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One of the most important results of observations made upon the eclipse of July 29, 1878, indicates the existence of a law of sympathy, so to speak, between the solar corona and the sun-spots. The inquiry into this relation seems to me likely to lead to a very interesting series of researches, from which may possibly result an interpretation not only of the relation itself, should it be found really to exist, but of the mystery of the sun-spot period. I speak of the sun-spot period as mysterious, because even if we admit (which I think we cannot do) that the sun-spots are produced in some way by the action of the planets upon the sun, it would still remain altogether a mystery how this action operated. When all the known facts respecting the sun-spots are carefully considered, no theory yet advanced respecting them seems at all satisfactory, while no approach even has been made to an explanation of their periodic increase and diminution in number. This seems to me one of the most interesting problems which astronomers have at present to deal with; nor do I despair of seeing it satisfactorily solved within no very long interval of time. Should the recognition of a sympathy between the corona and the sun-spots be satisfactorily established, an important step in advance will have been made—possibly even the key to the enigma will be found to have been discovered.
I propose now to consider, first, whether the evidence we have on this subject is sufficient, and afterwards to discuss some of the ideas suggested by the relations which have been recognised as existing between the sun-spots, the sierra, the coloured prominences, and the zodiacal light.
The evidence from the recent eclipses indicates beyond all possibility of doubt or question, that during the years when sun-spots were numerous, in 1870 and 1871, the corona, at least on the days of the total solar eclipses in those years, presented an appearance entirely different from that of the corona seen on July 29, 1878, when the sun was almost free from spots. This will be more fully indicated further on. At present it is necessary to notice only (1) that whereas in 1870 and 1871 the inner corona extended at least 250,000 miles from the sun, it reached only to a height of some 70,000 miles in 1878; (2) in 1870 and 1871 it possessed a very complicated structure, whereas in 1878 the definite structure could be recognised only in two parts of the inner corona; (3) in 1871 the corona was pink, whereas in 1878 it was pearly white; (4) the corona was ten times brighter in 1871 than in 1878; lastly, in 1871 the light of the corona came in part from glowing gas, whereas in July, 1878, the light came chiefly, if not wholly, from glowing solid or liquid matter. I must here point out, that the evidence of change, however satisfactory in itself, would be quite insufficient to establish the general theory that the corona sympathises with the solar photosphere in the special manner suggested by the recent eclipse observations. There are few practices more unscientific, or more likely to lead to erroneous theorising, than that of basing a general theory on a small number of observations. In this case we have, in fact, but a single observed correspondence, though the observations establishing it form a series. It has been shown that so far as the special sun-spot period from the minimum of 1867 to the minimum of 1878 is concerned, there has been a certain correspondence between the aspect of the corona and the state of the sun's surface, with regard to spots. To assume from that single correspondence that the corona and the sun-spots are related in the same way, would be hazardous in the extreme. We may indeed find, when we consider other matters, that the probability of a general relation of this sort existing is so great antecedently, that but slight direct evidence would be required to establish the existence of the relation. But it must be remembered that before the eclipse of 1878 was observed, with the special result I have noticed, few were bold enough to assert the probable existence of any such relationship; and certainly no one asserted that the probability was very strong. I believe, indeed, that no one spoke more definitely in favour of the theory that the corona probably sympathises with the sun-spots than I did myself before the recent eclipse; but certainly I should not then have been willing to say that I considered the evidence very strong.
We must then look for evidence of a more satisfactory kind.
Now, although during the two centuries preceding the invention of the spectroscope and the initiation of the solar physical researches now in progress, observations of eclipses were not very carefully conducted, yet we have some records of the appearance of the corona on different occasions, which, combined with the known law of sun-spot periodicity, may enable us to generalise more safely than we could from observations during the present spot-period, though these observations have been far more exact than the older ones. I propose to examine some of these. Necessarily I must make some selection. I need hardly say that even if there were no such relation as that which seems to be indicated by recent observations, and if my purpose were simply to prove, either that such a relation exists or that it does not, I could very readily bring before the reader of these pages what would seem like the most satisfactory evidence that the relation is real. I must ask him to believe, however, that my purpose is to ascertain where the truth lies. I shall neither introduce any observation of the corona because it seems specially favourable to the theory that the corona sympathises with the photosphere, nor omit any, because it seems definitely opposed to that theory. To prevent any possibility of being unconsciously prejudiced, I shall take a series of coronal observations collected together by myself, on account of their intrinsic interest, several years ago, when I had not in my thoughts any theory respecting periodic changes in the corona—the series, namely, which is included in the sixth chapter of my treatise on the sun. Each of these observations I shall consider in connection with the known condition of the sun as to spots, and those results which seem to bear clearly, whether favourably or unfavourably, on the theory we are enquiring into, I shall bring before the reader.
