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ОглавлениеPhlogœnas menagei Bourns and Worcester, Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci. Occ. Papers (1894), 1, 10; Sharpe, Hand-List (1899), 1, 88; McGregor and Worcester, Hand-List (1906), 15.
Tawi Tawi (Bourns & Worcester).
“Adult male.—Entire upper surface of head, nape, hind neck, upper back, sides of neck, and sides of breast rich metallic green; scapulars and interscapulars dark brown, broadly edged with elegant violet when specimen is held between observer and the light, this color changing to deep green when specimen is held away from source of light; rump and upper tail-coverts ruddy brown narrowly edged with metallic colors of back; a few of the longest coverts nearly black, washed with rufous-brown at tips; basal portion of tail-feathers dark ashy gray, the two central feathers darkest; a distinct subterminal band of black on all but central pair of feathers; all the feathers with a terminal gray band, least distinct on central pair; wing-coverts dark brown, broadly tipped with metallic green except outer series, which are broadly tipped with ashy gray; primary- and secondary-coverts and secondaries fulvous-brown, the outer half of outer webs of feathers rich rufous-brown, the inner secondaries having the entire outer web, and tip of inner web, of this color; primaries fulvous-brown faintly washed with rufous-brown on basal half of outer webs; lores, a narrow line under eye, and ear-coverts nearly black with a faint wash of metallic green; metallic green of back and sides of neck continued in a distinct band across the breast, only slightly interrupted at center of breast and inclosing a beautiful orange plastron formed by the bristle-like tips of the feathers of the fore breast; basal portion of these feathers as well as chin, throat, sides of face, and sides of throat pure white; an indistinct white band behind the green pectoral band; hind breast and upper abdomen pearly ash, a few of the feathers tipped with creamy white; belly creamy white; flanks, thighs, and under tail-coverts buff; under surface of tail like upper, the terminal band being rather more pronounced; under wing-coverts, axillars, and basal portion of inner webs of all the quills chestnut-brown; rest of quills dark brown. Iris light silver-gray; bill slaty gray at tip, black at base; legs and feet light red; nails light brown. Length, 286; wing, 153; tail, 103; culmen, 21; tarsus, 36.
“Extremely rare and difficult to obtain. We secured two fine males but failed to get a female.” (Bourns and Worcester.)