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Chapter Four

Over the next few days, Jacob got to know his new home better. He now knew the barn and everything in it as if he’d lived there all his life. He met the other men of the ranch and took his meals with them. Rode the fence lines and learned where the ravines were located.

Since the ranch wasn’t a Pony Express home station, but a way station where the riders exchanged horses to deliver the mail, there was no station manager. Jacob was free to come and go as he pleased as long as he was ready when a new rider came in needing a fresh horse.

He helped out where he could and kept an eye out for the Johnson women. Lilly and Daisy were never apart. He’d watched them puttering around the house, in the garden, washing clothes out by the well and playing tag on the side of the house. Lilly always seemed alert to their surroundings and had even waved to him a few times when she caught him looking in her direction.

However, since the day she’d told him about her past, Lilly had stayed away from the barn. According to Caleb it wasn’t like her not to take her horse out for a ride at least once a day. Jacob assumed it was because of her worry over Daisy that kept her close to home. Still, he didn’t think it was good for her or her horse.

As he put the recently returned Pony Express horse into a stall, Jacob realized that the last time she’d spoken to him had been after their short ride to the river. She’d asked him his last name and then hurried from the barn as if her biscuits were burning in the kitchen. Had he said something wrong? Something that had disturbed her? Made her think he was a danger to them? Or had she simply decided to be cautious? He knew now that Daisy was her only living relative. He could understand Lilly’s strong desire to want to protect the little girl.

He closed his eyes and inhaled the warm scent of hay from the barn. Jacob had to admit that he missed his family. His adoptive mother, Rebecca, would be calling them all in for lunch about now. His rowdy brothers would be pushing and shoving to be the first inside. He missed the way Joy, his sister, ran to him and begged to be swung about in the air.

“Jacob? Is now a bad time?”

Lilly’s soft voice broke through the memories and his eyes snapped open. She stood to the side with her hands buried in a long skirt that touched the straw-covered floor of the barn. Since he’d arrived he’d never seen her in a dress or skirt, and the sight took him by surprise. To cover it, he cleared his voice. “Not at all. I was just...putting the horse away.”

She grinned a knowing smile. “Good. I was wondering, since the Pony Express rider just left, if you’d have time to go with Daisy and I to Mud Springs?”

Daisy stood behind Lilly. She peaked around her sister. “Pleeeease.”

Jacob nodded. “Mud Springs?” He’d not heard of that town when he’d come through so perhaps it was a small town between the ranch and Sacramento.

“That’s the old name. About five years ago the town folks renamed it El Dorado. We’re still used to it being Mud Springs.” She pulled her braid around to her left shoulder and played with the band at the end. Her blue eyes looked up at him inquisitively.

Jacob recognized the town name El Dorado. “I’d be happy to go. Let me tell Cook so he doesn’t expect me for lunch.”

Caleb stood up from where he’d been kneeling in the back stall. “I’ll tell him for you,” he offered. Caleb grinned at Daisy. “Want to see the kittens while Jacob gets the wagon ready?” He shot a mischievous grin at Jacob.

Daisy’s blond braid bobbed as she nodded. She looked up at Lilly. “Can I, Lilly?” Weariness laced the little girl’s voice as if she feared her sister would say no.

“Yes, just remember they are still very little.”

“I will.” Daisy skipped the short distance to Caleb.

Jacob had missed the little girl’s voice and happy nature. He grinned. “I better get the wagon.” He started to leave the barn but stopped when he heard Lilly call out.


The young man popped his head up. “Yes, Miss Lilly?”

“Will you keep an eye on Daisy? I’d like to go fix a picnic lunch for the trip.” She nibbled at her bottom lip.

Jacob’s eyes met Caleb’s. He nodded to the young man.

“I’ll watch out for her,” Caleb agreed. “Don’t worry, we’ll stay here in the barn and watch the mama cat and kittens.”

She nodded. “I’ll be quick.” Lilly turned and saw Jacob. “Do you need help with the wagon?” she asked, tugging at her braid.

“No, I can take care of it,” he answered.

Lilly walked toward him. When she was at the door he said, “Caleb will take good care of her and I’ll be right outside.”

“I know.” Still she worried the tip of her braid. Then she turned toward the house and marched smartly away.

Jacob moved to the side of the barn where the wagon sat.

A heavy Irish accent drifted to Jacob. “Need help with getting that pulled to the front of the barn?” Asher asked.