Kepler, whose attention had been specially drawn to the subject of the light seen round the sun during total eclipse, by certain statements which Clavius had made respecting the eclipse of 1567, describes the eclipse of 1605 in the following terms:—'The whole body of the sun was completely covered for a short time, but around it there shone a brilliant light of a reddish hue and uniform breadth, which occupied a considerable portion of the heavens.' The corona thus seen may fairly be assumed to have resembled in extent that of 1871. A bright corona, reaching like that seen during the eclipse of July 1878 to a height of only about 70,000 miles from the sun's surface, would certainly not have been described by Kepler as occupying a considerable portion of the heavens, for a height of 70,000 miles would correspond only to about a twelfth of the sun's diameter; and a ring so narrow would be described very differently. It seems, then, that in 1605 a corona was seen which corresponded with that observed when the sun has had many spots on his surface. Now we have no record of the condition of the sun with regard to spots in 1605; but we know that the year 1615 was one of many spots, and the year 1610 one of few spots; whence we may conclude safely that the year 1605 was one of many spots. This case then is in favour of the theory we are examining.
In passing we may ask whether the observation by Clavius which had perplexed Kepler, may not throw some light on our subject. Clavius says that the eclipse of 1567 which should have been total was annular. The usual explanation of this has been that the corona was intensely bright close to the sun. And though Kepler considered that his own observation of a broad reddish corona satisfactorily removed Clavius's difficulty, it seems tolerably clear that the corona seen by Clavius must have been very unlike the corona seen by Kepler. In fact the former must have been like the corona seen in July, 1878, much smaller than the average, but correspondingly increased in lustre. Now with regard to the sun-spot period we can go back to the year 1567, though not quite so securely as we could wish. Taking the average sun-spot period at eleven years, and calculating back from the minimum of spots in the year 1610, we get four years of minimum solar disturbance, 1599, 1588, 1577, and 1566. We should have obtained the same result if we had used the more exact period, eleven one-ninth years, and had taken 1610·8 for the epoch of least solar disturbance (1610·8 meaning about the middle of October, 1610). Thus the year 1567 was a year of few sun-spots, probably occupying almost exactly the same position in the sun spot period as the year 1878. Clavius's observation, then, is in favour of our theory.
But another observation between Clavius's and Kepler's may here be noticed. Jensenius, who observed the eclipse of 1598 at Torgau in Germany, noticed that, at the time of mid-totality, a bright light shone round the moon. On this occasion, remarks Grant, the phenomenon was generally supposed to arise from a defect in the totality of the eclipse, though Kepler strenuously contended that such an explanation was at variance with the relation between the values of the apparent diameters of the sun and moon as computed for the time of the eclipse by aid of the solar and lunar tables. The corona, then, must have resembled that seen by Clavius, and since the year 1598 must have been very near the time of fewest spots, this observation accords with the theory we are examining.
The next observation is that made by Wyberd during the eclipse of 1652. Here there is a difficulty arising from the strange way in which the sun-spots behaved during the interval from 1645 to 1679. According to M. Wolf, whose investigation of the subject has been very close and searching, there was a maximum of sun-spots in 1639 followed by a minimum in 1645, the usual interval of about six years having elapsed; but there came a maximum in 1655, ten years later, followed by a minimum in 1666, eleven years later, so that actually twenty-one years would seem to have elapsed between successive minima (1645 and 1666). Then came a maximum in 1675, nine years later, and a minimum in 1679, four years later. Between the maxima of 1639 and 1675, including two spot periods, an interval of thirty-six years elapsed. There is no other instance on record, so far as I know, of so long an interval as this for two spot-periods. In passing, I would notice how little this circumstance accords with the theory that the sun-spots follow an exact law, or that from observations of the sun, means can ever be found for forming a trustworthy system of weather prediction, even if we assumed (which has always seemed to me a very daring assumption), that terrestrial weather is directly dependent on the progress of the sun-spot period. But here the irregularity of the spot changes affects us only as preventing us from determining or even from guessing what may have been the condition of the sun's surface in the year 1652. This year followed by seven years a period of minimum disturbance, and preceded by three years a period of maximum disturbance; but it would be unsafe to assume that the sun's condition in 1652 was nearer that of maximum than that of minimum disturbance. We must pass over Wyberd's observations of the corona in 1652, at least until some direct evidence as to the sun's condition shall have been obtained from the papers or writings of the observers of that year. I note only that Wyberd saw a corona of very limited extent, having indeed a height not half so great as that of many prominences which have been observed during recent eclipses. If the theory we are examining should be established beyond dispute, we should be led to infer that the year 1652 was in reality a year of minimum solar disturbance. Perhaps by throwing in such a minimum between 1645 and 1666, with of course a corresponding maximum, the wild irregularity of the sun-spot changes between 1645 and 1679 would be to some degree diminished.
