Читать книгу The Far and Furry North - Rev. Alfred Campbell Garrioch - Страница 3



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When the North-West came under the rule of Canada in 1870, the writer had reached the age of manhood, and soon after entered upon missionary work in that part of the North-West, which, in those days, was spoken of by the people of the Red River Settlement as “the North.”

In the review of his life which exceeds three-fourths of a century, the writer regards the years 1874 to 1891, which were spent in the North, as distinctly pleasant and interesting, because they were spent amid natural surroundings, and among people who, whether Indian, White or Half-White, treated him from the start as if he were more friend than stranger.

His recollections of the period referred to are distinct, and are given in this book in the form of a romance, always however, with actual facts clearly in sight, and often literally described.

It may be a mistake for one who during his long day has endeavoured to adhere to the literal truth, when evening comes, to depart from that rule by writing a work of fiction; but this seemed the more kindly way of writing of contemporaries, some of whom are good friends who have not yet crossed the divide, about whom interesting incidents may be related without offence, by the use of fictitious names and other harmless devices.

A. C. G.

The Far and Furry North

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