Jacob glanced over his shoulder at the broad-shouldered man. Asher seemed good-natured. His red hair and green eyes made him very recognizable. He answered, “That would be nice.”

The big man grabbed the tongue of the wagon while Jacob pushed from behind. Within a minute they had the wagon standing in front of the big barn. The two men continued to work together until the horse was hitched up and ready to go.

“I could have gotten the wagon pulled around but your help made it much easier. Thanks.” He grinned at the Irishman.

“Happy to help. I suppose I should feed the hogs. I can hear their squeals from here.” He walked away.

The hog pens were farther away from the house. Asher scooped up two slop buckets as he passed the bunkhouse and then disappeared around the corner.

Jacob grinned. He liked Asher and couldn’t imagine that he’d harm man or beast. Still, he’d get to know him better before he trusted him or anyone else on the ranch other than Caleb. He walked back into the barn, where Caleb sat with Daisy on a bale of hay. “What are you two doing?” he asked. Then he saw the small fur ball in Caleb’s hands.

“Looking at the kitty,” Daisy whispered. “This is the one I want to keep.”

The kitten was still small and its yellow fur wasn’t very thick. “Aren’t you going to keep them all?” Jacob asked as he sat down across from them on a large bucket.

She shook her head. “No, Lilly only keeps two kitties on the ranch at a time.”

Caleb grinned. “The other two will go to the Lawrences, they own the farm to our right.”

The mother cat chose that moment to let her disapproval come through. She meowed loudly. “Sounds like you better put that baby back,” Jacob said as he stood and stretched.

He looked forward to this trip to town. Even though he’d come through it on his way to the Johnson ranch, Jacob planned to ask again about his mother. The sooner he found her, the sooner he’d have answers to his questions and get on with his life.

* * *

Knots filled Lilly’s stomach as she hurried back to the barn. The wagon looked ready to go. She placed the basket full of food and a couple of Daisy’s favorite toys behind the seat. Lilly inhaled deeply. Anticipation of Jacob’s reaction ate at her. Lilly tried to ignore the feeling, knowing she was doing the right thing.

She’d prayed earnestly, asking God what to do with the new knowledge that Jacob’s mother and her stepmother were one and the same. Lilly didn’t want to tell him because she feared he’d want to take over Daisy’s upbringing. She also feared he’d think the ranch belonged to him, too. But, after much prayer, Lilly felt it wouldn’t be right to keep the truth from Jacob.

The thought of him continuing his search for his deceased mother saddened her. Knowing would be better for him than not knowing. This was something she had to do. She released the pent-up air.

Lilly walked the short distance to the barn and stepped into the doorway. Jacob stood. He stretched out his back and flexed his wide shoulders. She quaked at what his reaction might be to the news she’d been holding onto for the last few days.

Jacob had given her no reason to fear him and yet she did. Lilly knew the fear wasn’t for herself but for Daisy. Not that he’d hurt her, but that he’d take her away.

Jacob turned as if sensing her nearness. “About ready?” he asked.

Lilly nodded, unwilling to speak in case her voice gave out on her. She had to get these emotions under control.

Daisy ran around Jacob and looked up at her sister. “I know which kitty I want.” She bounced around like a happy puppy.

“You do?” Lilly smiled as the little girl’s braid flopped about her shoulders.

“Uh-huh. The orange one.” Daisy grabbed Lilly’s hand and pulled.

Lilly stood her ground. “Daisy, what have I told you about pulling on people?”

Daisy dropped her hand and her head. “Not to.”

“That’s right. Where were you going to pull me to?” Lilly asked, as she tried not to smile at her sister’s antics.

Daisy looked up at her with big eyes. “I was going to show you my kitty.” Her bottom lip pouted out.

Lilly kneeled down beside the little girl. “I think that is very sweet but I also think we should leave the kittens alone for a few more days.” She saw Daisy inhale and a protest form on her little mouth. Lilly interrupted quickly. “It won’t be that long and you don’t want the mama to hide them, do you?”

“No.” The dejection in the little girl’s voice tugged at her.

She stood. “I tell you what, when we get to town you can buy a small sack of lemon drops. How does that sound?”

The bouncing began again. “Come on, Mr. Jacob.” Daisy ran around Lilly and started climbing into the wagon.