We are now approaching times when more satisfactory observations were made upon the corona, and when also we have more complete records of the aspect of the sun's surface.
In 1706 Plantade and Capies saw a bright ring of white light extending round the eclipsed sun to a distance of about 85,000 miles, but merging into a fainter light, which extended no less than four degrees from the eclipsed sun, fading off insensibly until its light was lost in the obscure background of the sky. This corresponds unmistakably with such a corona as we should expect only to see at a time of many sun-spots, if the theory we are examining is sound. Turning to Wolf's list, we find that the year 1705 is marked as a year of maximum solar disturbance, and the year 1712 as that of the next minimum. Therefore 1706 was a year of many sun-spots—in fact, 1706 may have been the year of actual maximum disturbance, for it is within the limits of doubt indicated by Wolf. Certainly a corona extending so far as that which Plantade and Capies saw would imply an altogether exceptional degree of solar disturbance, if the theory we are considering is correct.
In 1715 Halley gave the following description of the corona:—'A few seconds before the sun was all hid, there discovered itself round the moon a luminous ring about a digit' (a twelfth) 'or perhaps a tenth part of the moon's diameter in breadth. It was of a pale whiteness or rather pearl colour, seeming to me a little tinged with the colours of the Iris, and to be concentric with the moon.' He added that the ring appeared much whiter and brighter near the body of the moon than at a distance from it, and that its exterior boundary was very ill-defined, seeming to be determined only by the extreme rarity of the luminous matter. The French astronomer Louville gave a similar account of the appearance of the ring. He added, however, that 'there were interruptions in its brightness, causing it to resemble the radial glory with which painters encircle the heads of the saints.' The smallness of the corona on this occasion corresponds with the description of the corona seen in July 1878; and though Louville's description of gaps is suggestive of a somewhat different aspect, yet, on the whole, the corona seen in 1715 more closely resembles one which would be seen at a time of minimum solar disturbance, if our theory can be trusted, than one which would be seen at a time of maximum disturbance. Wolf's list puts the year 1712 as one of minimum disturbance, with one year of doubt either way, and the middle of the year 1817 as the epoch of maximum disturbance, with a similar range of uncertainty. The case, then, is doubtful, but on the whole inclines to being unfavourable. I may remark that because of its unfavourable nature, I departed from the rule I had set myself, of taking only the cases included in my treatise on the sun. For the corona of 1715 is not described in that treatise, as indeed affording no evidence respecting this solar appendage. The evidence given in this case is probably affected in some degree by the unfavourable atmospheric conditions under which Halley certainly, and Louville probably, observed the eclipse. In any case the evidence is not strong; only I would call attention here to the circumstance that if, as we proceed, we should come to a case in which the evidence is plainly against the theory we are examining, we must give up the theory at once. For one case of discordance does more to destroy a theory respecting association between such and such phenomena, than a hundred cases of agreement would do in the way of confirming it.
In 1724, Maraldi noticed that the corona was broadest first on the side towards which the moon was advancing, and afterwards on the side which the moon was leaving. From this we may infer that the corona was only a narrow ring on that occasion, since otherwise the slight difference of breadth due to the moon's eccentric position at the beginning and end of totality would not have been noticeable. Now, the year 1723 was one of minimum disturbance, with one year of doubt either way. Thus 1724 was certainly a year of few sun-spots, and may have been the actual year of minimum disturbance. The corona then presented an appearance according with the theory we are considering.
Few eclipses have been better observed than that of the year 1733. The Royal Society of Sweden invited all who could spare the time to assist, as far as their ability permitted, in recording the phenomena presented during totality. The pastor of Stona Malm states that at Catherinesholm, there was a ring around the sun about 70,000 miles in height. (Of course these are not his exact words; what he actually stated was that the ring was about a digit in breadth.) This is the exact height assigned to the coronal ring by the observers of the eclipse of last year. The ring seemed to be of a reddish colour. Another clergyman, Vallerius, states also that the ring was of this colour, but adds that at a considerable distance from the sun it had a greenish hue. This suggests the idea that the outer corona was seen also by Vallerius, and that it had considerable breadth. The reddish colour of the inner light portion would correspond to the colour it would have if it consisted in the main of glowing hydrogen. If that really was its constitution, then the theory advanced by one observer of the last eclipse, that at the time of minimum solar disturbance the glowing hydrogen is withdrawn from the corona, would be shown to be incorrect. For 1733 was the actual year of minimum solar disturbance. The pastor of Smoland states that 'during the total obscuration the edge of the moon's disc resembled gilded brass, and the faint ring round it emitted rays in an upward as well as in a downward direction, similar to those seen beneath the sun when a shower of rain is impending.' The mathematical lecturer of the Academy of Charles-stadt, M. Edstrom, observed these rays with special attention: he says that 'they plainly maintained the same position, until they vanished along with the ring upon the re-appearance of the sun.' On the other hand, at Lincopia no rays were seen. On the whole it seems clear from the accounts of this eclipse that the inner corona was bright and narrow; rays issued from the outer faint ring; but they were very delicate phenomena, easily concealed by atmospheric haze, and thus were not everywhere observed. As rays were seen in July 1878, there is nothing in the evidence afforded by the eclipse of 1733, occurring at a time of few spots, which opposes itself definitely to the theory we are considering. But the reddish colour of the corona as already noticed is a doubtful feature: in July, 1878, the bright inner corona was of a pearl colour and lustre.
