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Upgrading Software with apt


While apt helps protect you from problems installing software, trying to coordinate a multiple‐package update with dependencies can get tricky. To safely upgrade all the software packages on a system with any new versions in the repository, use the upgrade command (again, using sudo to obtain root privileges).

sudo apt upgrade

Notice that this command doesn't take any software package names as an argument. That's because the upgrade option will upgrade all the installed packages to the most recent version available in the repository, which is safer for system stabilization.

Figure 3.1 shows a sample output from running the apt upgrade command.

In the Figure 3.1 output, notice that apt lists the packages that will be upgraded, but also any new packages that are required to be installed because of upgrades.

The upgrade command won't remove any packages as part of the upgrade process. If a package needs to be removed as part of an upgrade, use the following command:

sudo apt full-upgrade

Although this may seem like an odd thing, sometimes it's required to remove packages to keep things synchronized between distribution upgrades.

FIGURE 3.1 Upgrading Ubuntu using apt

Mastering Linux System Administration

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