At the sound of his warm chuckle, Lilly shook her head. It amused her that he found Daisy comical now, but just wait until he had to deal with one of her crying spells. Then he wouldn’t be laughing. She followed Daisy to the wagon.

Jacob hurried around her and offered his hand to assist her up. Surprised by his speed, she lay her hand in his. Lilly told herself that it was because of the skirt and her fear of catching the tips of her boots in the hem that she allowed him to help her.

His warm, callused palm held tightly to hers as she raised herself into the wagon. “Thank you.” Lilly sat down and made sure her skirt covered her legs. The warmth of his touch remained on her hand, making the other feel cool.

Within moments he was on the seat beside her. He looked over his shoulder at Daisy, checking to make sure she remained seated in the back of the wagon, and then quirked a brow at her. “Everyone ready?”

“I am.” Daisy smoothed the yarn on her rag doll’s head.

Lilly nodded. She folded her hands in her lap and stared straight ahead, wishing he wasn’t quite so nice because she had to figure out how to break the news to him. She couldn’t quite fathom what that had to do with anything, but then these days her mind was a crazy mixture of hope and fear; hope that she was wrong that someone wanted to hurt Daisy and fear that someone truly did.

Jacob gently slapped the reins over the horse’s back and clicked his tongue to get her to go. The wagon lurched and the wheels ground the dirt as they took off. Lilly tried to choose which of the several ways she’d thought through on how to broach the subject of his mother.

She could hear Daisy talking to her doll and the little wooden horse that she’d brought along to play with. Should she say something in front of her little sister? After all, Daisy and Jacob shared the same mother. Lilly had no idea how Daisy would feel. Could someone that small—that young—even understand what it meant? Would Jacob want to tell Daisy himself?

Jacob’s rich voice broke the silence. “This is a nice ranch. I hope you don’t mind but I rode the fence lines and checked out some of the ravines on the property.”

Lilly glanced at him. “No, I don’t mind.” She nibbled at her bottom lip.

They fell into silence once more. Daisy told her doll and horse all about the kittens in the barn. Lilly listened as she chattered about the yellow kitty and how they were going to be the bestest of friends.

She glanced in Jacob’s direction and saw the soft smile on his face. He was either listening to Daisy, too, or deep in his own thoughts. Lilly looked across the pasture they were passing. It had recently been cut and the grass gathered for feed. The sounds of birds in the nearby trees chirping their happiness soothed her troubled thoughts.

In a quiet voice, Lilly said, “Jacob, I’d like to stop someplace for lunch before we get to town.”

Daisy piped up from behind them. “I’m hungry.”

Just as she thought, the little girl had been listening to them. Lilly answered, “Me, too.” She hadn’t eaten much breakfast. Worry had consumed her and the thought of food hadn’t appealed at the time.

“I could use a bite to eat, too,” Jacob agreed. “If I remember right, there is a little stream up the road. Would that be a good place to stop?”

“Yes!” Daisy squealed. “Lilly and I stop there all the time.”

Lilly grinned as she relived memories of wading in the cool water, first with her father and later with Daisy. She realized he was watching her expression and answered, “Yes, it’s a favorite spot of ours.”

At Daisy’s gleeful squeal, Jacob set the horse into a trot and said, “The sooner we get there the sooner we eat.”

Daisy laughed and encouraged him to go faster. As if the horse sensed the little girl’s urgency it trotted faster. Lilly found herself laughing with her sister and enjoying the ride. Her hair escaped her braid and teased the side of her face. Lilly knew she’d look a sight if they didn’t get to the stream soon.

Jacob pulled the wagon off the road and headed for a cluster of trees, where he stopped the horse and set the brake. He turned to smile at her. “Hope you brought plenty. I’m starved.”

She pushed her hair back. “I believe I did.”

“Good, ’cause I’m starving, too,” Daisy said, slumping against the seat as if weak from hunger.

“Daisy, you really are a mess. You know that?” Jacob asked, jumping from the wagon as laughter spilled from his throat.

She laughed, too, and jumped from the wagon. Lilly held her breath as Daisy sailed over the side of the wagon through the air. Jacob caught her up and swung her around. In one action Daisy showed the two adults just how much she trusted Jacob. How much more would she trust him once she learned he was her brother?

New fearful thoughts entered her mind. What if Daisy wanted to live with Jacob when he returned to his Wyoming family? Would the little girl leave her? Could she bear it if Daisy did leave?

Pony Express Hero

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