During the eclipse of February, 1766, the corona presented four luminous expansions, and seems to have presented a greater expansion than we should expect in a year of minimum solar disturbance. Such, however, the year 1766 certainly was. The evidence in this case is unfavourable to our theory—not quite decisively so, but strongly. For we should expect that in the year of actual minimum disturbance the corona would be even narrower than in the year 1878, which was the year following that of least disturbance. And again, a strongly distinctive feature in the corona of July, 1878, was the absence of wide expansions, such as were seen in 1870 and 1871. Now if this peculiarity should really be attributed to the relation existing between the corona and the sun-spots, we should infer that in 1766 the corona would have been still more markedly uniform in shape. The existence of four well marked expansions on that occasion forces us to assume that either the relation referred to has no real existence, or else that the corona may change from week to week as the condition of the sun's surface changes, and that in February, 1766, the sun was temporarily disturbed, though the year, as a whole, was one of minimum disturbance. But as the epoch of actual minimum was the middle of 1766, February 1766 should have been a time of very slight disturbance. I do not know of any observations of the sun recorded for the month of February, 1766. On the whole, the eclipse of 1766 must be regarded as throwing grave doubt on the relation assumed by our theory as existing between the corona and the sun-spots; and as tending to suggest that some wider law must be in question than the one we have been considering—if any association really exists.
The account given by Don Antonio d'Ulloa of the appearance presented by the corona during the total eclipse of 1778, is rendered doubtful by his reference to an apparent rotatory motion of the normal rays. He says that about five or six seconds after totality had begun, a brilliant luminous ring was seen around the dark body of the moon. The ring became brighter as the middle of totality approached. 'About the middle of the eclipse, the breadth of the ring was equal to about a sixth of the moon's diameter. There seemed to issue from it a great number of rays of unequal length, which could be discerned to a distance equal to the moon's diameter.' Then comes the part of d'Ulloa's description which seems difficult to accept. He says that the corona 'seemed to be endued with a rapid rotatory motion, which caused it to resemble a firework turning round its centre.' The colour of the light, he proceeds, 'was not uniform throughout the whole breadth of the ring. Towards the margin of the moon's disc it appeared of a reddish hue; then it changed to a pale yellow, and from the middle to the outer border the yellow gradually became fainter, until at length it seemed almost quite white.' Setting aside the rays and their rotation, d'Ulloa's account of the inner corona may be accepted as satisfactory. The height of this ring was, it seems, about 140,000 miles, or twice that of the ring seen in July 1878. As the year 1779 was one of maximum solar disturbance, there were doubtless many spots in 1778; and the aspect of the corona accorded well with the theory that the corona expands as the number of sun-spots increases.
We come now to three eclipses which are especially interesting as having been all carefully observed, some observers having seen all three—the eclipses, namely, of 1842, 1851, and 1860. Unfortunately the eclipses of 1842 and 1851 occurred when the sun-spots were neither at their greatest nor at their least degree of frequency. For a maximum of sun-spots occurred in 1837, and a minimum in 1844, so that 1842 was on what may be called the descending slope of a sun-spot wave, nearer the hollow than the crest, but not very near either: again, a maximum occurred in 1848, and a minimum in 1856, so that 1851 was also on the descending slope of a sun-spot wave, rather nearer the crest than the hollow, but one may fairly say about midway between them. Still it is essential in an inquiry of this sort to consider intermediate cases. We must not only apply the comparentia ad intellectum instantiarum convenientium, but also the comparentia instantiarum secundum magis ac minus. If the existence of great solar disturbances causes the corona to be greatly enlarged, as compared with the corona seen when the sun shows no spots, we should expect to find the corona moderately enlarged only when the sun shows a considerable but not the maximum number of spots. And again, it is conceivable that we may find some noteworthy difference between the aspect of the corona when sun-spots are diminishing in number, and its aspect when they are increasing. This point seems the more to need investigation when we note that the evidence derived from eclipses occurring near the time either of maximum or of minimum solar disturbance has not been altogether satisfactory. It may be that we may find an explanation of the discrepancies we have recognised, in some distinction between the state of the corona when spots are increasing and when they are diminishing in number.
