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It goes without saying, love can sometimes be confusing. Growing up when my mother would physically chastise me, she often would remind me it hurt her more than it did me. As I got older, I understood such is the nature of love. When we let it rule the heart, love sometimes can make those for whom we care the most feel uncomfortable. In addition to the preferred favorable emotions that are usually associated with love, as we mature, love is also about having hard conversations, knowing how to accept criticism, and holding one another accountable. These expressions of love are just as, if not more so, painful to convey as they are to receive. And yet this too is love, though an upside-down version of it.

Jesus demonstrated this type of love to His disciples in today’s lesson. During the time of Passover, He and His disciples were gathered together enjoying supper. This night was to be memorable as it was Jesus’ last meal with them. The mood was notably somber as the time of Jesus’ departure was at hand. As a part of His farewell discourse, Jesus exemplified to His disciples how they were expected to live as a community bound together by love—a love for each other that would, at times, feel awkward, uncomfortable and require sacrifice.

Boyd's Commentary

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