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 Phabotreron cinereiceps Bourns and Worcester, Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci. Occ. Papers (1894), 1, 8; Sharpe, Hand-List (1899), 1, 55.

 Phapitreron cinereiceps McGregor and Worcester, Hand-List (1906), 10.

Tawi Tawi (Bourns & Worcester).

Adult.—Top of head, nape, and sides of neck clear ashy gray, slightly washed with rufous on forehead; hind neck amethystine as in P. amethystina; back, rump, and upper tail-coverts brown with bronze reflections, the tail-coverts slightly more ruddy than back; four outer pairs of tail-feathers dark brown, lighter at base; two central pairs ruddy brown with bronze reflections; all the tail-feathers with ashy tips which form a distinct terminal band 6 mm. in width; shafts of tail-feathers black; wing-coverts and secondaries uniform with back; primaries dark brown, the first five sharply edged with rusty brown on outer web; a narrow black stripe under eye; sides of face, ear-coverts, fore neck, and breast rich ruddy brown, the breast with a slight metallic gloss; chin and throat lighter; abdomen and thighs fulvous brown; flanks darker with slight metallic wash; under tail-coverts clear ashy gray; shafts of tail-feathers with basal half black, apical half white; under surface of tail nearly black, the terminal gray band distinct and wider than on upper surface, measuring 15 mm. on outer pair of feathers; under wing-coverts and axillars like the flanks; under surface of quills uniform dark brown. Bill black; legs and feet dirty purplish; nails black; iris in one specimen bright yellow, in another orange-red. Length, 260; wing, 134; tail, 99; culmen, 20; tarsus, 18. Sexes alike.” (Bourns and Worcester.)

This species is known from the types only.

A Manual of Philippine Birds

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