It is noteworthy that several careful observers of the corona in 1842 believed that they could recognise motion in the coronal rays. Francis Baily compared the appearance of the corona to the flickering light of a gas illumination. O. Struve also was much struck by the appearance of violent agitation in the light of the ring. It seems probable that the appearance was due to movements in that part of our atmosphere through which the corona was observed. The extent of the corona was variously estimated by different observers. Petit, at Montpelier, assigned to it a breadth corresponding to a height of about 200,000 miles; Baily a height of about 500,000 miles; and O. Struve a height of more than 800,000 miles. The last-named observer also recognised luminous expansions extending fully four degrees (corresponding to nearly seven million miles) from the sun. Picozzi, at Milan, noticed two jets of light, which were seen also by observers in France. Rays also were seen by Mauvais at Perpignan, and by Baily at Paria. But Airy, observing the corona from the Superga, could see no radiation; he says 'although a slight radiation might have been perceptible, it was not sufficiently intense to affect in a sensible degree the annular structure by which the luminous appearance was plainly distinguished.' These varieties in the aspect of the corona were doubtless due to varieties in the condition of the atmosphere through which the corona was seen. Now it cannot be questioned that, so far as extension is concerned, the corona seen in 1842 was one which, if the theory we are considering were sound, we should expect to see near the time of maximum rather than of minimum solar disturbance. On the other hand, in brightness the corona of 1842 resembled, if it did not surpass, that of July 1878.
'I had imagined,' says Baily, 'that the corona, as to its brilliant or luminous appearance, would not be greater than that faint crepuscular light which sometimes takes place (sic) in a summer evening, and that it would encircle the moon like a ring. I was therefore somewhat surprised and astonished at the splendid scene which now so suddenly burst upon my view.'
The light of the corona was so bright, O. Struve states, that the naked eye could scarcely endure it; 'many could not believe, indeed, that the eclipse was total, so strongly did the corona's light resemble direct sunlight.' Thus while as to extent the corona in 1842 presented the appearance to be expected at the time of maximum solar disturbance, if our theory is sound, its brightness was that corresponding to a time of minimum disturbance. Its structure corresponded with the former condition. The light of the corona was not uniform, nor merely marked by radiations, but in several places interlacing lines of light could be seen. Arago, at Perpignan, observed with the unaided eye a region of the corona where the structure was as of intertwined jets giving an appearance resembling a hank of thread in disorder.
Certainly, for an eclipse occurring two years from the time of minimum, and five years from the time of maximum disturbance, that of July, 1842,[1] has not supplied evidence favouring the theory with which we started. Whether any other theory of association between the corona and the sun-spots will better accord with the evidence hitherto collected remains to be seen.
Turn we now to the eclipse of 1851, occurring nearly midway between the epochs of maximum solar disturbance (1848) and minimum solar disturbance (1856). I take the account given by Airy, our Government astronomer, as he was one of the observers of the eclipse of 1842.
'The corona was far broader,' he says, 'than that which I saw in 1842. Roughly speaking, the breadth was little less than the moon's diameter, but its outline was very irregular. I did not notice any beams projecting from it which deserved notice as much more conspicuous than the others; but the whole was beamy, radiated in structure, and terminated—though very indefinitely—in a way which reminded me of the ornament frequently placed round a mariner's compass. Its colour was white, or resembling that of Venus. I saw no flickering or unsteadiness of light. It was not separated from the moon by any interval, nor had it any annular structure. It looked like a radiated luminous cloud behind the moon.'
The corona thus described belongs to that which our theory associates with the period of maximum rather than of minimum solar disturbance. Definite peculiarities of structure seem to have been more numerous and better marked than in 1842. It accords with our theory that 1851 was a year of greater solar disturbance than was observed in 1842, as the following numbers show:—
Days of observation | Days without spots | New groups observed | |
1842 | 307 | 64 | 68 |
1851 | 308 | 0 | 141 |
1860 | 332 | 0 | 211 |
I have included the year 1860, as we now proceed to consider the corona then seen by Airy. The year 1860 did not differ very markedly, it will be observed, from 1851, as regards the number of new groups of spots observed by Schwabe, especially when account is taken of the number of days in which the sun was observed in these two years. But 1860 was a year of maximum solar disturbance, whereas 1851 was not.[2]
Airy remarks of the corona in 1860:—'It gave a considerable body, but I did not remark either by eye-view or by telescope-view anything annular in its structure; it appeared to me to resemble, with some irregularities (as I stated in 1851), the ornament round a compass-card.'
