Читать книгу History of American Literature - Reuben Post Halleck - Страница 23



ENGLISH HISTORY.—In either Gardiner's Students' History of England, Walker's Essentials in English History, Andrews's History of England, or Cheney's Short History of England, read the chapters dealing with the time of Elizabeth, James I., Charles I., the Commonwealth, Charles II., James II., William and Mary, Anne, George I. and II. A work like Halleck's History of English Literature, covering these periods, should be read.

AMERICAN HISTORY.—Read the account from the earliest times to the outbreak of the French and Indian War in any of the following:—

Thwaites's The Colonists, 1492–1750.

Fisher's Colonial Era.

Lodge's A Short History of the English Colonies in America.

Doyle's The English in America.

Hart's Essentials in American History.

Channing's A Students' History of the United States.

Eggleston's A Larger History of the United States of America.

James and Sanford's American History.

For an account of special colonies, consult the volumes in American Commonwealths series, and also,

Fiske's Beginnings of New England, The Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America, Old Virginia and Her Neighbors.

History of American Literature

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