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(In the characteristic minor of a recent literary movement)

I long to see the solan-goose

Wing over Ailsa crag

At dusk again – or Girvan gulls at dawn;

To see the osprey grayly glide

The winds of Kamasaig:

For grayness now my heart is set upon.

The grayness of sea-spaces where

There's loneliness alone,

Save for the wings that sweep it with unrest,

Save for the hunger-cries that sound

And die into a moan,

Save for the moaning hunger in my breast.

For grayness is the hue of all

In life that is not lies.

A thousand years of tears are in my heart;

And only in their mystery

Can I be truly wise:

From light and laughter follies only start.

I long to see the mists again

Above the tumbling tide

Of Ailsa, at the coming of the night.

There's weariness and emptiness

And soul unsatisfied

Forever in the places of delight.

Sea Poems

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