Bruhns of Leipsic noted that the corona shone with an intense white light, so lustrous as to dim the protuberances. He noticed that a ray shot out to a distance of about one degree indicating a distance of at least 1,500,000 miles from the sun's surface. This was unquestionably a coronal appendage as neither the direction nor the length of the ray varied for ten seconds, during which Bruhns directed his attention to it. Its light was considerably feebler than that of the corona, which was of a glowing white, and seemed to coruscate or twinkle. Bruhns assigned to the inner corona a height varying from about 40,000 to about 80,000 miles. But this was unquestionably far short of the true height. In fact, Secchi's photographs show the corona extending to a distance of at least 175,000 miles from the surface of the sun. Therefore probably what Bruhns calls the base of the corona was in reality only the prominence region, and the inner corona was that which he describes as varying in breadth or height from nearly one-half to a quarter of a degree—that is from about 800,000 to about 400,000 miles. De la Rue gives a somewhat similar general description of the corona seen in 1860. He remarks that it was extremely bright near the moon's body, and of a silvery whiteness. The picture of the corona by Feilitsch (given at p. 343 of my book on the Sun) accords with these descriptions.
On the whole, the eclipse of 1860 affords evidence according well with the theory we have been considering, except as regards the brightness and the colour of the corona, which correspond more closely with what was observed in July, 1878, with the lustre and colour of the corona in 1870 and 1871. In this respect, it is singular that the eclipse of 1867, which occurred (see preceding note) when the sun spots were fewer in number, presented a decided contrast to that of 1860—the contrast being, however, precisely the reverse of that which our theory would require, if the colour and brightness of the corona be considered essential features of any law of association.
Herr Grosch, describing the corona of 1867, says, 'There appeared around the moon a reddish glimmering light similar to that of the aurora, and almost simultaneously with this (I mean very shortly after it) the corona.' It is clear, however, from what follows, that the reddish light was what is now commonly called the inner corona, which last July, when the sun was in almost exactly the same condition as regards the spots, was pearly white and intensely bright. 'This reddish glimmer,' he proceeds, 'which surrounded the moon with a border of the breadth of at most five minutes' (about 140,000 miles) 'was not sharply bounded in any part, but was extremely diffused and less distinct in the neighbourhood of the poles.' Of the outer corona he remarks that 'its apparent height amounted to about 280,000 miles opposite the solar poles, but opposite the polar equator to about 670,000 miles. Its light was white. This white light was not in the least radiated itself, but it had the appearance of rays penetrating through it; or rather as if rays ran over it, forming symmetrical pencils diverging outwards, and passing far beyond the boundary of the white light. These rays had a more bluish appearance, and might best be compared to those produced by a great electro-magnetic light. Their similarity to these, indeed, was so striking, that under other circumstances I should have taken them for such, shining at a great distance. The view of the corona I have described is that seen with the naked eye. … In the white light of the corona, close upon the moon's edge, there appeared several dark curves. They were symmetrically arched towards the east and west, sharply drawn, and resembling in tint lines drawn with a lead pencil upon white paper. … Beginning at a distance of one minute (about 26,000 miles), they could be traced up to a distance of about nine minutes (some 236,000 miles) from the moon's edge.'
Almost all the features observed in this case correspond closely with those noted and photographed during the eclipse of December, 1871. In other words the corona seen in 1867, when the sun was passing through the period of least solar disturbance, closely resembled the corona seen in 1871, when the sun was nearly in its stage of greatest disturbance. Even the spectroscopic evidence obtained in 1871 and July, 1878, may be so extended as to show with extreme probability what would have been seen in 1867 if spectroscopic analysis had then been applied. We cannot doubt that the reddish inner corona, extending to a height of about 140,000 miles, would have been found under spectroscopic analysis to shine in part with the light of glowing hydrogen, as the reddish corona of 1871 did. The white corona of July, 1878, on the contrary, shone only with such light as comes from glowing solid or liquid matter. Here then, again, the evidence is unfavourable to our theory; for the corona in 1867 should have closely resembled the corona of 1878, if this theory were sound.
It would be idle, I think, to seek for farther evidence either in favour of the theory we originally proposed to discuss, or against it: for the evidence of the eclipse of 1867 disposes finally of the theory in that form. I may note in passing that the eclipse of 1868 gave evidence almost equally unfavourable to the theory, while the evidence given by the eclipse of 1869 was neutral. It will be desirable, however, to consider, before concluding our inquiry, the evidence obtained in 1871 and last July, in order that we may see what, after all, that evidence may be regarded as fairly proving with regard to coronal variations.
First, however, as I have considered two eclipses which occurred when the sun spots were decreasing in number—namely, those of 1842 and 1851, midway (roughly speaking) between the crest and hollow of the sun-spot wave on its descending slope, it may be well to consider an eclipse which was similarly situated with respect to the ascending slope of a sun-spot wave. I take, then, the eclipse of 1858, as seen in Brazil by Liais. The picture drawn by this observer is one of the most remarkable views of the corona ever obtained. It is given at p. 339 of my book on the Sun. Formerly it was the custom to deride this drawing, but since the eclipse of 1871, when the corona was photographed, it has been admitted that Liais's drawing may be accepted as thoroughly trustworthy. It shows a wonderfully complex corona, like that of 1871, extending some 700,000 miles from the sun, and corresponding in all respects with such a corona as our theory (if established) would have associated with the stage of maximum solar disturbance. As in this respect the eclipse of 1858, when sun-spots were increasing, resembled those of 1842 and 1851, when sun-spots were diminishing in number, we find no trace of any law of association depending on the rate of increase or diminution of solar disturbance.
