger surrounds it!

Six: Cannot open the vault without the key. Needs crystal to open it, crystal is the key.

Seven: Get married!

Miranda’s eyes widened with shock at the words she had read. Captain Ditarius was a name that most people called her father, especially now when his true identity was hidden. He had spent years building up the name’s reputation. He was missing? The news brought instant fear to her chest. Her father always told her that if he was hiding from the law that he could be found on Eleuthera Island. He had said that it would always be his sanctuary. She must find him and make sure he was safe and unharmed. She would kill anyone who tried to harm him. So, this was the business that Lord Hammil was going down to the Caribbean to take care of? Well, it is good that she would be going with him then. She needed to find her father first and then hide him, keeping Lord Hammil away from him for as long as she could.

The knowledge that her crystal opened a secret vault hidden in Nombre de Dios surprised her immensely. She wondered if her father knew of the treasure. It didn’t matter much. The fact that she knew was enough. Her father didn’t tell her about the crystal when he first put it around her neck. Only that it was a piece of treasure from a ship they had plundered years ago and that she was to always wear it in remembrance of her mother. She lifted the hem of her gown and raised it to her thigh, seeing the precious stone tied there by a scarf. The neckline of her gown was too low to hide the necklace so she tied it to her thigh hoping to keep it safe, keeping her word to her father to always wear it.

She let go of the hem of her skirt and it flowed like a waterfall back down to the floor covering her legs. Her eyes then fell upon some decorative pieces of parchment. She scanned them quickly and noticed they were letters of marque. She read through the top one quickly and absorbed every word including the name of the captain which was, Riveri, and the name of the ship, The Captain’s Avenger. She was about to go to the next letter of marque when she saw a rolled up piece of parchment with a pretty ribbon. Curious, she was about to reach for it when she heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Nervously, she looked back at the door, which she forgot to close, rose quickly and hurried to the doorway. Upon seeing no one she rushed out into the hallway closing the door tightly behind her. She moved quickly for the turn in the hallway and once she cleared the corner could see Davy waiting for her like he had said he would.

She passed by a woman in a bright yellow gown whose footsteps had to be the ones she had heard. The woman smiled at her but Miranda was too consumed in thoughts to return the gesture. Her eyes focused on Davy’s until she made it to his side. When they looked at each other, Davy knew something was wrong. Miranda’s chest was rising and falling heavily from almost running to him. Davy was about to speak when Miranda held up her hand to stop him. “We must speak,” was all she said. Davy was about to reply when they heard a booming voice coming from the hall.

“My dove, where have you been? I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Startled, Miranda raised her hand to her throat feeling like she had just gotten caught for looking into Lord Hammil’s private affairs. She cleared her mind before she spoke, “I have been right here, Leonard, talking with Davy.”

“I believe you owe me a dance. I wish to claim it now.” Lord Hammil’s voice accepted no comment or discussion upon the matter as he offered his hand for Miranda to take. She smiled briefly and took it, though reluctantly. As Lord Hammil twirled her around the dance floor Miranda’s mind was reeling from all that she had learned. Lord Hammil then discussed with her the time they would be leaving tomorrow for the Caribbean and other important details. Miranda kept nodding her head, showing her fake smile to please him as she listened. As the dance finished Miranda was about to excuse herself when Lord Hammil held her hand tightly, wanting her for another dance. She tried to refuse but Lord Hammil ignored her.

Miranda glanced constantly at Davy begging him to save her and when she thought that she could take no more, he did. Lord Hammil was not pleased when Davy tapped him on the shoulder, forcing him to stop.

“What can I do for you, Davy?” asked Lord Hammil angrily.

“I know you are oblivious to it, milord, but Miranda is tired, her feet ache.” Lord Hammil glanced quickly at Miranda who nodded her head.

“I’m sorry, my dear, why didn’t you say something?” asked Lord Hammil.

“I didn’t want to disappoint you. I know how much you wanted me to dance,” replied Miranda smoothly.

“You are so thoughtful, my dear, but I insist that you rest.”

“I will be taking her home to rest, Lord Hammil,” piped in Davy as he placed his arm around Miranda’s waist and removed her from the dance floor. Lord Hammil smiled at his guests as he followed the pair. He then caught up with Davy and Miranda near the entranceway and grabbed Davy’s arm to stop him.

“Don’t ever take Miranda away from me again. You have made me look inconsiderate and foolish in front of my peers,” spouted Lord Hammil as quietly as possible. Davy knocked Lord Hammil’s hand away from his arm and glared at him as he told Miranda to go to the carriage. He waited a few seconds before he glanced and saw her step inside. He then turned on Lord Hammil and bore down on him like a fierce storm on a ship.

“You don’t need me for that. You should have been more considerate toward her when forcing her to stand on her feet for most of the night just to please your peers. She’s a woman, not a doll. If you wish to put her on display to impress everyone, that is your right, but I will not allow such careless treatment of her. I think only of Miranda’s welfare, Lord Hammil. As her guardian I love her as my daughter, so forgive me when I say that I could care less for your pride and agenda.” Lord Hammil stood fuming as he watched Davy walk the rest of the way to the carriage. He then stormed off as he heard it roll away.

Loves' Conqueror

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