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DAY 3: Mismatch

“Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb.”

Exodus 3:1 (KJV)

Moses was purposed to deliver the children of Israel. However, at this stage in his life he found himself tending to the sheep of his fatherin- law as the scripture indicates. Moses who was an educated prince in Egypt and candidate to be the next Pharaoh was now a shepherd. In most instances, our reality never seems to line up with the vision God has given us. This reality should not be underestimated. While it may seem like a mismatch, that very reality can in fact be a pathway to the vision God gave.

We need to remember that our ways are not the ways of God and our thoughts are not His thoughts. Instead of constantly looking at the reality and giving up on the vision, we need to understand that God’s pathway to bringing the vision to pass is not always obvious and clear to us. It takes a great encounter with God in what we may perceive as our mundane life to clarify the vision that He gave us in the beginning.

In Exodus 3:3 Moses had his encounter with God as he was going about his daily routine. When Moses saw that the bush was on fire but not consumed, he said, “I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt.” Moses encountered God because as he was going about his business, he remained observant and reflective, he turned from the reality of his life to encounter God.

Anytime we have an encounter with God it’s an opportunity to contemplate and reflect on how far He has brought us, the things we have overcome in our lives to be exactly where we are. We must not settle or give up and accept where we are as our ultimate destination, however. We must allow the realities that we encountered along the way to bring us to a point of assurance and realisation that the vision is God’s vision and through it all He will bring us to an expected end.

Take Home

To get to the point where we encounter God, we must be reflective and as observant as Moses was. It is not only him but many other people in scripture who received clarity from God by taking time to notice him.


Father thank you today for reviving dreams in my spirit again. I refuse to settle for anything less. I believe that you are still doing exceedingly abundantly above all that we may ask. I let go of all my personal ambitions and I take on your vision. Amen

Further Reading: Exodus 3:10; Psalm 39:1–4

Joy Comes in the Morning

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