If we limited our attention to the eclipses of 1871 and of July, 1878, we should unquestionably be led to adopt the belief that the corona during a year of many spots differs markedly from the corona when the sun shows few spots, or none. So far as the aspect of the corona is concerned, I take the description given by the same observer in both cases, as the comparison is thus freed as far as possible from the effect of personal differences.
Mr. Lockyer recognised in 1871 a corona resembling a star-like decoration, with its rays arranged almost symmetrically—three above and three below two dark spaces or rifts at the extremity of a horizontal diameter. The rays were built up of innumerable bright lines of different length, with more or less dark spaces between them. Near the sun this structure was lost in the brightness of the central ring, or inner corona. In the telescope he saw thousands of interlacing filaments, varying in intensity. The rays so definite to the eye were not seen in the telescope. The complex structure of interlacing filaments could be traced only to a height of some five or six minutes (from 135,000 to 165,000 miles) from the sun, there dying out suddenly. The spectroscope showed that the inner corona, to this height at least (but Respighi's spectroscopic observations prove the same for a much greater distance from the sun), was formed in part of glowing gas—hydrogen—and the vapour of some as yet undetermined substance, shining with light of a green tint, corresponding to 1474 of Kirchhoff's scale. But also a part of the coronal light came from matter which reflected sunlight; for its spectrum was the rainbow-tinted streak crossed by dark lines, which we obtain from any object illuminated by the sun's rays. It should be added that the photographs of the corona in 1871 show the three great rays above and three below, forming the appearance as of a star-like decoration, described by Mr. Lockyer; insomuch as it is rather strange to find Mr. Lockyer remarking that 'the difference between the photographic and the visible corona came out strongly, … and the non solar origin of the radial structure was conclusively established.' The resemblance is, indeed, not indicated in the rough copy of the photographs which illustrates Mr. Lockyer's paper; but it is clearly seen in the photographs themselves, and in the fine engraving which has been formed from them for the illustration of the volume which the Astronomical Society proposes to issue (some time in the present century, perhaps).
Now, in July, 1878, the corona presented an entirely different appearance. Mr. Lockyer, in a telegram sent to the Daily News, describes it as small, of pearly lustre, and having indications of definite structure in two places only. Several long rays were seen; but the inner corona was estimated as extending to a height of about 70,000 miles from the sun's surface. The most remarkable change, however, was that which had taken place in the character of the corona's spectrum—or, in other words, in the physical structure of the corona. The bright lines or bright images of the inner corona (according as it was examined through a slit or without one) were not seen in July, 1878, showing that no part, or at least no appreciable part, of its light came from glowing gaseous matter. But also the dark lines seen by Janssen in 1871 were wanting on this occasion, showing that the corona did not shine appreciably by reflecting sunlight. The spectrum was, in fine, a continuous rainbow-tinted streak, such as that given by glowing solid or liquid matter.
The inference clearly is: 1. That in July, 1878, the gaseous matter which had been present in the corona in 1871 was either entirely absent or greatly reduced in quantity; 2. The particles of solid or liquid (but probably solid) matter which, by reflecting sunlight, produced a considerable portion of the corona's light in 1871, were glowing with heat in July, 1878, and shone in the main with this inherent light; and 3. The entire corona was greatly reduced in size in July, 1878, as compared with that which formed the 'star-like decoration' around the black body of the moon in December, 1871.
We cannot, however, accept the theory that such a corona as was seen in 1871 invariably surrounds the sun in years of great disturbance, while the corona of last month is the typical corona for years of small solar disturbance. The generalisation is flatly contradicted by the evidence which I have presented in the preceding pages. It may be that such a corona as was seen in 1871 is common in years of great disturbance, just as spots are then more common, though not always present; while such a corona as was seen in July, 1878, is more common in years of small disturbance, just as days when the sun is wholly without spots are then more common, though from time to time several spots, and sometimes very large spots, are seen in such years. On the whole, I think the evidence I have collected favours rather strongly the inference that an association of this sort really exists between the corona and the sun-spots. It would, however, be unsafe at present to generalise even to this extent; while certainly the wide generalisation telegraphed to Europe from America as the great result of the eclipse observations in July, 1878, must unhesitatingly be rejected.
It remains to be considered how science may hope to obtain more trustworthy evidence than we yet have respecting the corona and its changes of form, extent, lustre, and physical constitution. In the case of the prominences, we have the means of making systematic observations on every fine, clear day. It has been, indeed, through observations thus effected by the spectroscopic method that an association has been recognised between the number, size, and brilliancy of the prominences on the one hand, and the number, size, and activity of the sun-spots on the other. But in the case of the corona, we are as yet unable to make any observations except at the time of total solar eclipse. It seems almost impossible to hope that any means can be devised for seeing the corona at any other time. Of course, without the aid of the spectroscope the corona, as ordinarily seen during total eclipses, must be entirely invisible when the sun is shining in full splendour. No one acquainted with even the merest elements of optics could hope to see the corona with an ordinary telescope at such a time. The spectroscope, again, would not help in the slightest degree to show such a corona as was shining in July, 1878. For the power of the spectroscope to show objects which under ordinary conditions are invisible, depends on the separation of rays of certain tints from the rays of all the colours of the rainbow, which make up solar light; and as the corona in July, 1878, shone with all the colours of the rainbow, and not with certain special tints, the power of the spectroscope would be thrown away on a corona of that kind. All that we can ever hope to do is to discern the gaseous corona when, as in 1871, it is well developed, by spectroscopic appliances more effective for that purpose than any which have hitherto been adopted; for all which have as yet been adopted have failed.
Now, the difficulty of the problem will be recognised when we remember that the strongest tints of the corona's light—the green tint classified as 1474 Kirchhoff—has been specially but ineffectually searched for in the sun's neighbourhood with the most powerful spectroscopic appliances yet employed in the study of the coloured prominences. In other words, when the light of our own air over the region occupied by the corona has been diluted as far as possible by spectroscopic contrivances, the strongest of the special coronal tints has yet failed to show through the diluted spectrum of the sky. Again, we have even stronger evidence of the difficulty of the task in the spectroscopic observations made by Respighi during the eclipse of 1871. The instrument, or I should rather, perhaps, say the arrangement, which during mid totality showed the green image of the corona to a height of about 280,000 miles, did not show any green ring at all at the beginning of totality. In other words, so faint is the light of the gaseous corona, even at its brightest part, close to the sun, that the faint residual atmospheric light which illuminates the sky over the eclipsed sun at the beginning of totality sufficed to obliterate this part of the coronal light.
Whether with any combination specially directed to meet the difficulties of this observation, the gaseous corona can be rendered discernible, remains to be seen. I must confess my own hopes that the problem will ever be successfully dealt with are very slight, though not absolutely evanescent. It seems to me barely possible that the problem might be successfully attacked in the following way. Using a telescope of small size, for the larger the telescope the fainter is the image (because of greater loss of light by absorption), let the image of the sun be received in a small, perfectly darkened camera attached to the eye-end of the telescope. Now if the image of the sun were received on a smooth white surface we know that the prominences and the corona would not be visible. And again, if the part of such a surface on which the image of the sun itself fell were exactly removed, we know (the experiment has been tried by Airy) that the prominences would not be seen on the ring of white surface left after such excision. Still less, then, would the much fainter image of the corona be seen. But if this ring of white surface, illuminated in reality by the sky, by the ring of prominences and sierra, and by the corona, were examined through a battery of prisms (used without a slit) adjusted to any one of the known prominence tints, the ring of prominences and sierra would be seen in that special tint. If the battery of prisms were sufficiently effective, and the tint were one of the hydrogen tints—preferably, perhaps, the red—we might possibly be able to trace the faint image of the corona in that tint. But we should have a better chance with the green tint corresponding to the spectral line 1474 Kirchhoff. If the ring of white surface were replaced by a ring of green surface, the tint being as nearly that of 1474 Kirchhoff as possible, the chance of seeing the coronal ring in that tint would be somewhat increased; and, still further, perhaps, if the field of view were examined through green glass of the same tint. It seems just possible that if prisms of triple height were used, through which the rays were carried three times, by an obvious modification of the usual arrangement for altering the level of the rays, thus giving a power of eighteen flint glass prisms of sixty degrees each, evidence, though slight perhaps, might be obtained of the presence of the substance which produces the green line. Thus variations in the condition of the corona might be recognised, and any law affecting such variations might be detected. I must confess, however, that a consideration of the optical relations involved in the problem leads me to regard the attempt to recognise any traces of the corona when the sun is not eclipsed as almost hopeless.
It is clear that until some method for thus observing the corona has been devised, future eclipse observations will acquire a new interest from the light which they may throw on the coronal variations, and their possible association in some way, not as yet detected, with the sun-spot period. Even when a method has been devised for observing the gaseous corona, the corona whose light comes either directly or by reflection from solid or liquid matter will still remain undiscernible save only during total eclipses of the sun. Many years must doubtless pass, then, before the relation of the corona to the prominences and the sun-spots shall be fully recognised. But there can be no question that the solution of this problem will be well worth waiting for, even though it should not lead up (as it most probably will) to the solution of the mystery of the periodic changes which affect the surface of the sun.